Din sökning på "*" gav 533069 sökträffar
Life cycle cost optimisation in the building process- application on indoor climate systems
Extraction of temporal information from texts in Swedish
This paper describes the implementation and evaluation of a generic component to extract temporal information from texts in Swedish. It proceeds in two steps. The first step extracts time expressions and events, and generates a feature vector for each element it identifies. Using the vectors, the second step determines the temporal relations, possibly none, between the extracted events and orders
Analysis on Homogeneity Effects in HCCI Combustion using simultaneous OH- and Formaldehyde LIF Measurements
The social psychological worlds of Swedes and Turks in and around retirement
Numerical methods for load prediction in acoustic fatigue
Acoustic fatigue can occur in structural elements of an aircraft exposed to very high sound pressures. To deal with acoustic fatigue, mainly empirical methods have been applied and often late in the design phase. Current design guidelines have several limitations. First, they do not say anything about the load intensities. The load levels can be determined either experimentally or numerically. Exp
Elitism och altruism i Öresundsregionens namn
Kvalitetsutveckling av omvårdnad
A Modern Integrated Curriculum in Biotechnology Designed to Promote Quality Learning
The overall mortality rate in patients with total hip arthroplasty, with special reference to coxarthrosis
Vetenskapens makt över ovetenskapen
Oxidation av järnpulver - ett projektarbete
Arbete, studier och möten på distans: hur påverkas resandet? Delrapport 3: Distansutbildning
Distansutbildning har i Sverige på högskole- och universitetsnivå vuxit från att omfatta en tiondel av studenterna till nästan en tredjedel under loppet av ett decennium. Denna rapport redovisar svenska och internationella erfarenheter av distansutbildning, med ett speciellt fokus på effekter på resande och utsläpp av klimatgaser. Rapporten innehåller även framtidsprojektioner för distansutbildnin
Young people’s coping strategies concerning climate change: Relations to communication patterns with parents and friends and pro-environmental behavior
A low logic depth complex multiplier
A complex multiplier has been designed for use in a pipelined fast fourier transform processor. The performance in terms of throughput of the processor is limited by the multiplication. Therefore, the multiplier is optimized to make the input to output delay as short as possible. A new architecture based on distributed arithmetic and Wallace-trees has been developed and is compared to a previous m
How childish! Queering ‘youth’ and some other of the mutual challenges of queer and education research
Queer/ed children and young people inhabit a space that seems nicely delineated by shamed biographies, fearful prospects and ignorance. In mainstream accounts, queer/ed children and young people are often un/represented through invisibility or drama, between exoticism and pity. ‘Children’ and notions of ‘the best interest of the child’ are used to dramatize and limit societal negotiations of sexua
The persistence of subjective poverty in urban Ethiopia
Evaluating climate-vegetation feedbacks at 6000 and 250 yrs BP at the regional spatial scale – a new data-model comparison scheme
Health anxiety in the digital age
Decay susceptibility of rain exposed wood joints – comparison of two decay models
Wood is susceptible to decay if it is exposed to high moisture contents and certain temperatures during long periods of time. In rain exposed structures, decay often starts close to joints since the joints can act as water traps where water stays after rain events. Service life prediction models for outdoor wood structures require knowledge about the moisture and temperature conditions in the wood