Din sökning på "*" gav 533474 sökträffar
Generic skills in software engineering master thesis projects: towards rubric-based evaluation
There has been much recent interest in how to help students in higher education develop their generic skills, especially since this is a focus of the Bologna process that aims to standardize European higher education. However, even though the Master thesis is the final and often crucial part of a graduate degree and requires many generic skills very little research has directly focused on them.
När judeskämtet var legitimt. Avslöjande avhandling om svensk antisemitism
Modeling of temperature dependence of stress-reorientation of hydrides in CWSR Zr-alloys
The social psychological worlds of Swedes and Turks in and around retirement
Spindeln i klistret : Den kliniska praktikens betydelse för utveckling av yrkeskompetens som sjuksköterska: en etnografisk-fenomenografisk studie
The aim of the study was to investigate the role of clinical experience in the acquisition of professional competence during education and training in nursing. Competence is given a relational interpretation. The acquisition of professional competence is considered in terms both of the subject area involved and of cultural and organizational aspects specific to the nursing profession and to nursin
Konstruktionsrapport - VibroTurnCast
Theoretical Studies of Spin-Dependent Quantum Phenomena in Semiconductor Nanostructures
The study of spin transport has emerged at the forefront of condensed matter physics during the last decade. Much of the interest has undoubtedly been sparked by the advent of the spintronics paradigm and the idea of creating novel electronic devices based on the spin degree of freedom of the carriers. However, a great deal of interest is due to the rich physics that emerges from the study of spin
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Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures for Real-time Baseband Processing
Motivated by challenges from today's fast-evolving wireless communication standards and soaring silicon design cost, it is important to design a flexible hardware platform that can be dynamically reconfigured to adapt to current operating scenarios, provide seamless handover between different communication networks, and extend the longevity of advanced systems. Moreover, increasingly sophisticated
Interactions between semantic and episodic memory: An ERP study
Immigrant-native Exogamy in Sweden. A Longitudinal Study of the Determinants of Intermarriage among Immigrants 1990-2005
Technological Shifts and Convergence in Europe since 1950
Mechanochemical synthesis and intercalation of Ca(II)Fe(III)-layered double hydroxides
A mechanochemical method (grinding the components without added water - dry grinding, followed by further grinding in the presence of minute amount of water or NaOH solution - wet grinding) was used in this work for the preparation and intercalation of CaFe-layered double hydroxides (LDHs). Both the pristine LDHs and the amino acid anion (cystinate and tyrosinate) intercalated varieties were prepa
High-pressure structures of α- and δ-ZrMo2O8
In situ high-pressure synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction studies of trigonal α-ZrMo2O8, zirconium molybdate, have been performed from ambient conditions to 1.9 GPa, over the α-δ phase transition at 1.06-1.11 GPa. The monoclinic structure of δ-ZrMo2O8, stable between 1.1 and 2.5 GPa at 298 K, has been solved by direct methods and refined using the Rietveld method. Significant distortions of the Z
Creativities transcending boundaries.
The use of fractals and EEG in landscape analysis
Mat, hälsa och oregelbundna arbetstider
Maten, måltiden och ätandet är en av grundförutsättningarna för god hälsa. Ensidigt ätande, oregelbundet ätande och småätande är direkta riskfaktorer för ohälsa på både kort och lång sikt. På kort sikt är övervikt ett stort problem. På lång sikt utvecklas ett livsstilsätande under arbetstid som, utöver övervikt, ökar risken för bland annat diabetes samt hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Vad man äter och
Studies of body protein and its covariation with clinical outcome in patients with gastrointestinal cancer
The Manifestation of Modernity in Genetic Science
The transition to modernity signifies a fundamental change in European culture and conduct of life. Alfred Weber speaks of ”the most profound crisis that the Occidental world had experienced so far”. Crisis is the existential manifestation of modernity's constituting and regulating characteristic: contingency. Contingency means that nothing has to be the way it is, but could be otherwise as well;