

Din sökning på "*" gav 533383 sökträffar

The BCL-2 promoter (-938C > A) polymorphism does not predict clinical outcome in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

The (-938C > A) polymorphism in the promoter region of the BCL-2 gene was recently associated with inferior time to treatment and overall survival in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) patients displaying the-938A/A genotype and may thus serve as an unfavorable genetic marker in CLL. Furthermore, the-938A/A genotype was associated with increased expression of Bcl-2. To investigate this furt

Fungal and bacterial growth responses to N fertilization and pH in the 150-year 'Park Grass' UK grassland experiment.

The effects of nitrogen (N) fertilization (0-150 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) since 1865) and pH (3.3-7.4) on fungal and bacterial growth, biomass and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) composition were investigated in grassland soils from the 'Park Grass Experiment', Rothamsted Research, UK. Bacterial growth decreased and fungal growth increased with lower pH, resulting in a 50-fold increase in the relative

Monstret & människan : Paré, Deleuze och teratologiska traditioner i fransk filosofi, från renässanshumanism till posthumanism

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingens ämne är monstrets roll i människans försök att definiera sig själv – hur kroppar som kan benämnas ”monstruösa” fungerar som naturfilosofiska figurer i humanismens strävan att avgränsa det mänskliga från det omänskliga. Studien spänner över perioden från renässansen eller den tidigmoderna eran till postmoderniteten men fokuserar den franska miljön och två gThis dissertation studies the problem of the inhuman in relation to human nature in philosophy from antiquity to the present, highlighting the interrelationship between science and philosophy in the development of concepts of monstrosity in France from mid-sixteenth century to late twentieth century thought. By means of constraint, it focuses on Ambroise Paré (1509/10–90) and Gilles Deleuze (1925–

The impacts of climate change and urbanisation on drainage in Helsingborg, Sweden: combined sewer system.

Assessment of the potential impact of climate change on water systems has been an essential part of hydrological research over the last couple of decades. However, the notion that such assessments should also include technological, demographic and land use changes is relatively recent. In this study, the potential impacts of climate change and continued urbanisation on waste and stormwater flows i

Enantiomeric conservation of the male-produced sex pheromone facilitates monitoring of threatened European hermit beetles (Osmoderma spp.)

Hermit beetles of the genus Osmoderma (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae) are known for their fruity odour, which is released in large amounts by males. Two species of the genus occur in Europe, the eastern Osmoderma barnabita (Motschulsky) and the western Osmoderma eremita (Scopoli). Previous studies on Swedish populations of O. eremita showed that the compound responsible for the characterist

An Imaginary Musical Road Movie : Transmedial Semiotic Structures in Brad Mehldau's Concept Album "Highway Rider"

An Imaginary Musical Road Movie revolves around two integrated objects: on the one hand, the programmatic and cyclic concept album Highway Rider (2010), which is jazz pianist and composer Brad Mehldau’s most complex instrumental work, and on the other hand transmediality, both as a concept and phenomenon. Musicologist Mats Arvidson claims that a deep understanding of an intermedial music culture i

Prevalence of strong vertical CO2 and O-2 variability in the top meters of the ocean

The gradient in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO(2)) across the air-sea boundary layer is the main driving force for the air-sea CO2 flux. Global data bases for surface seawater pCO(2) are actually based on pCO(2) measurements from several meters below the sea surface, assuming a homogeneous distribution between the diffusive boundary layer and the upper top meters of the ocean. Compili

Novel Genome-Wide Association Study-Based Candidate Loci for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Risk

Context: Genome-wide association studies (GWASs) on differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) have identified robust associations with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 9q22.33 (FOXE1), 14q13.3 (NKX2-1), and 2q35 (DIRC3). Our recently published GWAS suggested additional susceptibility loci specific for the high-incidence Italian population. Objective: The purpose of this study was to identify no

The pharmacokinetics of mycophenolate mofetil in renal transplant recipients receiving standard-dose or low-dose cyclosporine, low-dose tacrolimus or low-dose sirolimus: the Symphony pharmacokinetic substudy

Methods. A 3-month pharmacokinetic substudy of the prospective, randomized, multicentre, open-label Symphony study was performed. Eighty-three adult renal transplant patients received standard-dose cyclosporine, MMF 2 g/day and corticosteroids, or daclizumab induction, MMF 2 g/day and corticosteroids plus low-dose cyclosporine, low-dose tacrolimus or low-dose sirolimus. The area under the concentr

Close near-degeneracy in a pair of four-quasiparticle bands in Tl-194

A pair of rotational bands associated with the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2)(-1) configuration at lower spins and with the pi h(9/2) circle times nu i(13/2)(-3) configuration at higher spins is found in Tl-194. The two 4-quasiparticle bands show exceptionally close near-degeneracy in the excitation energies. Furthermore close similarity is also found in their alignments and B(M1)/B(E2) reduced

Fermi Observations of GRB 090510: A Short-Hard Gamma-Ray Burst With an Additional, Hard Power-Law Component From 10 Kev To Gev Energies

We present detailed observations of the bright short-hard gamma-ray burst GRB 090510 made with the Gammaray Burst Monitor (GBM) and Large Area Telescope (LAT) on board the Fermi observatory. GRB 090510 is the first burst detected by the LAT that shows strong evidence for a deviation from a Band spectral fitting function during the prompt emission phase. The time-integrated spectrum is fit by the s

Fifteen-Piconewton Force Detection from Neural Growth Cones Using Nanowire Arrays

We used epitaxially grown monodisperse nanowire arrays to measure cellular forces with a spatial resolution of 1 mu m. Nerve cells were cultured on the array and cellular forces were calculated from the displacement of the nanowire tips. The measurements were done in situ on live cells using confocal microscopy, Forces down to 15 pN were measured on neural growth cones, showing that this method ca

The unequal exchange of Dutch cheese and Kenyan roses: Introducing and testing an LCA-based methodology for estimating ecologically unequal exchange

The theory of ecologically unequal exchange (EUE) posits that international trade is structurally organized in a manner that allows a net transfer of resources from peripheral developing to core industrialized countries. The consequence, it is argued, is under-development in the periphery and augmented productive capacity in the core. EUE thus challenges the neoliberal free-market argument that ex

Specifications for decidable hybrid games

We introduce STORMED hybrid games (SHG), a generalization of STORMED hybrid systems, Vladimerou et al. (2008) [33], which have natural specifications that allow rich continuous dynamics and various decidable properties. We solve the control problem for SHG using a reduction to bisimulation on finite game graphs. This generalizes to a greater family of games, which includes o-minimal hybrid games,

Costimulation blockade induces tolerance to HESC transplanted to the testis and induces regulatory T-cells to HESC transplanted into the heart

In order to study the ability of costimulation blockade to induce tolerance to human embryonic stem cells (HESC), severe combined immunodeficient (SCID), and immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice treated with costimulation blockade received intratesticular and intramyocardial HESC transplants. All SCID mice with intratesticular HESC transplants developed teratoma. When SCID mice were transplanted intramyoc

Hyperspectral fluorescence lidar imaging at the Colosseum, Rome

Fluorescence lidar techniques offer considerable potential for remote, non-invasive diagnostics of stone cultural heritage in the outdoor environment. Here we present the results of a joint Italian-Swedish experiment, deploying two hyperspectral fluorescence lidar imaging systems, for the documentation of past conservation interventions on the Colosseum, Rome. Several portions of the monument were

Harnessing Handheld Computing - Framework, Toolkit and Design Propositions

The rapid development of handheld technologies such as smartphones and personal digital assistants in recent years has created opportunities for the mobile workforce to take advantage of computerised information systems. To apprehend and harness the opportunities of computerised information systems implemented on handheld devices it is crucial to fully understand the user group and the handheld te