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The article demonstrates historical dimensions between Sweden and Latvia, focusing on contemporary historical debates

Praktikprojekt och näringslivssamverkan för motivation och djupinlärning

I kursen ETS170 kravhantering erbjuds studenterna möjligheten att genomföra praktikprojekt i samarbete med näringslivet. Praktikprojekten utgör 2 av 5 poäng och genomförs i grupper av 3-5 studenter. I dessa skarpa projekt tillämpar studenterna teorin i kursen på verkliga industriella problem och får genom stort eget ansvar prova sina förmågor att gå från teori till praktisk handling i en verklig i

Modern inhalation agents and effects of anaesthesia equipment during low-flow anaesthesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lågflödesanestesi (reducerat färskgasflöde till 1,0 l/min) har fördelar genom att minska gaskostnader, reducera gasutsläpp till atmosfären samt öka befuktningen i andningsvägarna. Anestesiologin har under 1990-talet tillförts två nya inhalationsmedel, desfluran och sevofluran. Dessa båda nya inhalationsmedel skiljer sig från de tidigare främst genom sin lägre löslighet Volatile agents are economically and ecologically acceptable only when administered via low-flow systems. However, sevoflurane degrades during low-flow anaesthesia to compound A, and a high carbon dioxide absorber temperature increases this degradation. This thesis suggests that there is a correlation between apparatus dead-space volume and absorber temperature during low- and minimal-flow sevoflu

Islam and Nationalism (Book Series)

One of the main objectives of this series is to explore the relationship between Islam, nationalism and citizenship in its diverse expressions. The series intends to provide a space for approaches that recognize the potential of Islam to permeate and inspire national forms of identification, and systems of government as well as its capacity to inspire oppositional politics, alternative modes of be

Law and Social Theory

There is a growing interest within law schools in the intersections between law and different areas of social theory. The second edition of this popular text introduces a wide range of traditions in sociology and the humanities that offer provocative, contextual views on law and legal institutions. The book is organised into six sections, each with an introduction by the editors, on classical soc

A Factor Analytical Approach to Price Discovery

Existing econometric approaches for studying price discovery presume that the number of markets are small, and their properties become suspect when this restriction is not met. They also require making identifying restrictions and are in many cases not suitable for statistical inference. The current paper takes these shortcomings as a starting point to develop a factor analytical approach that mak

Framtid.nu : flyt och friktion i ett snabbt företag

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kring millenieskiftet 2000 skulle den nya ekonomins företag framför allt vara snabba. Men vad är då egentligen ett snabbt företag, och hur blir ett företag snabbt? Internetkonsultföretaget Framfab (Framtidsfabriken) kom under ett par år att representera just de snabba företagen i Sverige. Med sin VD Jonas Birgersson i spetsen och med hjälp av ny digital teknik skulle föFor some years the new economy in Sweden was to a high extent represented by a couple of new and fast growing companies. One of these was the Internet consultancy Framfab (Framtidsfabriken). The company became synonymous with the unusual and exciting, a new kind of business, new products and new attitudes. In national media Framfab was mostly represented by its C.E.O. Jonas Birgersson, who in ofte

Interkulturell vänskap som motdiskurs - ett historiskt perspektiv

Vännerna från skoltiden har för många en stor betydelse. När den kände palestinsk-amerikanske litteraturvetaren Edward W. Said skrev sitt livs historia insåg han att just vännerna från sina tidiga skolår påverkat hans liv mer än vad andra vänner gjort. I "Utan Hemvist" berättar han också om sin mamma. När mamman talade om en person som hon uppskattade och spenderade mycket tid tillsammans med på ä

Molecular characterization of native and processed waxy maize starch in relation to the recrystallization behavior of model systems and starch microspheres

The recrystallization behavior of five starch materials, native waxy maize starch, and starches modified by acid hydrolysis and mechanical treatments, were investigated by DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) and electron microscopy (SEM). The starches were known to vary significantly in molecular weights but not in the degree of branching. Microspheres manufactured from one of these starches w

Mellan mission och dialog. Kristna trossamfund och mötet med det mångreligiösa Sverige

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den nya mångreligiösa och mångkulturella situationen i det svenska samhället till följd av invandring och ökad globalisering har ställt de svenska protestantiska trossamfunden inför nya uppgifter och utmaningar. Mötet med människor av annan tro och den ökande religiösa pluralismen har tvingat sammfunden till ny reflektion kring sin egen identitet och självförståelse vadAs a consequence of immigration and increasing globalisation, the new multifaith and multicultural situation in Swedish society has created new challenges and pastoral ministries for the Christian Protestant churches and denominations in Sweden. Encounters with people of other faiths and increasing religious pluralism has created a new need for reflection about the churches identity, self-understa

Cultivations of Vibrio cholerae using probing control of glucose feeding

One reason for cultvating Vibrio cholera is for production of CTB, which is a component in a cholera vaccine. Techniques of high cell density fermentation developed for recombinant E. coli are investigated.In the literature there is evidence of acetate formation when cultivating V. cholerae, and it is probable that the acetate has the same negative consequences for V. cholerae as for E. coli. Form

Nanofiltration at elevated temperatures: Influence of the combined effects of temperature, salts, pH and cleaning

The influence of temperature, salts, pH, and various pre-treatments and cleaning on the nanofiltration (NF) performance of thin-film polyamide (PA) composite membranes has been investigated. The change in membrane performance was correlated to membrane swelling or/and electroviscous friction. Aspects of costs and energy demand while using NF at elevated temperatures were also evaluated. The increa

Fast approximation schemes for Euclidean multi-connectivity problems

We present new polynomial-time approximation schemes (PTAS) for several basic minimum-cost multi-connectivity problems in geometrical graphs. We focus on low connectivity requirements. Each of our schemes either signifi- cantly improves the previously known upper time-bound or is the first PTAS for the considered problem. We provide a randomized approximation scheme for finding a biconnected graph