

Din sökning på "*" gav 534699 sökträffar

Fibrinogen genotypes and their impact on recurrence of venous thromboembolism and family history : A prospective population-based study

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) involves blood clot formation in veins, resulting in serious health issues. Fibrinogen, a crucial clotting protein, consists of three polypeptides encoded by the fibrinogen genes: alpha (FGA), beta (FGB) and gamma (FGG). We genotyped most common missense variants in the fibrinogen genes in relation to VTE, recurrence and family history in Malmö Thrombophilia Study, inc

Effect of Deformation Speed on Stress Corrosion and Fracture Toughness of Extruded Mg10Dy and Mg10Dy1Nd Using C-Ring Tests

The influence of the deformation speed in C-ring tests in Ringer's solution on crack initiation and propagation of extruded Mg10Dy and Mg10Dy1Nd is investigated. Deformation speeds varying from 2 to 0.012 mm/min allow corrosion times from a few minutes to hours. Both the crack initiation force (higher for Mg10Dy1Nd) and displacement (higher for Mg10Dy) increase with decreasing deformation speed up

The Question of Adoption : ‘Divided’ Korea, ‘Neutral’ Sweden, and Cold War Geopolitics, 1964–75

This article examines the early development of South Korean intercountry adoption to Sweden. It focuses particularly on two disruptions in the movement of children between the two nations, drawing on archival sources in Sweden, South Korea, and Denmark. The article demonstrates that South Korean–Swedish adoption was deeply bound up in the shifting Cold War relations within and between the Korean p

Influence of Corrosion Extent on Residual Tensile Strength and Corrosion Fatigue Properties of an Mg-Y-Nd Alloy Characterized by μCT

This study focuses on the influence of inhomogeneous corrosion on the quasi-static and cyclic properties of an Mg−Y−Nd alloy. Uniform corrosion is essential for biodegradable implant materials to avoid notching effects and premature failure. Previous studies on extruded Mg−3Y−3RE have shown a pitting tendency in Ringer’s solution at 37 °C. Tensile tests on pre-corroded samples with different corro

”Men egentligen tycker jag att det är ganska coolt att vara trans!” - En ickebinärläsning av barnböckerna Månen, Varelsen och Jag och Euphoria Kids

This thesis was written to bring attention to a group that is still largely invisible in our society - nonbinary people - and examine how nonbinary identities are characterized in children’s literature. It does so by comparing the books Månen, Varelsen och Jag and Euphoria Kids, and discusses them from the perspectives of the intended reader, trans theory, as well as “skev och monster” theory. Thi

Brandrisker i höga hus med trästomme: En jämförande studie mellan litteratur och praktik

Brandrisker i höga hus med trästomme: Hur ser kunskapen ut? I dagens samhälle blir det allt viktigare att förhålla sig miljöneutralt när det finns möjlighet till detta. Detta är något som inte bara gäller för människor ute i stugorna, utan även för företag och organisationer inom alla sektorer. Det är därför inte konstigt att trä, som i jämförelse med betong eller stål är bättre ur miljösynpunkt,The constant progress within both the environmental and constructional areas has led to the utilisation of wood as a construction material, even as a structural member. The progress has been rapid, and with an increased interest in area efficiency, the aim is to construct higher buildings which has raised questions regarding fire safety and fire protection. This paper investigates what knowled

The Power of a Good Book. Books as a Motif for Power in 'Jane Eyre' (1847)

Böcker och läsning är ett centralt motiv i berättelsen om Jane Eyre (1847), vilket på många sätt bidrar till framställningen av karaktärisering, världsbygge och narrativets framfart. Det finns särskilt samband mellan framställningen av böcker och läsning och framställningen av makt och maktdynamiker i Jane Eyre. Tidigare forskning om böcker och läsepraktiker i Jane Eyre har fokuserat på den allusiBooks and reading are a central motif within the narrative of Jane Eyre (1847) by Charlotte Brontë and contributes in many ways to the depiction of characterisation, world-building, and the progression of the narrative. In particular, there are correlations between the depiction of books and reading and the depiction of power and power dynamics in Jane Eyre. Previous research into books and readin

Molecular characterization of High Resistant Starch oat lines

Oats are renowned for their high dietary fibre content and numerous health benefits. As the demand for nutritious diets increases and oats become a more popular dietary staple, it is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the various types of dietary fibre present in oats. To explore the correlation between resistant starch (RS) levels and amylose content in high amylose oat lines, a molecula

Simulating and dimensioning an NH3 adsorber for decentralized production

Med hjälp av programmeringsspråket python samt matematiska samband kan separation av ammoniak och kvävgas via adsorption simuleras på en dator. Detta har stor potential till att skynda på samt vägleda utvecklingen för den adsorbörenhet som i slutändan ska kunna separera ren ammoniak i ett delsteg av en större process. Precis som med den större delen av forskning, kan utveckling av nya processer oAdsorption is an important separation technique in chemical engineering, capable of achieving a high purity of product. As it is also capable of concentrating even very low concentrations it was investigated as a possible method to concentrate the product of an ammonia plasma reactor in the EU DARE2X project. As the development of adsorption systems is expensive and time consuming, a simulation of

Transglutaminase-mediated crosslinking of gelatine and silk hydrogels : Use of microbial transglutaminase for enzymatic crosslinking of gelatine and silk in the formation of hydrogels with tuneable and improved properties

Hydrogels are polymeric networks capable of retaining large amounts of water. They have high biocompatibility and have thus received great attention for various biomedical applications, including as wound dressing and drug delivery agents. They can be fabricated using several methods and from various polymers. In this project, we explored the enzymatic crosslinking of gelatine hydrogels using micr

School principals' proposals for preventive actions to improve mental health

BACKGROUND: School principals face a demanding work situation that puts them at risk for stress-related poor mental health. Ideally, preventive actions should be based on knowledge about the underlying notions that motivate action. However, knowledge about prevention areas and suitable initiatives for school principals is scarce or lacking, leaving key stakeholders without the overview necessary f

How do changes to social rights happen? : Tracing changes in the right to social assistance for irregularised migrants in Sweden

This article investigates changes in the right to social assistance – a means-tested cash support programme, regulated by the Social Services Act – for irregularised migrants over a period of four decades, 1982–2022. The article makes the case that austerity policies have hollowed out the right to support, with significant repercussions for those with irregularised residency status. In doing so, i

Barbara Czarniawska (1948–2024) : reflections in memory of her work and life

Purpose: This paper presents a reflection in memory and tribute to the work and life of Professor Barbara Czarniawska (1948–2024). Design/methodology/approach: We invited those colleagues whom we knew to be close to Barbara to submit reflections about her contributions to academia alongside their memories of her as a person. We present these reflections in the order we received them, and they have

Damm på en byggnadsarbetsplats: Dammhantering under byggproduktionsprocessen för att reducera exponering – En litteraturstudie

Titel: Damm på en byggnadsarbetsplats: Dammhantering under byggproduktionsprocessen för att reducera exponering – En litteraturstudie Författare: Hodan Helge Handledare: Carlos Martinez, Biträdande Universitetslektor, Avdelning för Byggproduktion. Examinator: Laura Liuke, Universitetsadjunkt, Boende och Bostadsutveckling. Programledare vid Byggteknik med Arkitektur. Bakgrund: Byggbranschen är eTitle: Dust on a Construction Site – Dust Management during the Construction Production Process to Reduce Dust Exposure: A Literature Review Author: Hodan Helge Supervisor: Carlos Martinez, Associate Senior lecturer, Division of Construction Management. Examiner: Laura Liuke, Lecturer, Housing Development and Management Programme director at Civil Engineering - Architecture (B.Sc.Eng.) Backgrou

Optimering av sopsugsystem i Brunnshög

Examensarbetet undersöker möjligheterna för optimering av det implementerade sopsugsystemet i Brunnshög, Lund. Brunnshög är ett nyutvecklat bostadsområde i Lund. Eftersom det är planerat för Brunnshög att fortsätta expandera till 8.000-9.000 lägenheter och kontor år 2045, är det nödvändigt att analysera och säkerställa att sopsugsystemet fungerar med sin optimala potential. Idag förser sopsugsyste

The Hunger Games – en medskapande frälsningshistoria : en processteologisk analys av The Hunger Games-trilogin

This bachelor's thesis examines how The Hunger Games trilogy can be interpreted as an example of achieving justice through participatory processes. The aim is to analyze, from a process theological perspective, how the protagonist Katniss Everdeen actively contributes to the liberating process through her actions. The analysis utilizes Catherine Keller's and Sallie McFague's process th

Towardsa Paradigm Shift: How Can Machine Learning Extend the Boundaries of Quantitative Management Scholarship?

Management scholarship is beginning to grapple with the growing popularity of machine learning (ML) as an analytical tool. While quantitative research in our discipline remains heavily influenced by positivist thinking and statistical modelling underpinned by null hypothesis significance testing, ML is increasingly used to solve technical, computationally demanding problems. In this paper, we argu

Why focusing on “climate change denial” is counterproductive

At the end of September, David Malpass, the president of the World Bank, was heavily criticized after failing to acknowledge anthropogenic climate change [henceforth called climate change (1)]. Although he later apologized for and revised his remarks, they sparked a renewed public debate on the existence of climate changedeniers and their impact on our transition toward a more sustainable future (