

Din sökning på "*" gav 527857 sökträffar

Changes of cellulose fiber wall structure during drying investigated using NMR self-diffusion and relaxation experiments

The self-diffusion of water sorbed in cellulose fibers was investigated by means of NMR during slow drying in order to follow changes in the cellulose porous structure. In pulp fibers pores with at least one dimension on the mum scale were observed at high amounts of sorbed water and nm-scale pores at low amounts. Beating affected the mum-scale pores. Regenerated cellulose fibers had nm-scale pore

Digital reglering av klimatprocesser

Behovet av klimatreglering har ökat kraftigt sedan 1960-talet. Ett av skälen till detta är den ändrade byggtekníken, som innebär lättare konstruktioner med större inre värmebelastning från belysning, maskiner, personer och solinstrålning genom stora fönsterytor. De ökade värmebelastningarna kan klaras av med ett flertal olika klimatsystem. Dessa system kräver någon form av reglering. Under 1970-taResults from a research project supported by the Swedish Council for Building Research are reported. The main task was to improve climate control technology. The work was focused on digital control. It was split up into three main tasks: model building, design of regulators, and fullscale experiments. Several rooms, airducts, and heat exchangers were modelled. Simple dynamic models have been deriv

Staden och resandet : Mötet mellan planering och vardagsliv

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar vardagslivets resor i staden. Utgångspunkten är de negativa konsekvenser som resor, framför allt med bil, har för miljön. Bilismen är ett fenomen som dominerar stora delar av samhället och istället för att minska i omfattning tycks den själv driva fram ett ökat bilberoende genom att avstånden och kraven på snabba transporter ökar. I slutändan handUrban areas are geographically dispersed. There are built-in distances between housing, jobs and services. These distances call for mobility and fast means of conveyance. Society is dominated by and dependent on motoring. Cars have a negative impact on the environment and prognoses indicate an increase in the amount of travelling. The aim of this dissertation is to explain why travel behaviour wit

Psychological factors and metabolic control in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

This doctoral thesis consists of six studies concerning persons with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The first two deal with relationships between life events, social support and metabolic control (HbA1C) over a two year period. For the female subjects, results obtained for this period were inconsistent. For the male group, negative life events and poor social support were found to be

Body size and risk of colon and rectal cancer in the European prospective investigation into cancer and nutrition (EPIC)

Background: Body weight and body mass index (BMI) are positively related to risk of colon cancer in men, whereas weak or no associations exist in women. This discrepancy may be related to differences in fat distribution between sexes or to the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in women. Methods: We used multivariable adjusted Cox proportional hazards models to examine the association betwee

Paired multiplex reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (PMRT-PCR) analysis as a rapid and accurate diagnostic tool for the detection of MLL fusion genes in hematologic malignancies

The MLL gene in chromosome band 11q23 is frequently rearranged in acute lymphoblastic and acute myeloid leukemias. To date, more than 50 different chromosomal regions are known to participate in translocations involving 11q23, many of which affect MLL. The pathogenetically important outcome of these rearrangements is most likely the creation of a fusion gene consisting of the 5' part of the MLL ge

Environmental influence on outcome after experiment brain infarction

After permanent ligation of the middle cerebral artery the motor function of rats housed in an enriched environment, i.e. cages with opportunities for various activities but not forcing the rats to do any particular task, is significantly better than in rats housed in individual cages. Rats kept in an enriched environment before and after MCA ligation improved sooner and slightly more than those p

Blood flow velocity in the uterine and ovarian arteries during the normal menstrual cycle

Twelve healthy women with regular menstrual cycles were examined with a combination of two-dimensional real-time ultrasound and color and spectral Doppler techniques on cycle days 4 and 8 and daily from cycle day 12 until follicular rupture, then days + 1, +2, +5, +7 and +12 after follicular rupture. The uterine and subendometrial arteries, arteries in the ovarian stroma and hilum, in the wall of


DIGITAL ANALYSIS OF CARDIAC ACOUSTIC SIGNALS IN CHILDREN Milad El-Segaier, MD Division of Paediatric Cardiology, Department of Paediatrics, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden SUMMARY Despite tremendous development in cardiac imaging, use of the stethoscope and cardiac auscultation remains the primary diagnostic tool in evaluation of cardiac pathology. With the advent of miniaturized and po

Models of Surface Roughness with Applications in Paper Industry

This thesis comprises general parametric models for surface roughness. The models can be used in several technical and natural applications but are here only applied to the micro-structure of paper. In that application, earlier models are generalized and new models introduced. The different models are related to the scale of the roughness and by using different approaches, different roughness prop

Saponification then GC for determination of Irganox 1010 and Irganox 1076 in a polymer matrix

A gas chromatographic method has been established for determination of Irganox 10 10 and 1076 after saponification. The analytes were saponified with methanolic potassium hydroxide, acidified with hydrochloric acid, and the solvent was removed by rotary evaporation. The dry residue was dissolved in xylene and analyzed by GC with flame-ionization detector (FID). Compounds were separated on a polar

An optimization approach to multi-dimensional time domain acoustic inverse problems

An optimization approach to a multi-dimensional acoustic inverse problem in the time domain is considered. The density and/or the sound speed are reconstructed by minimizing an objective functional. By introducing dual functions and using the Gauss divergence theorem, the gradient of the objective functional is found as an explicit expression. The parameters are then reconstructed by an iterative

Incidence and clinical significance of non-tuberculous mycobacteria isolated from clinical specimens during a 2-y nationwide survey

A 2-y nationwide survey of patients in Denmark with non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) cultures was undertaken. Patients were identified by means of records held at the International Reference Laboratory of Mycobacteriology, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark. The objectives were to identify isolated NTM to species level, to describe the incidence of the various species and to evaluate the clinical s