

Din sökning på "*" gav 533447 sökträffar

Efficacy of HPV DNA testing with cytology triage and/or repeat HPV DNA testing in primary cervical cancer screening.

BACKGROUND: Primary cervical screening with both human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing and cytological examination of cervical cells with a Pap test (cytology) has been evaluated in randomized clinical trials. Because the vast majority of women with positive cytology are also HPV DNA positive, screening strategies that use HPV DNA testing as the primary screening test may be more effective. METHO

On Automation of the PID Tuning Procedure

Within process industry, and in many other areas, the PID controller is responsible for handling regulatory control. An educated guess is that the number of executing PID control loops lies in the billions (2011) and there are no signs indicating a decrease of this number. Properly tuning the PID controller, i.e., setting its parameter values based on characteristics of the process it controls t

Pitfalls in Interpreting Umbilical Cord Blood Gases and Lactate at Birth

Popular Abstract in Swedish Förlossnings- och barnläkare har i många år sökt efter ett instrument för utvärdering av det nyfödda barnets hälsotillstånd. Virginia Apgar introducerade 1953 ett poängsystem som bygger på en subjektiv bedömning av barnets hudfärg, hjärtfrekvens,reflexer/retbarhet, muskeltonus och andning. Koncentrationen i blodet av olika gaser, syror och baser speglar också det nyföddAcid-base status in umbilical cord blood is an objective measure of the fetus’ exposure to and ability to handle hypoxia. The objective of this thesis was to clarify some of the methodological pitfalls in interpreting umbilical cord blood gases and lactate values at birth. Study I pinpoints the methodological confounding in calculating base deficit (BD) with algorithms used in different brands of

Males with high genetic similarity to females sire more offspring in sperm competition in Peron’s tree frog, Litoria peronii

Recent work has confirmed that genetic compatibility among mates can be an important determinant of siring success in sperm competition experiments and in free-ranging populations. Most of this work points towards mate choice of less related mates. However, there may also be the potential for mate choice for intermediate or even genetically similar mates to prevent outbreeding depression or hybrid

Tank-connected food waste disposer systems - Current status and potential improvements.

An unconventional system for separate collection of food waste was investigated through evaluation of three full-scale systems in the city of Malmö, Sweden. Ground food waste is led to a separate settling tank where food waste sludge is collected regularly with a tank-vehicle. These tank-connected systems can be seen as a promising method for separate collection of food waste from both households

Wage penalty of abstinence and wage premium of drinking-A misclassification bias due to pooling of drinking groups?

Several studies have found protective effects of low/moderate (hereafter 'light') alcohol consumption compared with 'abstinence' on mortality, health and wage. Some of these studies have been criticised because former drinkers have been included among the abstainers, which may overstate the protective effect of light alcohol consumption. It has also been proposed, but not shown, that the commonly

Late Holocene and modern glacier changes in the marginal zone of Solheimajokull, South Iceland

The forefield of the Solheimajokull outlet glacier, South Iceland, has a variety of glacial landforms and sediments that are products of late Holocene and modern glacier oscillations. Several sets of moraine ridges reflect past ice front positions and river-cut sedimentary sections provide information about past environments. Here, we describe sediments and landforms deposited during the late Holo

Modelling the impact of climate change and atmospheric N deposition on French forests biodiversity.

A dynamic coupled biogeochemical-ecological model was used to simulate the effects of nitrogen deposition and climate change on plant communities at three forest sites in France. The three sites had different forest covers (sessile oak, Norway spruce and silver fir), three nitrogen loads ranging from relatively low to high, different climatic regions and different soil types. Both the availability

The "shoulder" and the "ridge" in PHENIX

Comparison of two-particle correlations in heavy-ion collisions with measurements in proton collisions shows strong modification of the correlation shape and particle yields. Two new structures are created; both extended in Δη, one centered at Δ = 0 ('ridge') and the other occurring at Δ π ± 1.1 ('shoulder'). In these proceedings, we describe the measurements of these structures that show consiste

Biochemical and biomechanical modulation of the in vitro retina

The porcine retinal explant culture paradigm offers the possibility to study retinal health, disease and development independently from the surrounding tissues of the eye. Retina-intrinsic effects of molecular and mechanical cues on the isolated retinal sheet can thus be studied with great precision. For the purpose of creating a donor tissue optimized for transplantation, we used this system to e

Potential Biomarkers for Radiation-Induced Renal Toxicity following 177Lu-Octreotate Administration in Mice.

C57BL/6N mice were i.v. injected with 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, or 150 MBq 177Lu-octreotate (0, 16, 29, 40, 48, and 54 Gy to the kidneys). At 4, 8, and 12 months after administration, radiation-induced effects were evaluated in relation to (a) global transcriptional variations in kidney tissues, (b) morphological changes in the kidneys, (c) changes in white and red blood cell count as well as blood leve

Relative Sources of European Regional Productivity Convergence: A Bootstrap Frontier Approach

Enflo K. and Hjertstrand P. Relative sources of European regional productivity convergence: a bootstrap frontier approach, Regional Studies. This paper addresses the issue of Western European regional productivity growth and convergence by means of data envelopment analysis (DEA), decomposing labour productivity into efficiency change, technical change and capital accumulation. The decomposition s

The Gaia-ESO Survey: the chemical structure of the Galactic discs from the first internal data release

Aims. Until recently, most high-resolution spectroscopic studies of the Galactic thin and thick discs were mostly confined to objects in the solar vicinity. Here we aim at enlarging the volume in which individual chemical abundances are used to characterise the thin and thick discs, using the first internal data release of the Gaia-ESO survey (GES iDR1). Methods. We used the spectra of around 2000

"... känner du till skillnanden mellan sanning och lögn?" En analys av förundersökningar

I ett barnahus samverkar olika myndigheter för att samordna utredningar som startas då det finns misstanke om brott mot barn. Målet är att samverkan ska leda till ett barnanpassat utredningsförfarande och ett bättre underlag för rättsprocessen. I denna bok beskrivs de barn som misstänks ha varit utsatta för brott, vem som är misstänkt förövare och vilken typ av brott som barnen misstänks ha varit

Nu är det fredagsmys! Chips och gemenskap när vardag blir helg

Tacos, pizza eller hämtmat följt av popcorn och chips i tv-soffan framför Idol eller På spåret: när veckan går mot sitt slut är det fredagsmys som gäller. I denna artikel, som bygger på en dokumentation utförd av Folklivsarkivet, Lunds universitet, åren 2011-2012, analyseras fredagsmys ur olika perspektiv. Med utgångspunkt i ett material bestående av frågelistsvar, en nätetnografisk undersökning o

In vivo and in vitro effects of flutamide and diethylstilbestrol on fetal testicular steroidogenesis in the rat

Prenatal testosterone surge is considered crucial for physiological masculinization of male progeny. Disorders in sex steroid hormone balance during the fetal development may interfere with male reproductive health later in life. In this study, we have investigated in utero and in vitro effects of flutamide (FLU) and diethylstilbestrol (DES) on fetal rat testicular steroidogenesis. In utero exposu