

Din sökning på "*" gav 533484 sökträffar

Tracking time-variant cluster parameters in MIMO channel measurements: algorithm and results

This paper presents a joint clustering-and-tracking framework to identify time-variant cluster parametersfor geometry-based stochastic MIMO channel models.The method uses a Kalman filter for tracking and predicting cluster positions, a novel consistentinitial guess procedure that accounts for predicted cluster centroids, and the well-known KPower-Means algorithm for cluster identification.We teste

H/ACA small RNA dysfunctions in disease reveal key roles for noncoding RNA modifications in hematopoietic stem cell differentiation

Noncoding RNAs control critical cellular processes, although their contribution to disease remains largely unexplored. Dyskerin associates with hundreds of H/ACA small RNAs to generate a multitude of functionally distinct ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). The DKC1 gene, encoding dyskerin, is mutated in the multisystem disorder X-linked dyskeratosis congenita (X-DC). A central question is whether DKC1 mut

Deregulation of oncogene-induced senescence and p53 translational control in X-linked dyskeratosis congenita

Defects in ribosome biogenesis and function are present in a growing list of human syndromes associated with cancer susceptibility. One example is X-linked dyskeratosis congenita (X-DC) in which the DKC1 gene, encoding for an enzyme that modifies ribosomal RNA, is found to be mutated. How ribosome dysfunction leads to cancer remains poorly understood. A critical cellular response that counteracts

Light Protection in Plants: Characterisation of Violaxanthin de-epoxidase

Växter behöver ljus. Ljuset omvandlas genom fotosyntesen till kemisk energi som kan lagras i växten. Mer ljus ger således mer energi men bara upp till en viss gräns. När växten inte längre kan hantera mängden ljus som den utsätts för kommer flaskhalsar i processen orsaka att högenergetiska tillstånd blir mer långlivade. Dessa reaktiva ämnen kan då orsaka skada på närliggande komponenter, vilket kaPlants and algae need light to drive the photosynthetic machinery. An excess of light will, however, result in damage to the photosynthetic machinery and to the rest of the organism. The surplus of energy, when exposed to light stress is converted into less harmful heat energy through a process called non-photochemical quenching. This quenching is partly dependent on the xanthophyll pool located i

‘Why not make films for New York?’ : The interaction between cultural, political and commercial perspectives in Swedish Film Policy 1963-2013

During the last two decades or so, film support, film policy and the public financing of audiovisual production in Scandinavia and particularly Sweden have undergone extensive transformation. In diverse ways, these changes can be seen as responses to globalization, to increased sub-national regional independence as well as to the emerging idea of nurturing ‘creative industries’ taking hold. They m

Nonlinguistic vocalizations from online amateur videos for emotion research : A validated corpus

This study introduces a corpus of 260 naturalistic human nonlinguistic vocalizations representing nine emotions: amusement, anger, disgust, effort, fear, joy, pain, pleasure, and sadness. The recognition accuracy in a rating task varied greatly per emotion, from 70% for amusement, pleasure, fear, and sadness. In contrast, the raters’ linguistic–cultural group had no effect on recognition accuracy:

Applications of Conceptual Spaces : the Case for Geometric Knowledge Representation

This volume provides an overview of applications of conceptual spaces theory, beginning with an introduction to the modeling tool that unifies the chapters. The first section explores issues of linguistic semantics, including speakers negotiation of meaning. Further sections address computational and ontological aspects of constructing conceptual spaces, while the final section looks at philosophi

The mediatization of diplomacy

Practitioners and scholars are increasingly aware that an array of new actors, communication technologies, agendas and expectations are changing the institution of diplomacy. How diplomatic actors are known and experienced through their representation assumes an increasingly important, and uncertain, role. This article argues that these changes to the field should be considered in terms of the shi

The 2012 Olympics and its Legacies : State, Citizen and Corporate Mobilizations of the Olympic Spirit

The notion of legacy was intrinsic to London’s 2012 bid, drawing upon the Olympic spirit in the form of personal challenges designed to motivate and mobilize individuals and communities in Britain and around the world. However, with the economic crisis and change in government in 2010, a distinct discourse of economic legacy also emerged. This increasingly saw the citizen mobilization associated w

Intersections Between Public Diplomacy & International Development : Case Studies in Converging Fields

This volume originated out of a discussion with the BritishCouncil a few years ago. In light of changes to their grant-in-aidin 2010, nearly two thirds of their governmental funding is nowcomprised of Official Development Assistance (oda). I asked whatdifference there was between the work that was conducted as culturalrelations and the work that was budgeted as aid. The answer wasthat the same pro

Evangelium och existens före Luther

The article contains an edition, Swedish translation and study of a fifteenth-century Easter sermon written in Latin at the Birgittine Abbey of Vadstena, in a postil produced for the curate of Björkvik, who, we may presume, used it as a resource when preparing vernacular sermons for his parishioners. The study is not simply an introduction and historical commentary. Rather, it proceeds from the ho

The predictive value of s-cystatin C for mortality after coronary artery bypass surgery

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate serum creatinine (s-creatinine) and serum cystatin C (s-cystatin C) levels and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at different time points as predictors for mortality in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).METHODS: A total of 1638 patients undergoing elective CABG were studied prospectively over a median follow-up of 3.5 years (range, 2.0-5.0

Territory occupancy and parental quality as proxies for spatial prioritization of conservation areas

In order to maximize their fitness, individuals aim at choosing territories offering the most appropriate combination of resources. As population size fluctuates in time, the frequency of breeding territory occupancy reflects territory quality. We investigated the relationships between the frequency of territory occupancy (2002-2009) vs. habitat characteristics, prey abundance, reproductive succes

Mn enriched surface of annealed (GaMn)As layers annealed under arsenic capping

Using synchrotron radiation based spectroscopic methods we have investigated the surface modifications of Ga1-x Mnx As layers due to post growth annealing under amorphous arsenic capping layers. It is established that there is a clear increase of the Mn concentration at the surface after annealing. This is ascribed to a reaction between diffusing Mn interstitials and the As capping. The reacted su

Hardening/Softening Plastic Analysis of an Adhesive Joint

Closed-form solutions for the plastic response of a symmetric double-lap joint are presented. The adherents are assumed to behave linear elastically in pure tension, whereas the adhesive is assumed to be in a state of pure shear. The shear stress-strain behavior of the adhesive is approximated by a bilinear curve, and both hardening plasticity approximating ductile adhesive behavior, and softening