

Din sökning på "*" gav 532100 sökträffar

Fantastic change and where to find it : possibilities for Lithuanian environmental NGOs to increase their impact and chances to mobilize the movement

Currently humanity faces environmental challenges that require political action in order to maintain the integrity of human and environmental systems. However, political authorities are not always ready to make rigorous decisions to support the necessary changes. Thus, social movements as a recognised agent of cultural, political and social change have the power to push for these decisions. Over t

Model study of the linear density response function - A comparison between the exact result and RPA

The time-ordered linear density response function is examined in a model study. Two model dimers are considered; one with one orbital per site and a second one with two orbitals per site. The one-orbital case has U0, the on-site Coulomb interaction, as the only parameter and is solved analytically. The two-orbital case has parameters U0, the upper orbital non-interacting eigenenergy ε1, and the ho

Optimal Control under Quantised Measurements - A Particle Filter and Reduced Horizon Approach

This thesis covers the optimal control of stochastic systems with coarsely quantised measurements. A particle filter approach is used both for the estimation and control problem. Three main families of particle filters are examined for state estimation, standard SIR filters, SIR filters with generalised sampling and auxiliary filters. A couple of different proposal distributions and weight functio

Personligt betalningsansvar för styrelseledamöter i aktiebolag - ett effektivt påtryckningsmedel eller en regel utan verkan?

Uppsatsen behandlar reglerna om tvångslikvidation vid kritisk kapitalbrist och särskilt det personliga betalningsansvar, s.k. medansvar, som kan drabba styrelseledamöter i aktiebolag enligt 25 kap. 18 § ABL. Medansvaret innebär ett personligt och solidariskt ansvar som aktualiseras om styrelsen underlåter att agera enligt det handlingsschema som kapitalbristreglerna uppställer i 25 kap. 13–17 §§ AThe essay concerns the regulations regarding compulsory liquidation due to critical capital deficiency, in particular the personal liability for payment, which can afflict board members in limited liability companies according to Chapter 25, section 18 in the Swedish Companies Act. The personal liability for payment imply a personal, joint and several liability which can be brought up to date if t

Världens första jämställda fredsavtal? : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av det colombianska fredsavtalets potential att förbättra kvinnors situation utifrån Nussbaums kapacitetsteori

I november 2016 signerades ett historiskt fredsavtal mellan FARC-gerillan och Colombias regering som markerar en väg mot en fredlig lösning på den 50 år långa väpnade konflikten. Fredsavtalet är början på en ny epok av kvinnligt fredsbyggande, med mycket fokus på jämlikhet och ökat kvinnligt inflytande riktar avtalet särskilt mycket insatser för att stärka kvinnors position i Colombia. I denna uppIn november 2016 a historic peace agreement was signed between the FARC-guerilla and the Colombian government which marks a path towards a peaceful solution to the 50 year long armed conflict. The peace agreement is the beginning of a new epoch of female peacebuilding, with much focus being placed on equality and increased female influence the agreement addresses a lot of efforts to strengthen wom

Human trafficking : en svensk representation av en global människorättskränkning

Human trafficking är ett världsomspännande problem som kränker individers mänskliga rättigheter och som även kränker deras värdighet som människor. Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera och problematisera svenska myndigheters arbete kring trafficking. Trafficking är ett fenomen som kan uppfattas på många olika sätt. På grund av detta är det därför väsentligt att myndigheternas arbete är kompat

Modern maritime piracy: The anti-piracy professionals’ consciousness of the hard and soft law regulating anti-piracy operations.

This masters’ thesis in Sociology of Law is a study on the legal consciousness of state agents and private individuals working in the anti-piracy domain. The aim of the research is to examine the anti-piracy professionals’ level of training in and awareness of relevant laws. Understanding that the applicable hard and soft anti-piracy law is complex, and depicting the current level of legal trainin

Vad hotar Sverige?

During the last decades Sweden’s security and defence policy has gone through many great changes. The official direction was, up until 2009, neutrality. This was then changed to solidarity in conjunction with the enactment by the Swedish government of the Solidarity Clause of the Treaty of Lisbon in the Swedish defence proposal. The change can be supposed to have affected other defence bodies, for

Socialt blandat boende i Frihamnen - Ett pilotprojekt i Älvstaden

There is a new area being developed by the river in Gothenburg, called “Frihamnen”. Social sustainability and social mix are two main concerns when developing new neighborhoods and residents in the area, and the goal is to create Frihamnen for everyone. Frihamnen has been studied as a case. Document studies and interviews has been used and the purpose is to see how the goal of creating a mixed are

Höghastighetsjärnväg i en svensk kontext - potentiella vinnare och förlorare analyserat utifrån ett regionalt perspektiv

This paper concerns the possible regional implications of high speed rail on medium sized cities in Sweden and attempts to analyze both possible impacts for the medium-sized cities part of a high speed network, as well as for those cities not part of such infrastructure. The chosen research question highlights precisely the above mentioned topic, with international experiences from high speed rail

Sambo tills döden skiljer oss åt? - en studie om sambors avsaknad av arvsrätt och begränsade efterlevandeskydd

Syftet med denna framställning är att, mot bakgrund av att arvsrätt existerar inom äktenskap, undersöka om sambors avsaknad av arvsrätt är motiverad samt att diskutera sambors efterlevandeskydd de lege ferenda. För att uppnå syftet undersöks efterlevandeskyddet för sambor respektive makar, hur efterlevandeskyddet för sambor kan stärkas, hur sambors avsaknad av arvsrätt är motiverad och till sist hThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether or not it is justifiable that cohabiting partners don’t inherit from each other, given that married couples do. Furthermore, I am going to discuss cohabiting partners’ provision for surviving lex ferenda. Towards this purpose I will look into current survivorship legislation that affects cohabiting partners as well as married couples, how it can

Att hantera en stigande havsnivå i ett kulturpräglat landskap – Lokala och regionala perspektiv på Falsterbonäsets nutid och framtid

Research concerning the challenge of rising sea levels often leave out the importance of landscape and its history. When discussing present and future adaptations to local climate changes, e.g. sea level rise, an understanding of the process that shaped the area that exist today is an important aspect. Here Falsterbonäset is chosen as a case study focussing on three actors the regional planning of

Demosaising using a Convolutional Neural Network approach

This thesis is about investigating the feasibility to use convolutional neural networks as a demosaicing approach. Three loss methods and different layer structures have been evaluated as well as changing different parameters and layers in the convolutional neural network to find which changes are beneficial to make a neural network perform demosaicing well. The convolutional neural network has b

Experimental Implementation of a Fiber Noise Cancellation System for Slow Light Laser Locking

Atomur som är baserade på en optisk frekvens är under utveckling. Dessa optiska klockor är i dagsläget så exakta att om de startades vid big bang, så skulle de bara visa en sekund fel idag. Nästa generations kommunikation- och navigeringssystem kommer att dra nytta av noggrannare tidsmätning. I detta examensarbete behandlas två saker som är viktiga för den fortsatta utvecklingen av optiska klockorAn electromagnetic wave propagating through an optical fiber is sensitive to external disturbances, such as mechanical vibrations and temperature and pressure fluctuations, which add phase noise onto the wave. For high-precision frequency-based applications this phase noise has to be removed. By partially reflecting light from the remote end of the fiber back through the fiber, and comparing it to

SMEs’ Experiences of Swedish Innovation Policies from a Transformative and Systematic Approach

Society is facing diverse vital societal challenges, which has led to an increased focus on how policy makers should target these challenges. Innovation policies have gone through a development from firm based R&D towards a more systematic and transformative approach towards innovation. This research has investigated how policy instrument in the form of innovation programs have been experience

Private Equity LBO Exit Strategies: The Announcement Effect of Trade Sales, Secondary Buyouts and IPO´s on Listed PE

Purpose: To examine the wealth-generating effects of LBO exits from the PEs perspective depending on different exit strategies, and to identify how private sponsors’ features like historical performance, size, experience etc. might influence the success of the exit as well as the exit route choice. Methodology: A short-term event study to detect a cumulative abnormal return around LBO exit announc

Controlling Organizational Culture

Organizational culture has been studied throughout the centuries as it has been assumed to enhance the organizations’ abilities to reach objectives. The Corporate-Culture School has argued in favor of this assumption, but have been subjected to criticism as it tends to rule out critical thinking and disregards the complexity of culture. In contrary, scholars of Critical Management Studies argue in

"Jag tror inte att värdegrunden var Guds gåva till Polisen när den kom": Värdet av en värdegrund inom Polisens organisationskultur.

In 2009 the Swedish police organization was presented to a new set of core values, meant to clarify their mission for themselves as well as for the public, and to consequently make Swedish police better. But what role does such core values play in an organization like the police, whose professional behavior is already controlled by the law? Defined as a moral risk group, numeral research points to

Vem vet mest? En eventstudie om insynspersoners avkastning på Small Cap och Large Cap

Titel: Vem vet mest? En eventstudie om insynspersoners avkastning på Small Cap och Large Cap Seminariedatum: 2017-05-31 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå 15 HP Författare: Jesper Carlsson, Anna Landhager och Jakob Muhr Handledare: Maria Gårdängen Nyckelord: Insynshandel, insynsperson, Small Cap, Large Cap, abnormal avkastning, CAAR Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats ä

Processing engine for security health checks

Computer security is still an often neglected field even though the IT industry is huge and still growing. Making sure that systems are secure is something that is very important but can take a lot of man hours. This thesis contains the research and documentation for an auditing tool created on behalf of a company that specialises in computer security, TrueSec. The audit tool uses the log files th