

Din sökning på "*" gav 532319 sökträffar

Nordic research in ophthalmology

PURPOSE: To provide an overview of some of the current activities in eye research in the Nordic countries.METHODS: The presentations at the biannual Nordic Congress of Ophthalmology, held in Tampere, Finland in 2002, were reviewed and the contributions found most noteworthy are included in this article along with a limited discussion of each research field. However, space requirements prevented th

Temperature characterization of an operando flow reactor for heterogeneous catalysis

In this work, we present several methods to determine the temperature of a catalyst sample, as well as the gas surrounding it, in a typical flow reactor used for operando research on heterogeneous catalysis. To determine the sample temperature, we present an approach using calibrated IR-camera imagery, as well as thermographic phosphors. For the gas temperature, we present methods to extract tempe

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Malignant melanoma (MM) is a frequent form of cancer with increasing incidence. 6-10% of patients with MM report a family history of MM, and in most populations 2% of unselected cases of MM carry a CDKN2A mutation. tvWe present a family with 24 cases of MM in nine persons from several generations, caused by a previously undescribed germ-line intronic mutation in CDKN2A. Through genetic counselling

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The current procedure of doctoral itinerary does not leave many choices to the doctoral supervisor: Once admitted, the doctoral student is required to defend three reports that are not graded in any way, and the commission can only offer some recommendations. The PhD supervisor cannot reject the report before supporting it. Everything is more a formality. Understanding this, many PhD students do n

Mutational Landscape in Resected Periampullary Adenocarcinoma: Relationship With Morphology and Clinical Outcome

PURPOSE Periampullary adenocarcinomas encompass a heterogeneous group of tumors with dismal prognosisand limited treatment options. Emerging evidence shows that tumor morphology (ie, intestinal type [I-type] orpancreatobiliary type [PB-type]) is a more relevant prognostic factor than tumor origin. Knowledge is sparse,however, on whether key mutations differ according to morphology.MATERIALS AND ME

Geoelectrical Imaging for Pre-investigation for Urban Underground Infrastructure

The project is part of the Geoinfra TRUST framework that is working towards developing techniques for more cost efficient and sustainable underground construction in urban areas (see http://trust-geoinfra.se/ for more information). This project aims at development and adaptation of DCIP (DC resistivity and induced polarisation) imaging for use in urban environments, and includes demonstration and

Datering av grundvatten ur ett riskfokusperspektiv

I Naturvårdsverkets miljömålsuppföljning från 2013 slås det fast att förorenat grundvatten utgör ett nationellt problem. Det konstateras vidare att uppföljningen och övervakning-en av förorenat grundvatten är otillräcklig, något som även uppmärksammats i EUs vattendirektivsuppföljning (2012). Förekomsten av förorenande ämnen i svenska grundvatten-magasin behöver utredas bättre, inte minst för att

Ribosome biogenesis during cell cycle arrest fuels EMT in development and disease

Ribosome biogenesis is a canonical hallmark of cell growth and proliferation. Here we show that execution of Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT), a migratory cellular program associated with development and tumor metastasis, is fueled by upregulation of ribosome biogenesis during G1/S arrest. This unexpected EMT feature is independent of species and initiating signal, and is accompanied by

In vitro intestinal lipolysis of emulsions based on starch granule Pickering stabilization

The effect of barrier properties on in vitro intestinal lipolysis of three different types of emulsions based on oil-in-water starch granule Pickering stabilization has been investigated including non-heat treated, heat treated (gelatinized) and heat treated and stored (retrograded) emulsions. The stability of starch covered oil-water interfaces towards in vitro intestinal lipolysis was correlated

Energy saving in thermal energy systems using dimpled surface technology – A review on mechanisms and applications

Recently, dimpled surfaces have found great attention due to their abilities in energy management and heat transfer enhancement, low weight, small values of pressure drop penalty, simple fabrication, and small maintenance costs. Many experimental and numerical studies are accomplished to investigate the potentials of dimpled surface technology in energy management of various thermal energy systems

Late Holocene pathway of Asian Summer Monsoons imprinted in soils and societal implications

The Asian Summer Monsoons (ASM) represent the main source of precipitation in China and East Asia with about one third of the world population and a region of widespread civilizations. Identifying the temporal and spatial patterns (pathways) of these monsoonal events during the Late Holocene to today has been a matter of debate amongst the scientific community. Here we show that the distribution

New approaches to evacuation modelling for fire safety engineering applications

This paper presents the findings of the workshop “New approaches to evacuation modelling”, which took place on the 11th of June 2017 in Lund (Sweden)within the Symposium of the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS). The workshop gathered international experts in the field of fire evacuation modelling from 19 different countries and was designed to build a dialogue between the f