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Sammanställning av språkliga iakttagelser gjorda i bibelöversättningen 1999 jämförd med äldre översättningar i ett antal B-uppsatser i nordiska språk vid Lunds universitet vt 2000.
Sammanställning av språkliga iakttagelser gjorda i bibelöversättningen 1999 jämförd med äldre översättningar i ett antal B-uppsatser i nordiska språk vid Lunds universitet vt 2000.
Paul Ricœur was widely regarded as one of the great contemporary French philosophers and as a leading intellectual who produced during his long life influential works in numerous scholar fields ranged from phenomenology and hermeneutics, psychoanalysis and poetics to theology and ethics. In his philosophical works he was deeply concerned with the meaning of life, in particular with our constant an
We have implemented a prototype editor for a visual language where the semantics depends on layout. A high-level abstract syntax is defined, where these semantics can be captured without the need for storing concrete graphical coordinates. The model implementation is done in JastAdd, a metacompilation tool based on reference attribute grammars. This gives a modular architecture where the core comp
This paper presents a highly linear radio frequency receiver front-end with on-chip balun for cellular application at 2GHz in 65nm CMOS technology. Based on direct conversion architecture, the implemented front-end comprises a customized on-chip balun for single-ended to differential signal conversion, a differential common-gate low noise amplifier and voltage mode quadrature passive mixer. The si
Popular Abstract in Danish Omkring halvdelen af den globale kulstof mængde som findes i jorden, er lagret i de arktiske jorde. Arktiske jorde har været anset for at være vigtige kulstof reservoirs de sidste 10.000 år, hvor der bliver optaget mere kulstof end der frigives. Dette skyldes blandt andet den langsomme omsætning af organiske materiale på grund af de kolde forhold, men også de store mængdArctic ecosystems hold massive amounts of the global carbon in their soils and are of great importance for the global terrestrial exchange of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The arctic region has in general been acting as a C sink for the past 10000 years, however with climate change the C balance in some areas is shifting towards becoming a C source. Herbivory are an important part of many ec
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med detta arbete har varit att utveckla nya, stabila bränsleelektroder till bränsleceller baserade på fasta oxider, SOFC (solid oxide fuel cells). Vi har undersökt olika keramiska material eller kompositer med lovande egenskaper för att användas på anodsidan av bränslecellerna. För att förbättra redox-stabiliteten så ska bränsleelektroden företrädesvis inte innehThe purpose for this work has been to develop new robust fuel electrodes for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). The aim was to find suitable ceramic materials or composites with promising properties for the use as SOFC anodes. Preferably, the electrode should not contain any metal (or at least a metal should not be a major component) in order to improve the redox properties. The present work focuses o
This CREDIT Report 3 'CREDIT Performance Indicator Framework' presents a framework of building costs, performance and impact indicators. The framework is an endeavor to map and communicate many and differing approaches and perspectives on building and real estate in one model. The general and specific objectives of the research on the performance indicator framework were to: – Improve transparent
Boken innehåller praktiska övningar på moment inom olika delar av grammatiken: morfologi och ordklasser, ordbildning, syntax och språklig variation. Till övningarna finns facit med kommentarer. Kategoriseringarna och användningen av termer bygger på läroboken Svensk universitetsgrammatik för nybörjare, som i stort behandlar samma stoff. Övningsboken fungerar dock oberoende av läroboken, eftersom v
Well testing is widely used today in water wells, oil and gas wells, for geothermal applications, within civil engineering projects, thermal storage and CO2 storage. The overall testing goal is to verify the productivity from a well and/or for characterization of hydraulic and thermal properties, as well as the spatial limitations of an aquifer. There are three major methods for conducting well te
En introduktion till nyutgåvan av Claude Lévi-Strauss Spillror av paradiset.
This thesis consists of an extensive introduction followed by seven papers (A-F) on low-level analysis of microarray data. Focus is on calibration and normalization of observed data. The introduction gives a brief background of the microarray technology and its applications in order for anyone not familiar with the field to read the thesis. Formal definitions of calibration and normalization are g