Din sökning på "*" gav 535416 sökträffar
Centralasien - fast i återvändsgränden?
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Organising 8000 volunteers to observe foreign trucking operations - A novel, innovative approach using smartphones and social media
The deregulation of the European transport market has been a controversial topic, characterised by a lack of facts and figures on the actual impact of the regulations. Given the crucial importance of road freight transportation to European society, and the lack of figures and control of foreign vehicles operating domestically in other countries, the purpose of this paper is to present a novel, inn
Swedish opposites - a multi-method approach to antonym canonicity
In spite of the fact that antonymy is considered to be an important organising lexico-semantic principle, very little research has been conducted to get a better grasp of what ‘goodness’ of binary opposition in human language and thought really is. The focus of this study is what distinguishes antonyms such as bra-dålig ‘good-bad’, lång-kort ‘long-short’, tunn-tjock ‘thin-thick’ from other types o
Persons who attempt suicide - social characteristics, social network and significant others
Popular Abstract in Swedish Självmord och självmordsförsök orsakar mycket lidande för många människor i vårt samhälle. I Sverige begår ungefär 1800 personer självmord varje år. De flesta av dessa personer hade vid tiden för självmordet en psykisk sjukdom. Man har funnit att åtminstone hälften av dessa personer hade en depressionssjukdom, minst en fjärdedel hade alkoholproblem och c:a 5% led av schA suicide attempt is one of the most powerful predictors of eventual suicide. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the social situation, including social support of suicide attempters. One part of the investigations concerned patients admitted to a psychiatric ward following a suicide attempt. Another part concerned significant others (SOs) of suicide attempters, interviewed directly after th
Kalla krigets komplexitet
Att koka soppa på en spik - den tidigmedeltida stentransporten till Domkyrkan
Infectious Agents, the Contact System, and Innate Immunity
The early host response to an infection is dependent on an efficient innate immune system. The human contact system once activated at a bacterial surface results in the induction of proinflammatory reactions and the release of antimicrobial peptides, However, under severe conditions its systemic activation A may evoke the generation of pathologic levels of kinins and a consumption of contact facto
Offrets rättsskydd eller förövarens rättssäkerhet - en nödvändig motsättning?
Phase noise analysis of the LC-tank CMOS oscillator
This paper presents a phase noise analysis of the very popular differential LC-tank CMOS oscillator. Closed-forms formulas for the phase noise in the 1/f2 region are derived under very general assumptions.
Content and Distribution of Short-Chain Fatty Acids in the Hindgut of Rats Fed Various Sources of Indigestible Carbohydrates
There is increasing evidence that short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) formed by colonic fermentation of indigestible carbohydrates have beneficial physiological effects. Butyric acid is the main energy substrate for the colonic mucosa and has been implicated as important in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the colonic mucosa, such as distal ulcerative colitis and cancer. Propionic acid, on t
Numerical investigations of the acoustics of a coaxial nozzle
The acoustic field generated by two coaxial jets is studied numerically. The turbulent non-isothermal flow is handled by Large Eddy Simulations (LES) and the acoustical perturbations are treated by solving an inhomogeneous wave equation. The acoustical source is obtained from the instantaneous LES flow field. The computed flow and acoustical fields are compared to measured data. Good agreement bet
Public Relations
Power and Political Culture: The Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) and the Decline of the New Order (1986-98)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under Indonesiens auktoritära regim Den nya ordningen under president Suharto, avsågs det lilla nationalistkristna koalitionspartiet Indonesiska demokratiska partiet, PDI, spela rollen av ett regeringstroget statskorporatismiskt parti, vars existens skulle demonstrera regimens påstådda demokratiska karaktär. Från den senare hälften av 1980-talet började partiet emellertUnder Indonesia's authoritarian New Order regime of President Suharto, the role envisaged for the small nationalist-Christian coalition the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) was that of a pliant state corporatist party, the existence of which was meant to demonstrate the ostensibly democratic character of the regime. From the second half of the 1980s, however, the party began to develop in a criti
Välfärd i Norden - Mäter vi de väsentliga aspekterna?
A Simulation Study Quantifying the Effects of Drive Cycle Characteristics on the Performance of a Pneumatic Hybrid Bus
In the study presented in this paper, the effect of different vehicle driving cycles on the pneumatic hybrid has been investigated. The pneumatic hybrid powertrain has been modeled in UT-Power and validated against experimental data. The GT-Power engine model has been linked with a MATLAB/simulink vehicle model. The engine in question is a single-cylinder Scania D12 diesel engine, which has been c
Influence of lexical tones on intonation in Kammu
The Costs of EMU and Economic Convergence
Anm. av Andersson, Håkan: Svenska småföretags användning av reserveringar för resultatutjämning och intern finansiering.
User related assessment of Continuous Support & Curve Speed Control (FFA)
The aim of the user related assessment was to study perceived advantages, disadvantages, usefulness, trust, acceptance, willingness to have and pay for the driver assistance system: Continuous Support & Curve Speed Control developed by FFA within the framework of the SECONDS subproject. Due to restrictions in driving in real traffic, assessment activities were limited to driving on a test trac