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Sensitivity of the International Insurance Industry to Climate Change
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Klara, färdiga, gå för MAX IV
Benedictus XVI och liturgin
Liturgi, teologi, liturgireform, kult och skapelse, kyrkosyn, skönhet, ordinarie och extraordinarie form av liturgin
Memento mori – kom ihåg att dö
On LFSR based Stream Ciphers - analysis and design
Popular Abstract in Swedish Den här avhandlingen handlar om kryptering, strömchiffer, metoder för att analysera (knäcka) och konstruera bättre chiffer. Det finns flera olika metoder för att hemliggöra meddelanden. Det klassiska sättet är att två personer som vill kommunicera delar en hemlig nyckel som används för att både kryptera och dekryptera meddelanden. Denna metod kallas symmetrisk krypteriStream ciphers are cryptographic primitives used to ensure privacy in digital communication. In this thesis we focus on stream ciphers built using Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs). Several different stream ciphers are analysed and new attacks are presented. In addition, two new stream ciphers are presented, both based on the same design. The first attack is performed on SOBER-t16 and SOBER
Ecology of red admiral migration
The red admiral (Vanessa atalanta) is a migratory butterfly that can be found in North America, North Africa, Europe and some parts of Asia. In Europe the main part of the population spend winter in the Mediterranean region and the following spring leave this area to breed further to the north. At least one new generation is then produced in the summer region before they return to the south again
Problems of Measuring Democracy: Illustrations from Africa
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The Gains and Pains of Stakeholder Management
Approximating Decoding Thresholds of Punctured LDPC Code Ensembles on the AWGN Channel
In this paper, we provide an efficient way to predict iterative belief propagation (BP) decoding thresholds of randomly punctured low-density parity-check (LDPC) code ensembles on the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGNC), given only the BP threshold of the mother code ensemble on the binary erasure channel (BEC) and the code design rate. We show that the predictions are accur
Roman Maciejewski. Människa. Tonsättare - Uppförandekommentarer
Om den polske tonsättaren Roman Maciejewski. Kompositören var vid sin bortgång 1998 bosatt i Göteborg men hade inte själv velat offentliggöra sina verk även om det utgör en verklig musikalisk skatt.
No title
Seeds of regional structural change. The role of entrepreneurs and expanding firms in shaping local path dependencies
Shortest cycle through specified elements
The development of the types of text in the Nordic languages from the 16th to the end of the 18th century
En översiktlig genomgång av vilka texttyper som förekommo på de nordiska språken under 1500-, 1600- och 1700-talet: vilka som funnos kvar respektive försvunno av de medeltida och vilka som tillkommo såsom nya - uppdelat på olika samhällssfärer: kyrka, myndighetsutövning, undervisning och upplysning, privat offentlighet, privatliv.
Statsvetenskaplig förvaltningsforskning - några beskrivningssätt
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Current fire research and design - Particularly in view of mathematical modelling
With the general trends of the international development of codes, specifications and recommendations for a fire engineering design as a background, the rapidly expanding modelling capabilities are demonstrated and exemplified with respect to the fire growth in a compartment, the fully developed compartment fire, the reaction to fire of materials, the fire spread between buildings, and the fire be
Short-term response to cholinesterase inhibitors in Alzheimer’s disease delays time to nursing home placement.
Waterborne alkyd-acrylic hybrids with high solids content : preparation and properties
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