

Din sökning på "*" gav 530855 sökträffar

Impact of the temperature variation on the thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers for polymer electrolyte fuel cells

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the thermal conductivity of gas diffusion layers (GDLs) when subjected to different operating temperatures. The measurement apparatus is completely designed and the thermal conductivities are evaluated for five different GDL samples. The amount of catalyst material within the GDLs is also considered in the current study. Based on the obtained measurements,

Inte rörigt men rörligt : folkbiblioteket och kampen för erkännande

Using the respective theories of recognition and social justice by Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser, this master thesis explores how public librarians understand the concept of social justice and how this concept relates to their daily work. It also examines to what extent the recognition theory can serve as an analytical tool in order to understand the social function of the public library. The stud

Quantum signatures in the work fluctuation-dissipation relation protocol

Quantum thermodynamics deals with the behavior of thermal machines that operate in the quantum regime, where coherences and entanglement can have a significant impact. However, detecting such quantum effects in thermal machines can be challenging, as they are primarily manifested as fluctuations. This thesis theoretically studies the protocol for the work fluctuation-dissipation relation (FDR) fro

Pulse Amplitude Reconstruction in the LDMX Hadronic Calorimeter Readout

The universe shows signs of containing some invisible matter, known as dark matter. There are many possible constituents for dark matter, one such being light dark matter which would interact with ordinary matter through a new mediator force and have masses in the range of a few MeV to GeV. The light dark matter mass range is largely unexplored experimentally. The Light Dark Matter eXperiment, LDM

Is Bitcoin a Safe Haven?

The objective of this bachelor thesis is to assess the safe haven property of Bitcoin by conducting an augmented Dickey-Fuller test and Engle and Granger cointegration test with price data from the COVID-19 crash. The analysis revealed a cointegration relationship between Bitcoin and the S&P 500, indicating a long-run equilibrium between the two and thus providing evidence against the safe hav

Negativa utbudsstörningars påverkan på konsumentprisinflationen i Sverige mellan 1998–2022

This paper examines how negative supply shocks in the form of the oil price and disruptions in the global value chains have affected Swedish consumer price inflation in two periods: 1998Q1- 2022Q3 and 1998Q1-2019Q4. The results from the time series regressions supports the two hypotheses that both the oil price and disruptions in the global value chains have a positive impact on consumer price

Do strong English skills boost international trade?

The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between English proficiency and trade. The question that this examination will try to answer is “do strong English skills boost international trade?”. That a common official language has a positive effect on bilateral trade flows have been confirmed by many. This paper will instead focus on English as a second language and will study whether cou

Private Equity and Venture Capital Investment Attractiveness

This paper is a cross-country study on how national culture affects institutional private equity and venture capital investments in Europe and is based on the previous works of Groh, Liechtenstein and Lieser (2010) and Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov (2011). We argue that national culture affects capital allocation and that this parameter is often missing in the contemporary discourse on the drivers

Human CEACAM1 is targeted by a Streptococcus pyogenes adhesin implicated in puerperal sepsis pathogenesis

Life-threatening bacterial infections in women after childbirth, known as puerperal sepsis, resulted in classical epidemics and remain a global health problem. While outbreaks of puerperal sepsis have been ascribed to Streptococcus pyogenes, little is known about disease mechanisms. Here, we show that the bacterial R28 protein, which is epidemiologically associated with outbreaks of puerperal seps

Metabolomics-based analysis in Daphnia magna after exposure to low environmental concentrations of polystyrene nanoparticles

Larger plastic pieces break down into micro- and eventually nano-sized plastics. This makes nanoplastics ubiquitous in the environment, giving rise to great concern for its effect on biota. Many studies use polystyrene nanoparticles (PS-NPs) as a model for nanoplastics, showing a negative impact on various organisms, but the molecular effects are yet not fully explored. Here we applied 1H nuclear

Permanently stored, permanently trapped? A study on the risk of carbon lock-in through the German-Norwegian partnership in CCS and hydrogen

As the climate crisis becomes more severe, carbon capture and storage (CCS) is increasingly seen as a viable option to help mitigate climate change. However, one risk with regard to CCS is that it locks us into the use of carbon-based energy sources and industry, creating a carbon lock-in. Looking at the German-Norwegian partnership to store German CO2 in Norway and to provide hydrogen in return,

The Performance of Swedish Actively Managed Mutual Funds Compared to a Broad Market Index Fund

The discussion about weather one should pay expensive management fees to let professionals manage your money or if one should simply invest in an almost costless index fund has been going on for decades. This study’s objective is to investigate if the most popular actively managed mutual funds in Sweden can outperform the most popular Swedish passive broad market index fund. The study analyzes 62

Association between diabetes mellitus and multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis

BackgroundDiabetes mellitus (DM) poses a significant risk for the development of active tuberculosis (TB) and complicates its treatment. However, there is inconclusive evidence on whether the TB-DM co-morbidity is associated with a higher risk of developing multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The aim of this meta-analysis was to summarize available evidence on the association of DM and MDR

Automated quality analysis in continuous downstream processes for small-scale applications

Development of integrated, continuous biomanufacturing (ICB) processes brings along the challenge of streamlining the acquisition of data that can be used for process monitoring, product quality testing and process control. Manually performing sample acquisition, preparation, and analysis during process and product development on ICB platforms requires time and labor that diverts attention from th

The Effect of Natural Disasters on Economic Growth: Does Frequency of Disasters Matter?

This paper aims to investigate the effect of natural disasters, with regard to frequency of events, on GDP per capita growth. A panel data regression covering 121 countries between 1960 and 2015 in non-overlapping five-year periods is used. The regression contemplates the size of the agricultural sector in each country and the severity of the disasters. The results show a positive effect on econom

The Clinical Utility of a Timed Visual copy task for Assessment of Adult ADHD

ADHD is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that is defined by a pattern of hyperactivity and/or inattention that negatively affects an individual’s ability to function in everyday life. There are a multitude of challenges in correctly diagnosing ADHD. Symptoms are primarily behavior based and there are not any good biomarkers that can be used to help clinicians to diagnose the disorder correctly

Politics at Play: Analyzing discussions on political protests in Animal Crossing - New Horizons

Att verkställa och genomföra politiska protester sker inte bara utomhus. Ett antal politiska protester har hållits i tv-spel, där spelare använder funktioner i spelet för att förmedla politiska budskap. I en värld där det finns stora möjligheter att kommunicera online, finns också möjligheter för spelare diskutera dessa protester i onlineforum. 2020 hölls två politiska protester i Nintendo-speletExecuting and performing political protests is not just for the streets. A number of political protests have been held in video games, using the features of the game to convey political messages. In a world where there is ample possibility to communicate online, players are able to discuss these protests in online communities. In 2020, two political protests were held in the Nintendo game Animal

Does target firm risk differ depending on the gender of the acquiring firm's CEO?

This study aims to examine the relationship between the gender of the CEO and target firm risk in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Sweden. Previous research has shown that there may be differences in risk attitudes and behavior between men and women, which could affect their decision-making processes in M&A transactions. However, little research has focused on the relationship between CEO