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Direct evidence for a polygenic etiology in familial multiple myeloma
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I nordsamisk er transitivitetsveksling alltid morfologisk markert – det vil si at to verb som sammen utgjør et transitivitetspar, aldri er morfologisk like. Det morfologiske forholdet mellom slike verb varierer derimot en hel del. Interessant nok viser det seg at de morfologiske mønstra vi kan observere i nordsamisketransitivitetspar, i noen tilfeller ser ut til å antyde en annen struktur enn den
Impact of ENSO regimes on developing- and decaying-phase precipitation during rainy season in China
This study investigated the influence of five El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) types on rainy-season precipitation in China: central Pacific warming (CPW), eastern Pacific cooling (EPC), eastern Pacific warming (EPW), conventional ENSO and ENSO Modoki. The multi-scale moving t test was applied to determine the onset and withdrawal of rainy season. Results showed that the precipitation anomaly c
Tala och skriva på svenska – likt och olikt : Om mellanstadieelevers språkprocesser i tal och skrift
Stuck in tradition-A qualitative study on barriers for implementation of evidence-based nutritional care perceived by nursing staff
Aims and objectives: To explore the barriers for nutritional care as perceived by nursing staff at an acute orthopaedic ward, aiming to implement evidence-based nutritional care. Background: Previous studies indicate that nurses recognise nutritional care as important, but interventions are often lacking. These studies show that a range of barriers influence the attempt to optimise nutritional car
Regulation of WNT5A Expression in Malignant Melanoma: Role in Tumor Progression
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Effects of Accountability : How performance-based evaluation systems affect research practices, publication practices, disciplinary norms, and the subjectivation of scholars at the faculties of Humanities & Theology at Lund University
Att vädja till sinnena
Beskrivningen, (gr ekfrasis, lat descriptio) är den tolfte av de fjorton övningarna i de retoriska övningarna progymnasmata. Beskrivningen är en mycket avancerad övning och den kommer därför sent i övningsserien. I denna övning vädjar talaren till åhörarnas fem sinnen: syn, hörsel, lukt, smak och känsel. Syftet är att för åhöraren ”tydligt bringa det åskådliggjorda för ögonen”. Den stildygd som ef
Åldrande hos personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning - ur ledares perspektiv
Det har skett en markant ökning av medellivslängden för personer med intellektuell funktions-nedsättning under de senaste decennierna och allt fler uppnår pensionsåldern och hög ålder. Ökningen är ett direkt resultat av medicinska och sociala framsteg. Samtidigt är det en grupp som har svårigheter att uttrycka sina behov och där forskning visat att deras åldrande ter sig annorlunda än för befolkni
Exciting on Facebook or competent in the newspaper? : Media effects on consumers’ perceptions of brands in the fashion category
Media investments are continuously shifting from traditional media like newspapers to digital alternatives like websites and social media. This study investigated if and how media choice between the two rival channels can influence consumers’ perceptions of a novel brand. 504 Swedish retail fashion customers participated in an experiment to evaluate the identical advertisement placed either in a n
Fetishistic Causation
In this lecture I argue that anthropology can grasp the cultural peculiarity of modernity by critically scrutinizing its foundational categories of “economy” and “technology” and its particular ways of detaching exchange and production from morality. Economic and technological developments in nineteenth-century Britain are interpreted as local manifestations of global processes of unequal exchange
Proteomic analysis of phytophthora infestans reveals the importance of cell wall proteins in pathogenicity
The oomycete Phytophthora infestans is the most harmful pathogen of potato. It causes the disease late blight, which generates increased yearly costs of up to one billion euro in the EU alone and is difficult to control. We have performed a large-scale quantitative proteomics study of six P. infestans life stages with the aim to identify proteins that change in abundance during development, with a
Cancer risks and survival in patients with multiple primary melanomas : Association with family history of melanoma and germline CDKN2A mutation status
Background Worse outcomes have been noted in patients with multiple primary melanomas (MPMs) than in patients with single primary melanomas. Objective We investigated how family history of melanoma and germline CDKN2A mutation status of MPM patients affects risks of developing subsequent melanomas and other cancers and survival outcomes. Methods Comprehensive data on cancer diagnoses and deaths of
Optic Flow Information Influencing Heading Perception during Rotation
Social presence influence saccadic control
Historiska stormhändelser som underlag vid riskanalys : Studie av översvämningarna 1872 och 1904 längs Skånes syd- och ostkust
Den 13 november 1872 inträffade en extrem översvämning i kustområdena kring Södra Östersjön. Högt vattenstånd i kombination med höga vågor ledde till att cirka 300 personer omkom och fler än 15 000 blev hemlösa. Utmed Skånes kust omkom minst 23 personer, över 100 bostadshus förstördes och hundratals kustfiskare förlorade sin inkomstkälla då båtar och fiskeredskap slogs sönder och drogs ut i havet.On November 13, 1872 an extreme flood occurred in the coastal areas surrounding the South Baltic Sea. An extreme storm surge in combination with high waves caused the death of about 300 people and more than 15,000 people lost their homes. Along the coast of Scania, southern Sweden, at least 23 people were killed and more than 100 houses were destroyed. Hundreds of fishermen lost their source of in