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Cromwell and Christina, an Unlikely Friendship. Too Close to be Friends, too Protestant to be Enemies? Sweden and England in 1654
Det bästa vetemjölet
Skydd mot rökspridning via ventilation med stoppade fläktar och förbigångar -riskbedömning och dimensionering
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Spin Relaxation in Amphiphilic Liquid Crystals
Spin relaxation theory and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in amphiphilic liquid crystals are presented. Group theory is used to determine the information content and the orientation dependence in spin relaxation experiments, and to investigate the combined effect of crystal and local symmetries and the effect of symmetry on multiple timescales. From lineshapes of a deuterated decanol and
Religionens roll i blandade rättskulturer
Offerkunskap, offerretorik eller offrets rättigheter?
Putting ideas into practice: When teaching intentions are tested
Systematics, phylogeography and polyploid evolution in the Dactylorhiza maculata complex (Orchidaceae)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Jungfru Marie nycklar och skogsnycklar: systematik, evolution och invandringshistoria Jungfru Marie nycklar (ssp. maculata) och skogsnycklar (ssp. fuchsii) bildar tillsammans ett mångformigt och vittspritt artkomplex inom det eurasiska orkidésläktet Dactylorhiza. I min avhandling har jag kommit fram till flera allmänna och biologiskt viktiga slutsatser rörande artbildnThe aim of this thesis was to investigate and describe different aspects of variation in the Dactylorhiza maculata complex and to relate the variation patterns to underlying biological processes such as Quaternary migration history, hybridization and polyploid evolution. The variation patterns were analysed at various geographic levels using molecular markers (plastid DNA and ITS of nrDNA), cytolo
Trafiken i samhället. Kompendium i trafikteknik 1 A.
Transnationella utbildningsmobilitet i Asien : en tvärvetenskaplig studie av ungas strategier och utbildningsvillkor
Unwanted daughters : Gender Discrimination in Modern India
During the past two decades, considerable debate has taken place, particularly in India, on the imbalance in gender ratio and the question of 'missing women.' However, the recent discourses in India have changed the focus from 'missing women' to 'missing girls,' highlighting the precarious situation of female children before birth, at birth, and during childhood. Fetuses have been aborted on a mas
The role of histological grade in discrimination between Luminal A-like and Luminal B-like subtypes in a series of premenopausal breast cancer patients
Teologin splittrar, tron förenar - några tankar om Ester Lutteman
Energikloka hus i Järinge -mätperiod 2010
Halkbenägenhet hos väg med skumbetong : mätningar i fält : teoretiska beräkningar
Non Natural Aromatic Amino Acids Applications in cage-construction, metal ion coordination and asymmetric catalysis
Aromatic non-natural amino acids, the outstanding feature of which was the presence of several arms, were synthesised and their properties investigated. The amino acids were synthesised following a standard procedure starting with a Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons or a Heck reaction, which provided didehydroamino acids. Catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation produced the enantiopure amino acid precursors. The