Din sökning på "*" gav 532438 sökträffar
Ischemic Cerebrovascular Disease: Risk Factors and Outcome Predictors with special reference to the role of leukocytes and inflammatory mediators
Ischemic cerebrovascular disease (CVD) is usually a consequence of atherosclerosis and is the commonest cause of stroke. The identification of risk factors and outcome predictors and the initiation of preventive measures constitute the cornerstone of efforts to reduce the risk of stroke and improve outcome. The trend for long-term outcome after stroke and the predictors of this outcome were evalu
Praktisk husbyggnadsteknik :(2:a uppl.)
Boken beskriver mycket översiktligt hur ett hus kommer till och vilka komponenter som ingår i byggnaden. Några djupare byggnadsfysikaliska resonemang ingår inte. Framställningen visar hur det ser ut i praktiken. Motiveringar till varför man bygger på ett visst sätt behandlas i en annan litteratur. I det första avsnittet beskrivs summariskt hur byggnadstekniken kommer in i byggprocessen. Därefter g
Miljöstrategi och hållbart ledarskap: ekologi och ekonomi i samverkan
"Roundabout Routes": some remarks on indirect translations
Hälsorelaterad miljöövervakning avseende cancerframkallande ämnen i tätortsluft
Agriculture and industry
Capacitive Biosensor - A Tool for Ultrasensitive Analysis : Application in Clinical Analysis and Process Monitoring
Popular Abstract in English A biosensor is an analytical device that combines a transducer with a biological sensing element. This sensor is unique and has played an important role for a broad range of applications including clinical analysis and process monitoring. Between different types of biosensors, the capacitive biosensor has recently gained a lot of interest due to its analytical performanIncreasing demands for highly sensitive, accurate, fast and portable analytical assays have led to the development of new analytical tools. The integration of highly specific biological sensing elements and appropriate transducers has enabled design of even more efficient biosensor devices for the detection of target substances. In a clinical setting, early detection of biomarkers is crucial for
Public Procurement of Innovation as Coordination of Institutions
Effects of future climate on carbon assimilation of boreal Norway spruce
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det norra barrskogsbältet, även kallat de boreala skogarna, sträcker sig runt hela norra halvklotet. Det utgör en tredjedel av den globala skogsytan, och innehåller hälften av den totala mängden kol finns lagrat i samtliga skogsekosystem. Trots de låga temperaturerna, den korta vegetationssäsongen och en liten mängd inkommande solenergi under året, är dessa ekosystem viIn boreal forests, the main factors limiting biomass production are the harsh climate, which combines a short growing season and low annual levels of incoming solar energy, and the limited availability of nitrogen. These limitations will be directly affected by climate change, and may in turn substantially affect the carbon budget of the boreal forests, the production of wood and biofuel, biodiver
Organiserande av stöd och service till barn med funktionshinder : Om projektnät, språkliga förpackningar och institutionella paradoxer
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen är en studie av hur stöd och service organiseras kring fyra barn med funktionshinder och deras familjer. I denna service är normalt flera olika formella organisationer involverade, som barnhabilitering, förskola/skola/särskola, hjälpmedelscentral, assistentorganisationer, sjukvård m fl. Dessutom kan barnets och familjens situation vara komplicerad på många This study explores the organising of services for disabled children and their families in Sweden. It is based on 83 interviews with parents and involved staff surrounding four disabled children, with both physical and intellectual disabilities, and between two and nine years old. Further, 15 meetings between parents and staff were observed, primarily serving as background material. The service pr
Imitation of Dialects: from South Swedish to West Swedish
Krisens konsekvenser
Functional data analysis of tongue articulation in Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish /i:, y:, u-:/
Articulatory data collected from nine speakers each of Gothenburg and Malmöhus Swedish were used in a Functional Data Analysis (FDA) to study tongue articulation dynamics, more specifically the height and frontness of the tongue body and tip in the palatal vowels /i ̆, y ̆, u̟ ̆/. Standard z-score transformations were used for speaker normalisation. Results showed that the tongue articulation for
On integrated test of embedded components
Embedded systems are a characteristic but intangible part of an embedding environment. This poses a severe testing problem that gets further aggravated in embedded networks. The co-presence of hardware and software needs both behavioral and structural aspects to be covered, preferably by a single on-chip paradigm. The paper investigates the potential role of neural networks and introduces a Built-