

Din sökning på "*" gav 531095 sökträffar

A uniqueness theorem for the Helmholtz' equation: Penetrable media with an infinite interface

In this paper we will prove the uniqueness of a solution to Helmholtz' equation for two halfspaces of different media in $n$ dimensions. The theorem allows a finite number of bounded inhomogeneities in each half space. The surface separating the half spaces is assumed to be a cone of arbitrary cross section far away from the origin and is furthermore assumed to be smooth. We assume all space to be

Universities - in need of continual change and reform?

During the last few decades interdependencies between univrsities and the surrounding society have multiplied, making universities increasingly dependent on their environments. The number of of demands on and requirements of univesities from various sectors in society hav enot only grown in number but are also changing more quickly. This development affects universities which need increased flexib

Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Plant Operational Data by a Common Data Base System

The development of a common data base system for wastewater treatment operating data evaluation is discussed. Data records from wastewater treatment plants which have been converted into standard files in a common data base are used as a case study. Advanced programs for data analysis and simulation have been used to evaluate the data in the common data base. The paper discusses software standardi

Bioprocess Monitoring and Control in Pseudomonas cepacia and recombinant Escherichia coli cultivations

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bioprocesser är samlingsnamnet på alla de system där man utnyttjar någon biologiskt aktiv komponent (biokatalysator) för att utföra (katalysera) en bestämd reaktion. I den här avhandlingen används ordet bioprocess för mikrobiologiska odlingsprocesser, och biokatalysatorn är då en mikroorganism. Man kan utnyttja mikroorganismer för att producera t.ex. enzymer (för miljövThe control of cultivation conditions and its influence on growth and production have been investigated. The use of fed-batch processes have been demonstrated for several cultivation systems and so has the use of different control signals in these systems. Fed-batch cultivation of Pseudomonas cepacia with on-line measurement and control of the growth rate limiting (toxic) substrate, sodium-salicy

Hip-hop + islam = Sant

Hip-hopen föddes som en gatukultur i South Bronx, New York, och gav röst åt svaga och utsatta grupper – i allians med islam. I dag är den en miljardindustri, där texterna har tydliga kopplingar till islam.

Arbetsgivarorganisationer och fackföreningar i ett föränderligt arbetsliv

Internationellt sett har de fackliga organisationerna i Sverige på flera sätt mycket goda förutsättningar att verka för hållbara arbetsplatser. Hit hör den höga organisationsgraden, den välutbyggda fackliga arbetsplatsorganisationen, en relativ frånvaro av facklig rivalitet samt den långa traditionen av samarbete mellan arbetsmarknadens parter. Sedan 1990-talet förefaller facken på många arbetspla

Method for describing and analysing cascading effects in past events: Initial conclusions and findings

Knowledge about the nature, processes and patterns of cascading effects, i.e. where infrastruc-ture dependencies lead to impacts propagating from one system to other systems, is essential in order to miti-gate and respond to crises that involve critical infrastructures and societal functions. This paper presents a method for systematic description of cascading effects in past event, to some extent

Genetic profiling differentiates second primary tumors from metastases in adult metachronous soft tissue sarcoma.

Purpose. Patients with soft tissue sarcomas (STS) are at increased risk of second primary malignancies, including a second STS, but distinction between metastases and a second primary STS is difficult. Patients and Methods. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) was applied to 30 multiple STS of the extremities and the trunk wall from 13 patients. Different histotypes were present wi