

Din sökning på "*" gav 528344 sökträffar

Om valsystem och demokratisk backsliding-En komparativ analys av Ungern och Tjeckien

Denna studie ämnar att undersöka och påvisa den påverkan som valsystemet har på demokratiskt backsliding i en jämförande fallstudie av Ungern och Tjeckien. Länderna har haft många liknande förutsättningar, men ändå har Ungern upplevt mer demokratiskt backsliding i olika politiska institutioner. Genom att tillämpa most similar design systemet har vi analyserat hur majoritetsaspekterna i valsystemet

Har den sociala bostadspolitiken flyttat ut?

De senaste 50 åren har den svenska bostadspolitiken förändrats stort. Avregleringar och liberaliseringar har skett i system som utformats med ambitionen att ge korrektiv till marknadskrafterna och gynna boendeformer som inte styrs av ekonomisk vinst. Socialdemokraterna, som varit drivande i hur den svenska bostadspolitiken organiserats, har under samma tid rört sig mot mitten på den politiska skal

Stopp, samhällets kropp (?)

The medial coverage as well as political interest of criminal rates in Sweden has increased over the years, especially regarding organized crime. Therefore this study aims to investigate how the discourse within criminal politics in Sweden has evolved during the last two terms. It also aims to compare the results with power relations between the state and the citizens democratic fundamental rights

What were the consequences of Jeanine Áñez´s presidency for violence against women in politics in Bolivia?

This study investigates the consequences that female descriptive representation, at the highest executive political position, had on violence against women in politics. More specifically it looks at Jeanine Áñez ́s presidency and its impact on violence against women in Bolivia. The research question guiding the research is What were the consequences of Jeanine Áñez ́s presidency for violence again

Roles and regulation of tRNA-derived small RNAs in animals

A growing class of small RNAs, known as tRNA-derived RNAs (tdRs), tRNA-derived small RNAs or tRNA-derived fragments, have long been considered mere intermediates of tRNA degradation. These small RNAs have recently been implicated in an evolutionarily conserved repertoire of biological processes. In this Review, we discuss the biogenesis and molecular functions of tdRs in mammals, including tdR-med

The "Old Testament" as the Origin of the Patriarchy : A Comparison of the German and Swedish Debate

This article explores and compares two similar debates in Germany and Sweden duringthe 1980s, in which feminists blamed the Hebrew Bible, or ‘Old Testament’, for being the origin ofthe patriarchy. In Germany, the psychologist and pedagogue Gerda Weiler articulated the discoursein several writings, which led to a scholarly debate on anti-Jewish tendencies within Christian femi-nist theology. In Swe

MRI morphological characteristics of lymph nodes in anal squamous cell carcinoma

ObjectivesPre-treatment staging of anal squamous cell carcinoma (ASCC) includes pelvic MRI and [18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography with computed tomography (PET-CT). MRI criteria to define lymph node metastases (LNMs) in ASCC are currently lacking. The aim of this study was to describe the morphological characteristics of lymph nodes (LNs) on MRI in ASCC patients with PET-CT-posi

Crystal structure and biochemical activity of the macrodomain from rubella virus p150

Rubella virus encodes a nonstructural polyprotein with RNA polymerase, methyltransferase, and papain-like cysteine protease activities, along with a putative macrodomain of unknown function. Macrodomains bind ADP-ribose adducts, a post-translational modification that plays a key role in host-virus conflicts. Some macrodomains can also remove the mono-ADP-ribose adduct or degrade poly-ADP-ribose ch

Dynamic Risk Management in Air Traffic Management System Failures

Context This research looks at managing uncertainty and recovery processes following failure of a sociotechnical system. The provision of Air Traffic Services (ATS) is an essential service that must continue to function supporting at a minimum; medical flights, search and rescue operations, humanitarian aid, State and military flights (as demonstrated during the recent global pandemic). Purpose Th

The frontlines of contested urbanism : Mega-projects and mega-resistances in Dharavi

Currently, there appears to be an unhealthy disjunction between grand expectations and acknowledged reality in the face of urban transformations underway throughout the world. Drawing on the "right to the city" discourses, adopting a Lefebvrian approach to the production of space, and a critical regionalist approach to housing and the built environment, the article explores the conceptual analytic

Are green cities healthy and equitable? Unpacking the relationship between health, green space and gentrification

While access and exposure to green spaces has been shown to be beneficial for the health of urban residents, interventions focused on augmenting such access may also catalyse gentrification processes, also known as green gentrification. Drawing from the fields of public health, urban planning and environmental justice, we argue that public health and epidemiology researchers should rely on a more

From Occupying Plazas to Recuperating Housing : Insurgent Practices in Spain

Urban insurgencies have spread across the globe like wildfire in recent years. The indignado plaza occupations in Spain are often cited as beacons of popular and widespread dissent. This article argues that urban insurgencies with the highest emancipatory potential in Spain today are found in the practices of the housing rights movement—the Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH, or Platform

The use and usefulness of point-of-care tests in patients with pharyngotonsillitis – an observational study in primary health care

Background: Rapid antigen detection tests (RADT) for Group A streptococci (GAS) and point-of-care tests for C-reactive protein (CRP) are commonly used in patients with pharyngotonsillitis in Sweden and Denmark although CRP testing is not supported by guidelines. We aimed to describe (1) the proportion of patients tested with RADT and/or CRP, (2) the relation between test results and antibiotic pre

Highly efficient eco-friendly sodium titanate sorbents of Cs(i), Sr(ii), Co(ii) and Eu(iii) : synthesis, characterization and detailed adsorption study

Development of useful all-around materials which can quickly and efficiently adsorb radionuclides in response to environmental radioactive contamination is an urgent research objective. In response to this need, our team developed a simple preparation method for stable sodium titanates which can serve as efficient agents for removal of radionuclides from water. With an emphasis on an environmental

The predictive value of highly malignant EEG patterns after cardiac arrest : evaluation of the ERC-ESICM recommendations

Purpose: The 2021 guidelines endorsed by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) recommend using highly malignant electroencephalogram (EEG) patterns (HMEP; suppression or burst-suppression) at > 24 h after cardiac arrest (CA) in combination with at least one other concordant predictor to prognosticate poor neurological outcome. We evalu

Pre- and Postoperative Antioxidant Use, Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor (AhR) Activation and Clinical Outcome in Different Treatment Groups of Breast Cancer Patients

BACKGROUND: Cancer patients often use antioxidants that may interact with adjuvant treatments. The purpose was to investigate pre- and postoperative antioxidant use in relation to clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis in different breast cancer treatment groups.METHODS AND PATIENTS: Pre- and postoperative antioxidant (vitamin A, C, E, carotenoids, or Q10) or multivitamin use was self-r