

Din sökning på "*" gav 533890 sökträffar

Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution

Pollution by chemicals and waste impacts human and ecosystem health on regional, national, and global scales, resulting, together with climate change and biodiversity loss, in a triple planetary crisis. Consequently, in 2022, countries agreed to establish an intergovernmental science-policy panel (SPP) on chemicals, waste, and pollution prevention, complementary to the existing intergovernmental s

Networks of Interlocking Leaders: Exploring the Links and Identifying the Elites in four European countries

This chapter aims at analysing the inter-organisational networks emerging from interlocking leaders among the most resourceful, national-level civil society organisations (CSOs) in four European countries. By comparing four different country contexts, we analyse differences in the characteristics of networks, find different mechanisms that seem to structure organisational links across the cases, a

Plasma tumour necrosis factor-alpha-related proteins in prognosis of heart failure with pulmonary hypertension

Aims: Patients with heart failure (HF) exhibit poor prognosis, which is further deteriorated by pulmonary hypertension (PH), with negative impact on morbidity and mortality. As PH due to left HF (LHF-PH) is among the most common causes of PH, there is an urge according to the 2021 European Society of Cardiology HF guidelines to find new biomarkers that aid in prognostication of this patient cohort

The consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom : 1990-2020

Quantification of land surface-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and their trends and uncertainties is essential for monitoring progress of the EU27+UK bloc as it strives to meet ambitious targets determined by both international agreements and internal regulation. This study provides a consolidated synthesis of fossil sources (CO2 fossil) and natural (including formally managed ecosystems

Effekterna av en sammantagen och allsidig bedömning: En kombinerad dokumentanalys och enkätundersökning om Ämnesbetygsreformens princip för betygssättning

Föreliggande examensarbete grundar sig på den nya principen för betygssättning som infördes i samband med riksdagens klubbande av Ämnesbetygsreformen den 23 februari 2022. Syftet med arbetet var att ta reda på vilka intentioner som låg bakom den nya principen för betygssättning och vilket effekt den nya principen har och har haft för svensklärares bedömningsarbete. För att uppnå syftet kombinerade

Nature and digitalization challenging the traditional playground

Playing outdoors in nature with peers has been attributed most importance for children's healthy development but is increasingly marginalized because of the attractiveness of screen-based play. Careful merging of digital technology into outdoor play environments rich on nature elements could potentially help bridge digital play with more traditional play activities outdoors. A systematic compariso

Holistic Assessment of Critical Infrastructure Resilience during Disasters (HACIRD) - A case study of the 2023 Kahramanmaras earthquakes

On February 6, 2023, two earthquakes (7.8MW and 7.7MW) struck Turkey within nine hours, resulting in over 50,000 fatalities and significant damage to critical infrastructures (CI) which provide services essential for the functioning of society. This thesis aims to holistically assess the impact this earthquake had on critical infrastructures for providing vital societal services through the develo

Minimilönedirektivets plats i den svenska rätten - En utredning om förslagen om implementering av minimilönedirektivet i SOU 2023:36 i förhållande till svensk lagstiftning och praxis

I juni 2023 presenterades SOU 2023:36. Betänkandet syftar till att utreda frågan om hur EU-kommissionen och Rådets direktiv om tillräckliga minimilöner i Europeiska unionen ska implementeras i den svenska rätten. Betänkandet har bemötts av viss kritik i remissvar från berörda aktörer och experter inom området. Främst med anledning av hur betänkandet behandlar frågan om enskilda rättigheter samt tä

Shoplifting in Japan and Sweden - A comparative analysis of social structures and sanctions in the 21st century

Crime is a problem all over the world. We must sometimes look to other countries and legal systems to find solutions to our own problems. This the-sis will encompass the view into another system. Both the Swedish and Jap-anese perspective. In this thesis I present the reader with a comprehensive overview of the two justice systems, theories on crime, and restorative justice. An exploration of info

"Det är det här jag letat efter under hela mitt liv. Jag var helt såld. Jag var fast." En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur självmedicinering med alkohol och/eller droger framställs i självbiografier

This study aimed to examine the presence of self-medication and in Swedish autobiographies, the understanding of the self-medication process. A narrated qualitative research method, with a content analysis of the autobiographies, was used to investigate the authors' descriptions of their drug and/or alcohol addiction and life story. The self-medication hypothesis and the learning model were ap

Epigenetics, Parenthood and Responsibility for Children

This chapter analyses the implications of findings in epigenetics for the ascription of moral responsibility for children. It contrasts shared understandings of procreative responsibility and discusses its extension to include all (individual or collective) actors who influence a child’s gene expression. It also problematizes the focus on biology in this process, using the example of epigenetics a