

Din sökning på "*" gav 126637 sökträffar

Is the end of the world nigh?

By sanna [dot] trygg [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Sanna Trygg) - published 8 January 2025 The four horsemen from the Book of Revelation. Byline: Viktor Vasnetsov, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Apocalyptic beliefs are as old as humankind itself. So, why are we drawn to stories about the finite nature of everything? A group of researchers is trying to get to grips with the issue. “In

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/end-world-nigh - 2025-03-10

Lund University welcomes new international students on Arrival Day

Published 13 January 2025 Monday 13 January marks Arrival Day – the day when Lund University welcomes new international students for the spring semester. A total of 767 students have been admitted to the university for studies in spring 2025. Students from around the worldThe new international students come from 64 different countries, representing a diversity of cultures and backgrounds. The larg

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-welcomes-new-international-students-arrival-day - 2025-03-10

Here’s how easily you can catch COVID-19 through the air

Published 17 January 2025 A few minutes in the same room as an infected person is enough to catch the virus yourself. Here, aerosol researcher Malin Alsved collects virus aerosols from an infected person in a mobile laboratory during the pandemic. Photo: Jakob Löndahl The virus winter season has struck – and COVID-19 is still part of everyday life. However, unlike during the pandemic, we now know

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/heres-how-easily-you-can-catch-covid-19-through-air - 2025-03-10

Fermenting seaweed could boost consumption

Published 20 January 2025 Seaweed is not only healthy. The aquatic plant can also clean the Baltic Sea and other oceans, as it uses carbon dioxide found in seawater. It also absorbs nitrogen and phosphorus and therefore does not need any fertilizer – or watering. Fermented seaweed? Those who have tried it think it is much tastier than it sounds, and researchers at Lund University in Sweden are now

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/fermenting-seaweed-could-boost-consumption - 2025-03-10

How can Lund University become a more menopause-friendly workplace?

By sanna [dot] trygg [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Sanna Trygg) - published 29 January 2025 FOTO: MARIA_SBYTOVA/Smartphotos Most women will experience menopause at some point in their working lives. How can a workplace be set up to make things easier for employees going through their menopausal transition? A pilot project at Lund University is investigating the issue. Sweating, mood swings

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/how-can-lund-university-become-more-menopause-friendly-workplace - 2025-03-10

Lund University and Imperial College London deepen their collaboration

Published 31 January 2025 Hugh Brady, President, Imperial College London and Erik Renström, Vice Chancellor of Lund University. Lund University and Imperial College London are strengthening their collaboration in research, education and innovation. A new agreement between the two universities will create opportunities for researchers. The agreement will make it easier for researchers at Lund Unive

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-university-and-imperial-college-london-deepen-their-collaboration - 2025-03-10

Key takeaways from the latest research into gut bacteria

Published 31 January 2025 Frida Hållenius and Åsa Håkansson, here in front of an intestinal simulator where the journey of food through the gastrointestinal tract can be studied. Photo: Hilde Skar Olsen Seeing a lot of talk about the importance of gut health? These are the latest findings, including those on food and supplements Weighing in at nearly two kilos, our gut bacteria seem to play an eve

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/key-takeaways-latest-research-gut-bacteria - 2025-03-10

AI-supported breast cancer screening – new results suggest even higher accuracy

By erika [dot] svantesson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Erika Svantesson) - published 4 February 2025 Pre-cancerous lesions, known as in situ cancers, were also more likely to be detected with AI – 51 per cent more such cases were found (68 people compared with 45). Photo: iStock New research results now published from Lund University’s MASAI trial are even better than the initial findings from last

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/ai-supported-breast-cancer-screening-new-results-suggest-even-higher-accuracy - 2025-03-10

Soft tissue from a 183 Million-Year-Old Jurassic Plesiosaur analysed

Published 7 February 2025 Reconstruction of the new plesiosaur with scales on the flipper and smooth scale-less skin along the body as informed by this new plesiosaur fossil. This is a significant update to how we reconstruct plesiosaurs (Image: Joschua Knüppe) Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have analysed the soft tissue from a fossilized plesiosaur for the first time. The results show t

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/soft-tissue-183-million-year-old-jurassic-plesiosaur-analysed - 2025-03-10

Atopic eczema – a widespread disease

By asa [dot] hansdotter [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Åsa Hansdotter) - published 11 February 2025 Atopic eczema is one of the most common chronic skin diseases in Sweden and affects just over 25 per cent of all children and 10 per cent of all adults. More than half of sufferers contract the disease before the age of two. Photo: iStock Cold weather, dry air, an overactive immune system or our modern

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/atopic-eczema-widespread-disease - 2025-03-10

Quantum state of photoelectrons measured for the first time

Published 13 February 2025 For the first time, researchers have been able to measure the quantum state of electrons ejected from atoms that have absorbed high-energy light pulses. This is thanks to a new measurement technique developed by researchers at Lund University in Sweden. The results can provide a better understanding of the interaction between light and matter. When high-energy light with

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/quantum-state-photoelectrons-measured-first-time - 2025-03-10

New research track: higher amounts of dietary fibre before the age of two can reduce the later risk of coeliac disease

By erika [dot] svantesson [at] med [dot] lu [dot] se (Erika Svantesson) - published 14 February 2025 When the researchers examined each type of fibre individually, it didn’t seem to matter what kind of fibre it was. It was the proportion of fibre the children ate that seemed to influence the risk of coeliac disease. Photo: iStock The results of an observational study from Lund University in Sweden

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/new-research-track-higher-amounts-dietary-fibre-age-two-can-reduce-later-risk-coeliac-disease - 2025-03-10

SEK 420 million to cancer research at Lund University

Published 26 February 2025 Phtoto: Kennet Ruona The Mrs Berta Kamprad Foundation is donating SEK 420 million to cancer research at Lund University. This is the largest donation to the university since its foundation in 1666. The donation is dedicated to translational cancer research, meaning applied cancer research in antibody and cell therapies with the aim of improving prognosis and quality of l

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/sek-420-million-cancer-research-lund-university - 2025-03-10

Titanium and mysterious jet streams discovered on extreme exoplanet

Published 27 February 2025 The ultra-hot exoplanet's atmosphere is so hot that it can melt iron (Illustration: Bibiana Prinoth) Using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope in Chile, astronomers have made detailed observations of the mysterious exoplanet WASP-121 b. The discoveries of the element titanium and jet streams challenge our understanding of the winds and chemistry foun

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/titanium-and-mysterious-jet-streams-discovered-extreme-exoplanet - 2025-03-10

Lund researchers successful in obtaining EU funding

Published 21 March 2011 The European Commission has listed the 50 organisations that receive the most money from the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development. Lund University is in 23rd place and is the only full-scale Swedish university to make the list. Lund University has received a total of EUR 50 million for 110 different research projects. It is primarily research within

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/lund-researchers-successful-obtaining-eu-funding - 2025-03-10

Lunchvisning av utställningen ”arkitektur skulptur” – Sigurd Lewerentz, Petra Gipp 6, 7 och 8 september

Av katarina [dot] lilliequist [at] skissernasmuseum [dot] lu [dot] se (Katarina Lilliequist) - publicerad 17 augusti 2023 Nu erbjuds nya personalvisningar av vårens och sommarens stora utställning på Skissernas Museum som uppmärksammar arkitekten Sigurd Lewerentz (1885–1975) och några av hans mest berömda verk. De projekt som presenteras i utställningen – Östra kyrkogården med kapellen och blomste

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/lunchvisning-av-utstallningen-arkitektur-skulptur-sigurd-lewerentz-petra-gipp-6-7-och-8-september - 2025-03-10

Antje Jackelén blir årets Anna Lindh-föreläsare 13 april

Av maria [dot] blad [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Maria Blad) - publicerad 5 april 2023 Antje Jackelén, Svenska kyrkans ärkebiskop och Svenska kyrkans primas 2014–2022, har utsetts till årets Anna Lindh-föreläsare. Hör hennes föreläsning “Reconciliation – a political possibility?” i Universitetsaulan. Föreläsningen hålls i universitetshusets aula den 13 april, klockan 18:00. Föreläsningen

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/antje-jackelen-blir-arets-anna-lindh-forelasare-13-april - 2025-03-10

Delta och bidra under den världsledande konferensen om platsvarumärken 18-20 oktober

Av julia [dot] luttrup [at] ch [dot] lu [dot] se (Julia Luttrup) - publicerad 3 april 2023 Lunds universitet står värd för den internationella platsvarumärkeskonferensen den 18–20 oktober 2023 på Campus Helsingborg. Bakom konferensen står International Place Branding Association (IPBA). På konferensen deltar världsledande forskare och praktiker inom platsvarumärkesområdet som är experter på stater

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/delta-och-bidra-under-den-varldsledande-konferensen-om-platsvarumarken-18-20-oktober - 2025-03-10

Otrolig möjlighet att ta del av och diskutera hållbarhetsarbete

Publicerad 12 april 2023 Lunds universitet och Lunds kommun arrangerar tillsammans hållbarhetsveckan 17–22 april. Detta är den sjunde hållbarhetsveckan. Liksom tidigare år är det ett rikt och mångsidigt program – sammanlagt hålls mer än 60 olika evenemang. Lunds universitet, eller för att vara mera korrekt; lärare, forskare och studenter från universitet står för mer än 40 evenemang. Arrangörerna

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/otrolig-mojlighet-att-ta-del-av-och-diskutera-hallbarhetsarbete - 2025-03-10

Nytt Medvetenskapens Hus – tvärvetenskapligt om humanvetenskap

Publicerad 11 april 2023 Medvetenskapens Hus har tilldelats 1,3 miljoner kronor som ett fakultetsöverskridande initiativ som ska skapa gestaltade möten mellan vetenskap och humanvetenskap. Projektet ska pågå under 2023 Medvetenskapens Hus lyfter fram insikternas betydelse före åsikternas formande och skapar förutsättningar att veta tillsammans. Aktiviteterna ska utgå från vår tids komplexa frågor

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/artikel/nytt-medvetenskapens-hus-tvarvetenskapligt-om-humanvetenskap - 2025-03-10