

528397 sökträffar

Documenting Determinants of the Divorce Transition. Micro-Level Evidence from Sweden 1905–1967

Divorce increased dramatically during the twentieth century across the western world. There is surprisingly little research on the determinants of divorce during this transition. We investigate micro-level sociodemographic determinants of divorce in Sweden 1922–1967 using longitudinal data at individual and household level from southern Sweden, focusing on the associations between divorce and wome

Vägra döda, vägra värnplikt! : En studie av värnpliktsvägrarfrågan i kultur- och samhällsdebatten och inom fredsrörelsen i Sverige ca 1965-91

Att vägra värnplikt blev en viktig fråga för många unga män under 1960- 90-talet. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera diskussionen och debatten om värnpliktsvägrarfrågan i Sverige under perioden 1965-91 för att blottlägga vilken typ av argument som kom i bruk. Eftersom antalet vägrare ökade under denna period uppstod även en intensiv diskussion om frågan i offentligheten. En viktig a

How much do we really care what we pick? : Pre-verbal and verbal investment in choices concerning faces and figures

Every day we make choices, but our degree of investment in them differs, both in terms of pre-verbal experience and verbal justification. In an earlier experimental study, participants were asked to pick the more attractive one among two human faces, and among two abstract figures, and later to provide verbal motivations for these choices. They did not know that in some of the cases their choices

Business Models for Sustainable Consumption : Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Rental and Reuse of Home Furnishings

It is widely recognised that society is consuming at levels and in ways that are unsustainable. Sustainable business models, broadly defined as those that consider economic, ecological and social value, hold promise for shifting consumption patterns. By facilitating activities such as rental and reuse, including second-hand, repair, refurbishment, and upcycling, they can help to provide more susta

Take the Elevator to Tomorrow : Mobile Space and Lingering Time in Contemporary Urban Fiction

What if, in the encounter between the subject and the city, it is the buildings, the streets, the rooms that are moving and the human beings who are at a standstill? Inspired by the efforts of literary scholars and human geographers to apply a unified understanding of space and time to the study of the (fictional) city, this article employs an analysis centered on the figure of the elevator to exp

Hergés fiktiva språk

En genomgång av fiktiva språk, syldaviska, borduriska, Arumbya, i Hergés Tintin och om språkens rötter i den belgiska dialekten marolliska.

Restricted X chromosome introgression and support for Haldane's rule in hybridizing damselflies

Contemporary hybrid zones act as natural laboratories for the investigation of species boundaries and may shed light on the little understood roles of sex chromosomes in species divergence. Sex chromosomes are considered to function as a hotspot of genetic divergence between species; indicated by less genomic introgression compared to autosomes during hybridization. Moreover, they are thought to c

Modeling normal and malignant hematopoiesis in vitro. To screen for extrinsic regulators and differentiation therapy.

The incredible thing with blood stem cells, also known as hematopoietic stem cells (HSC), is that they can restore normal hematopoiesis in patients that need a new blood system. Since a prerequisite for successful transplantation is immune compatibility, it requires large donor registries to find a suitable match for a recipient. Unfortunately, there is still a shortage of immune-compatible donors

Modesty as a Condition for Circular Economy Transition Success

Modesty as a Condition for Circular Economy Transition SuccessThe Promise and Challenges of a Circular Economy TransitionThe circular economy offers much promise. Circularity is meant to be a pathway to material efficiency, energy transitions, green jobs, profitable business opportunities, reduced volatility in price of inputs, secured supplies of critical materials, increased customer experiences

Analyzing Disparity and Rates of Morphological Evolution with Model-Based Phylogenetic Comparative Methods

Understanding variation in rates of evolution and morphological disparity is a goal of macroevolutionary research. In a phylogenetic comparative methods framework, we present three explicit models for linking the rate of evolution of a trait to the state of another evolving trait. This allows testing hypotheses about causal influences on rates of phenotypic evolution with phylogenetic comparative

Sympathizing With the Radical Right : Effects of Mainstream Party Recognition and Control of Prejudice

The electoral success of radical right parties throughout Western Europe is the biggest change to these formerly stable party systems. Several studies have identified that mainstream parties can shape the trajectory of radical right parties. Our aim is to contribute to this literature, and to investigate if and how radical right parties gain from mainstream party recognition. Theoretically, we dra

Investigating practitioners’ perceived self- confidence and practices for multilingual children with developmental language disorder : The case of Sweden

The aim of the present study is twofold: to explore the assessment andintervention practices of Swedish practitioners (mainly Speech and LanguageTherapists: SLTs) for multilingual children with Developmental LanguageDisorders (DLD) and to explore to which extent they perceive themselves asconfident with respect to assessment and intervention. The data comes fromthe Swedish part of the survey by th