Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar
Concept of a High-resolution Online Mass Separator for the Munich Fission Fragment Accelerator
A fission fragment accelerator combined with the Munich high-flux reactor FRM-II is under design for the delivery of intense beams of mass separated very neutron-rich fission fragments with energies at the Coulomb barrier They can be used to produce very heavy neutron-rich nuclei in fusion reactions. The large neutron excess will result in much longer lifetimes of the produced heavy elements, comp
Blowing-up of deterministic fixed points in stochastic population dynamics
We discuss the stochastic dynamics of biological (and other) populations presenting a limit behaviour for large environments (called deterministic limit) and its relation with the dynamics in the limit. The discussion is circumscribed to linearly stable fixed points of the deterministic dynamics, and it is shown that the cases of extinction and non-extinction equilibriums present different feature
Historien om Hollywood
Historik över hur de amerikanska filmbolagen flyttade sina inspelningar till Hollywood och sedan började bygga sina inspelningsanläggningar där. Men det handlar också om myternas Hollywood med filmstjärnefenomen och en nyrik, glamorös livsstil som påverkade världen.
Listeners' sensitivity to consonant variation within words
In a previous study (van de Weijer 2003), it was shown that it is a relatively uncommon pattern to find two IC within the same monomorphemic word. The main purpose of the present study was to establish whether listeners have implicit knowledge of this aspect of phonological word structure. A lexical decision experiment was carried out in which subjects listened to nonsense words and real words in
Reducing arrhythmogenic effects in the isolated heart enriching roentgen contrast media with electrolytes. Survey and present state
A review of the literature on the effects of adding electrolytes to ionic as well as nonionic contrast media (CM) in the isolated heart model reveals that both ionic and nonionic CM favor from such addtion, if the added electrolytes are balanced with respect to each other. By enriching nonionic monomeric as well as dimeric CM with such a balanced electrolyte solution, the risk of ventricular fibri
Efficient and inefficient aspects of residential energy behaviour: What are the policy instruments for change?
The empirical part of this study is based on a survey of 600 Swedish households and a number of interviews where questions about residential energy behaviour and possible policy instruments for change were raised. The study provides insight into current behavioural patterns and gives a bottom-up perspective on the realistic perspective potentials for change and ways to achieve them. Residential en
Direct medical costs for patients with type 2 diabetes in Sweden
OBJECTIVES: To estimate the total direct medical costs to society for patients with type 2 diabetes in Sweden and to investigate how different factors, for example diabetic late complications, affect costs. DESIGN: Cross-sectional data regarding health care utilization, clinical characteristics and quality of life, were collected at a single time-point. Data on resource use cover the 6-month perio
Anaesthesia of the axillary plexus induces rapid improvement of sensory function in the contralateral hand: an effect of interhemispheric plasticity.
Diels-Alder adducts derived from the natural phthalide Z-ligustilide
Z-Ligustilide, a naturally occurring phthalide isolated from Ligusticum porteri, underwent Diels-Alder reactions with different dienophiles yielding novel tricyclic products with potentially interesting biological properties. Where selectivity was possible, the reactions performed showed regio- and stereoselectivity. The experimental results with ethyl acrylate were compared with the selectivity p
Parental stress in families of 2 year old extremely low birthweight infants
OBJECTIVE: To compare the parental stress in the families of 2 year old extremely low birthweight (ELBW) infants with that in control families, and to compare the stress of mothers with that of fathers. METHODS: The study population included all parents of ELBW infants (birth weight < 1000 g and gestational age at least 22 gestational weeks) born between 1 January 1996 and 31 December 1997 in Hels
Changes in carbohydrate and glucosinolate composition in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) during blanching and treatment with acetic acid
The effect of blanching and treatment with white vinegar containing acetic acid on dietary fibre, low-molecular-weight carbohydrates and glucosinolates was studied in two cultivars of white cabbage (Heckla and Predikant). The total content of dietary fibre and low-molecular-weight carbohydrates was similar in both cultivars (24 and 60 g/100 g DM, respectively), while the distribution between solub
Fire Safety Analysis of a Health Care Facility
A methodology for deriving individual risk to people in a health care facility due to fire, is presented. The risk is expressed by the First Order Second Moment reliability index b. The evacuation time for the patients is compared to the time to untenable conditions arise. Subjecting variables to uncertainty results in a reliability index value for the escape time margin. The influence on reliabil
Utvärderingsstudie av Venprojektet
Samtidig ångdiffusion och luftgenomströmning genom ett poröst material
A tribute to the memory of an outstanding scientist Harry Nyquist (1889-1976)
: presented at the 2003 annual meeting of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences
”Kurt Atterberg, Moses Pergament, Wilhelm Peterson-Berger och Felix Saul”
The generic person in English and Swedish: a contrastive study of 'one' and 'man'
To find out how the ‘generic person’ is expressed in English and Swedish, the use and correspondence of the generic pronouns one in English and man in Swedish are examined in a bidirectional English-Swedish translation corpus. The material demonstrates clearly the greater frequency and versatility of Swedish man and the restricted use of English one. The difference is partly register-related: whil
Sverige har potential för organdonation. Analys av fem års heltäckande registrering av IVA-dödsfall i södra Sverige
Åren 1999–2003 avled drygt 3 000 patienter under intensivvård södra sjukvårdsregionen. I endast 6 procent av fallen (174 patienter) hade man konstaterat total hjärninfarkt med medicinska möjligheter till organdonation. Samtycke till organdonation gavs i drygt hälften av fallen. En motsvarande registrering kan i kvalitetssäkringsprogrammet för intensivvården (PASIVA) bli en rikstäckande kvalitetssäA complete registration of all deceased patients at intensive care units in the Southern Health region of Sweden has shown that 3,114 patients died during the five years from 1999 to 2003. Only 174 cases (5.6 per cent) were classified as potential organ donors according to the definition of total brain infarction (brain death) without medical contra-indications against organ donation. Consent for