

Din sökning på "*" gav 534286 sökträffar

Hand Veins Feature Extraction using DTCNNs

Biometric identification is an important security application that requires non-intrusive capture and real-time processing. Recently, identification by vein patterns has been suggested as a promising alternative. In this paper we study the potential of Cellular Neural Networks implemented on a Field-Programmable Gate Array to handle the person identification based on hand veins in real time. With

Causes and consequences of individual variation in energy turnover rates

Individual energy turnover rates can vary remarkably, even within a species. In this thesis I study the causes and consequences of this pronounced variation and show that individual energy turnover rates can be affected by a large number of factors. I here show that both the early conditions during the incubation period and prenatal levels of the hormone testosterone can have consequences on indiv

Measuring the extinction cross section

This paper describes a method to determine the extinction cross section for a very large bandwidth in the microwave region. The method is based on measurements of the radar cross section in the forward direction to calculate the extinction cross section. The method is applicable to samples of arbitrary shape and composition. Coherent background subtraction and time domain gating is used for the fr

Skulle jag grilla lamm med dig? Försoning och oförsonlighet i före detta lägerfångars berättelser

Kan civila som blivit måltavla för krigshandlingar försonas med sina före detta fiender? Denna studie analyserar muntligt gestaltade erfarenheter hos före detta lägerfångar som frihetsberövades i början av kriget i Bosnien-Hercegovina under 1990-talet och placerades i koncentrationslägerna Omarska, Keraterm och Manjaca. Efter kriget har fångarna tagit sin tillflykt till de nordiska länderna. StuIs it possible for civilians, who have been targets of war action, to reconcile with their former enemies? In this study I am analyzing the stories told by former camp-prisoners who were imprisoned at the beginning of the Bosnia-Herzegovina war in the early 1990’s. These prisoners were detained in the concentration-camps of Omarska, Keraterm and Manjača. The former prisoners took refuge in the Nor

Dispersive effective material parameters for Maxwell's equations

We study how effective material parameters can be defined for Maxwell's equations when taking dispersion into account. The reasoning is based on the concept of dispersion relations, and is consequently primarily concerned with lossless media. We essentially require that the effective material parameters should produce the same dispersion relations as the heterogeneous problem, which implies the ef

Challenges, strategies and gender relations among parents of children recently diagnosed with type I diabetes

This study explored (a) parents' process of changes and challenges in their patterns of daily activities after the onset of diabetes in their children; and (b) how personal gender relations can restrain or create functional strategies for managing the changes and challenges of illness. Interviews were conducted with 21 mothers and 15 fathers of 23 children with type 1 diabetes 8 to 10 months after

Electrical Machine Design with Directly Cooled Laminated Fractional Pitch Windings

A directly cooled winding in an electrical machine is an appealing solution for a traction application when the electrical machine is operating near peak power for extended periods of time. This directly cooled winding is based on a laminated structure where the power losses in the conducting strips are instantly dissipated by an air-flow between the strips. As an outcome, the hottest component of

The direct and inverse problem for obliquely incident transient elastodynamic waves

The direct and inverse scattering problems for a plane-stratified viscoelastic medium excited by a transient plane wave of SH or P-SV type are treated. The viscoelastic medium is characterized by two time and space dependent memory functions and a spatially dependent density. The direct and inverse problems are solved by a time-domain wave propagator method that is related to the Green functions t

Vowels in infant- and adult-directed speech

F1 and F2 frequencies of the vowels /i/, /a/ and /u/ were measured in speech directed to an infant and to adults. The vowels were taken from content words as well as function words. The results showed that the vowel triangles in speech to the infant were expanded compared to those in speech to adults, but only in the content words. For function words, the opposite pattern was found: adults produce

Review of Anna J Evertsson, »Gå vi till paradis med sång». Psalmers funktion i begravningsgudstjänster. Lund 2002

Förf:s övergripande frågeställning är vilken roll psalmerna spelar för mötet mellan människors behov och kyrkans trosbudskap i sorgesituationen. Begravningsgudstjänsten ses som mötesplats mellan ”samhällsaspekten” (mindre lyckad beteckning för det existentiella) och ”kyrkoaspekten”. Evertsson har använt Göran Gustafssons enkätmaterial från 2222 begravningsgudstjänster och gjort ett urval utifrån p

Numerical analysis of uncertainties in dual frequency bone ultrasound technique

Abstract in Undetermined Quantitative ultrasound (QUS) measurements are used in the diagnostics of osteoporosis. However, the variation in the thickness and composition of the overlying soft tissue causes significant errors to the bone QUS parameters and diminishes the reliability of the technique in vivo. Recently, the dual frequency ultrasound (DFUS) technique was introduced to minimize the erro

Flykten till Europa och EU:s invandrings- och asylpolitik

I bokens åttonde kapitel relaterar Gregor Noll bokens tema om nya säkerhetshot till den aktuella frågan om EU:s hantering av flyktingar och asylsökande. Kapitlets tes är att EU:s invandrings- och asylpolitik ytterst utgör en protektionistisk ordning med utgångspunkt i nationalstatens kontrollbehov. Noll menar att denna ordning manifesterade sig redan vid unionens tillkomst under femtiotalet. De nu