Din sökning på "*" gav 488231 sökträffar
Artificial photosynthesis: towards functional mimics of photosystem II?
This paper describes the initial development of a project aiming at the construction of functional mimics of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II, coupled to photoinduced charge separation. Biomimetic electron donors, manganese complexes and tyrosine, have been linked to a Ru(II)-polypyridine photosensitiser. Oxidation of the donors by intramolecular electron transfer from the photo-oxidi
A Computer Program for Maximum Likelihood Identification of Linear Multivariable Stochastic Systems
Atmospheric transport of chlorinated hydrocarbons to Sweden 1985 compared to 1973
The atmospheric fallout of DDT and DDE (ΣDDT) over Sweden has decreased during the last decade. Today long-range transport from southern sources outside the country dominates the inflow. This was reflected in a decreasing south-to-north gradient of the compounds in atmospheric deposition and in the lower atomosphere. The fallout of PCBs was similar in 1984–1985 and 1972–1973, and today local conta
CHEK2 1100delC in patients with metachronous cancers of the breast and the colorectum
Background: Development of multiple primary tumors is a hallmark of hereditary cancer. At least 1/10 of breast cancers and colorectal cancers occur because of heredity and recently the cell cycle kinase 2, CHEK2 1100delC allele has been identified at a particularly high frequency in families with hereditary breast and colorectal cancer. Methods: We utilized the Southern Sweden population-based can
Neutrophil activation and tissue neutrophil sequestration in a rat model of thermal injury
Neutrophil (PMN) deposition in tissues (leukosequestration) after shock may produce local tissue injury from proteases and oxygen intermediaries which are released from sequestered PMNs. We quantified leukosequestration in tissues in burned rats using two methods of analysis: 1), measurement of lung myeloperoxidase (MPO); 2), measurement of radiolabeled PMNs and erythrocytes deposited in multiple
Design of Safe Timber Structures - How Can we Learn from Structural Failures in Concrete, Steel and Timber?
Increased occurrence of hepatitis A with cyclic outbreaks among drug addicts in a Swedish community
Abstract in German Zur Bestimmung der Prävalenz vonHepatitis A Virus-Antikörpern (anti-HAV) bei Drogenabhängigen wurden Seren von 234 Drogenabhängigen mit akuter Hepatitis B, die in einer schwedischen Stadt während zehn Jahren gesammelt worden waren, auf anti-HAV getestet. Zum Vergleich wurde eine normale Bevölkerungsgruppe herangezogen, bei der nur 3,8% der nach 1950 Geborenen und 8,2% der JahrgäTo determine the prevalence of antibodies to Hepatitis A virus (anti-HAV) among drug addicts, sera collected in a Swedish city during a ten-year period from 234 drug addicts with acute hepatitis B were tested for anti-HAV. The results were compared with the normal population, where only 3.8% of those born after 1950 were anti-HAV-positive. In individuals born between 1941 and 1965, 8.2% in the nor
CreditGrades and the iTraxx CDS index market
In the study reported, the CreditGrades model was used to calculate credit default swap spreads and the spreads were compared with empirically observed CDS spreads for eight iTraxx indices covering Europe. Theoretical and empirical spread changes were found to be significantly correlated. Also, lagged theoretical spread changes were correlated with current iTraxx spread changes. The correlations i
Evaluating the Importance of Missing Risk Factors Using the Optimal Orthogonal Portfolio Approach
We apply the orthogonal portfolio approach to analyse the importance of risk factors potentially missing from the CAPM. We generalize the approach proposed by MacKinlay and Pastor (2000) [MacKinlay, A.C., Pastor, L., 2000. Asset pricing models: implications for expected returns and portfolio selection. Review of Financial Studies 13, 883–916] by estimating the Sharpe ratio of the optimal orthogona
Molecular identification and developmental expression of UV and green opsin mRNAs in the pineal organ of the Atlantic halibut.
The pineal organ is the only differentiated photoreceptor organ present in embryos and early larvae of the Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus). We investigated the molecular identity of opsins in the pineal organ, and their expression during different life stages. Using RT-PCR we identified two 681-bp gene sequences, named HPO1 and HPO4, in cDNA from adult pineal and whole embryos. The pr
Testing in serum for human glandular kallikrein 2, and free and total prostate specific antigen in biannual screening for prostate cancer.
Purpose: We investigated the value of serum measurements for glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2), and free (f) and total (t) prostate specific antigen (PSA) in a second round of biannual screening for prostate cancer. Materials and Methods: In 1995 to 1996, 5,853 of 9,811 randomly selected men in Goteborg, Sweden 50 to 66 years old had PSA measurements. Of 660 men 611 with tPSA 3 ng/ml or greater underwe
A 2.3GHz LC-tank CMOS VCO with optimal phase noise performance
En studie av risker och sårbarheter i Stenungsunds kommun
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Abstract in German Durch ihren übergreifenden Zeitrahmen verweilt die Autorin nicht bei einer spezifischen historischen Situation, sondern bettet die Sibelius-Rezeption in einen größeren Kontext ein. Der Titel schränkt daher den Blickwinkel unnötig ein, da sich fast ¼ der Arbeit nicht mit der NS-Zeit beschäftigt, sondern als notwendiges Korrelat zur NS-Rezeption auch die Nachkriegszeit bis in die
Selective removal of 17 beta-estradiol at trace concentration using a molecularly imprinted polymer
A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) was synthesized with 17 beta-estradiol (E2) as template. It was then capable to recover this compound by 100 +/- 0.6% from a 2 mu g/L aqueous solution. By comparison, E2 recoveries of 77 +/- 5.2%, 87.1 +/- 2.3% and 19.1 +/- 7.8%, were achieved using a non-imprinted polymer (NIP) synthesized under the same conditions (but without template), a commercial C18 ext
Striving for emotional survival in palliative cancer nursing
In this grounded theory study, the authors analyze interviews and participant observation data related to palliative cancer nursing in hospitals. Striving for Emotional Survival emerged as the pattern of behavior through which nurses deal with their main concern, the risk of being emotionally overloaded by their work. It involved three main strategies: Emotional Shielding through Professional Shie
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Genetics of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the mouse.
Olika perspektiv på föremål. Materiell kultur hos obesuttna ca 1900
In this paper an excavation of a croft from the late 19th - early 20th century is presented. The artefact-material material i discussed and compared with information from contomporary written record. The artefact material and the writte documents yielded different kinds of information.