Kände Augustinus till atombomben? Om progression i historia
I artikeln diskuteras villkoren för progression i historia och hur detta slags progression kan identifieras.
I artikeln diskuteras villkoren för progression i historia och hur detta slags progression kan identifieras.
Introduction: Tumour stage is the most important prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The aim of this study was to evaluate if female gender was a prognostic factor in different tumour stages in relation to histology and given therapy. Methods: From 1989-2008, 1497 patients in eastern Scania, in southern Sweden with 202,000 inhabitants, were re
Recension av Dina & Jovan Rajs, Att återvända till livet
A mm-wave divide-by-two circuit with high injection efficiency, implemented in a 28-nm fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) CMOS process is demonstrated stand-alone, as well as using an on-chip voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) as the input signal source. Measurements show that the divider has a 30.1 % tuning range centered at an output frequency of 24 GHz, at an input signal power of -1A mm-wave divide-by-two circuit with high injection efficiency, implemented in a 28-nm fully-depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI) CMOS process is demonstrated stand-alone, as well as using an on-chip voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) as the input signal source. Measurements show that the divider has a 30.1 % tuning range centered at an output frequency of 24 GHz, at an input signal power of -1
Background: Dementia presents barriers to the collaboration between individuals and the healthcare system. Caregivers perform multiple functions helping patients with basic and instrumental activities but also communicating and mediating the dyads’ needs within the broader social group. Interventions focusing on caregivers show that caregiver burden can be reduced, improving patient outcomes in a
Objective: We investigated the association between maternal use of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FAs) supplements during pregnancy and risk of islet autoimmunity (IA) in the offspring. Methods: The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) Study is prospectively following 8676 children with increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes in Finland, Germany, Sweden, and the U
The TRE3 research project focuses on the development of a new and innovative timber frame wall modulus for emergency housing facilities. The wall modulus, in this paper referred to as Hybrid Timber Frame (HTF) wall system, is an evolution of the traditional Light-Frame Timber (LFT) structural systems and combines the advantages and some peculiar aspects of lightweight structures to the potentialit
Statistical techniques exist for inferring community assembly processes from community patterns. Habitat filtering, competition, and biogeographical effects have, for example, been inferred from signals in phenotypic and phylogenetic data. The usefulness of current inference techniques is, however, debated as a mechanistic and causal link between process and pattern is often lacking, and evolution
Since economic reforms were introduced in the late 1970s, China has undergone significant political, economic, and social transformations. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)- led government has encountered massive student-led protests, outlasted both Eastern European and Soviet variants of communism, and weathered ethnic riots. Despite numerous predictions of its impending demise and anticipation o