

Din sökning på "*" gav 531038 sökträffar

Membrane extraction with styrene-maleic acid copolymer results in insulin receptor autophosphorylation in the absence of ligand

Extraction of integral membrane proteins with poly(styrene-co-maleic acid) provides a promising alternative to detergent extraction. A major advantage of extraction using copolymers rather than detergent is the retention of the lipid bilayer around the proteins. Here we report the first functional investigation of the mammalian insulin receptor which was extracted from cell membranes using poly(st

Preparation of Staphylococcal Protein A Imprinted Supermacroporous Cryogel Beads

Protein A is the most commonly used ligand in IgG purification due to its specific binding to the Fc receptor of most immunoglobulins, making it commercially important. Molecular imprinting is a method based on the selective recognition of various molecules. Molecular imprinted polymers are materials that are easy to prepare, durable, cheap and have molecular recognition capability. Cryogels are p

Stability of Linear Systems under Extended Weakly-Hard Constraints

Control systems can show robustness to many events, like disturbances and model inaccuracies. It is natural to speculate that they are also robust to sporadic deadline misses when implemented as digital tasks on an embedded platform. This paper proposes a comprehensive stability analysis for control systems subject to deadline misses, leveraging a new formulation to describe the patterns experienc

Uncontrolled asthma predicts severe COVID-19 : a report from the Swedish National Airway Register

Background: Severe asthma increases the risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes such as hospitalization and death. However, more studies are needed to understand the association between asthma and severe COVID-19. Methods: A cohort of 150,430 adult asthma patients were identified in the Swedish National Airway Register (SNAR) from 2013 to December 2020. Data on body mass index, smoking habits, lung funct

The time course of onset CV coarticulation

The study investigates the center of gravity in onset fricatives as a main acoustic feature to assess the relation between vowel pronunciation and coarticulatory spectral characteristics of the onset consonant. /s/- and /f/-initial CV sequences were analyzed with backness, roundedness and height of the vowel as predictors of fricative center of gravity. Results showed that the first 15 ms of an on

Kärnkraft inte prio de närmaste fyra åren : Forskare: Vindkraft nog – men måste kunna lagras

Effekten av vindkraftens tillväxt är att vi i dag producerar mer el än vad vi behöver även då vi lagt ner flera kärnkraftverk. Klimatomställningen via elektrifiering pekar på ett fördubblat elbehov till 2045. Detta kräver mycket ny elproduktion. Och potentialen att bygga ut ny vindkraft är tillräcklig för att täcka behovet. Ny kärnkraft kan också bidra men kan tidigast vara i gång 2030 om inte sen

Höga elpriserna beror på vårt fossilberoende : Forskare: Nedsaktad omställning förödande för unga

Vi måste prioritera att snabbt minska utsläppen genom att använda mindre fossil energi samt ersätta fossil energi genom utbyggnad av existerande fossilfri energi (såsom sol och vind) och inte främst förlita oss på framtida tekniker, skriver Lennart Olsson, professor i geografi vid Lunds universitet och grundare av Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies.Del 4 i debattserien #viktigastekl

Som forskare får jag panik av valmanifesten : Forskare: Storföretag bönfaller politikerna om klimatplan

Om artutrotningen tycks SD och M inte bry sig ett vitten. KD vill utnyttja naturen och dess arter som resurs. L, C, S och V sträcker sig så långt som att utveckla resonemang om att vilja skydda den biologiska mångfalden genom att bevara så kallad ”värdefull natur”. MP är undantaget i skaran, det enda parti som explicit både nämner artutrotningen och dessutom gör en tydlig koppling mellan denna och

Zinc and Breast Cancer Survival: A Prospective Cohort Study of Dietary Intake and Serum Levels

Zinc has been suggested to play a role in breast cancer progression; however, no previous study on zinc levels and the potential effect on breast cancer survival has been conducted. This study investigates recurrence-free survival (RFS), breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) and overall survival (OS) in relation to zinc levels, in serum and diet, overall and stratified for phosphorus and selenium

A model for self-organization of sensorimotor function : The spinal monosynaptic loop

Recent spinal cord literature abounds with descriptions of genetic preprogramming and the molecular control of circuit formation. In this paper, we explore to what extent circuit formation based on learning rather than preprogramming could explain the selective formation of the monosynaptic projections between muscle spindle primary afferents and homonymous motoneurons. We adjusted the initially r

Physical Activity in Late Prepuberty and Early Puberty Is Associated With High Bone Formation and Low Bone Resorption

Background: Physical activity (PA) increases bone mass, especially in late prepuberty and early puberty, but it remains unclear if and how PA affects both bone formation and bone resorption. Materials and Methods: We included 191 boys and 158 girls aged 7.7 ± 0.6 (mean ± SD) in a population-based PA intervention study. The intervention group (123 boys and 94 girls) received daily physical educatio

Detection of G Protein-Coupled Receptor Autoantibodies in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome Using Standard Methodology

BACKGROUND: Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) is a disorder of orthostatic intolerance that primarily affects women of childbearing age. The underlying pathophysiology of POTS is not fully understood, but it has been suggested that autoimmunity may play a role. The aim of this study was to compare concentrations of autoantibodies to cardiovascular G protein-coupled receptors between