

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Role of TCF7L2 risk variant and dietary fibre intake on incident type 2 diabetes.

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: The T allele of transcription factor 7-like 2 gene variant, TCF7L2 rs7903146, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 40-50%. As TCF7L2 rs7903146 has been associated with diminished incretin effect we investigated whether interaction between dietary intake of carbohydrate, fat, protein or fibre and this variant affects the risk of type 2 diabetes. METHODS: A cohort of 24,799

Ethanol from Softwood - Techno-Economic Evaluation for Development of the Enzymatic Process

Popular Abstract in Swedish Etanol som produceras från förnyelsebara råvaror kan ersätta fossila bränslen som t.ex. bensin och diesel. Denna avhandling behandlar den enzymatiska processen för etanolproduktion från barrträd. Baserat på datorprogrammen Aspen Plus och Icarus Process Evaluator har ett verktyg för tekniska och ekonomiska beräkningar tagits fram i vilket hela processen, från trä till etEthanol produced from renewable resources can be used to replace fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel. This thesis deals with the development of the enzymatic process used for ethanol production from softwood. A techno-economic tool, based on Aspen Plus and Icarus Process Evaluator, was developed in which the whole process, from raw material to ethanol, was studied and critical process paramet

Low serum concentration of sulfatide and presence of sulfated lactosylceramid are associated with Type 2 diabetes. The Skaraborg Project

Aims The glycosphingolipid sulfatide (sulfated galactosyl-ceramide) increases exocytosis of beta-cell secretory granules, activates K-ATP-channels and is thereby able to influence insulin secretion through its presence in the islets. A closely related compound, sulfated lactosylceramide (sulf-lac-cer), is present in the islets during fetal and neonatal life when, as in Type 2 diabetes, insulin is

Clouding of a cationic hydrophobically associating comb polymer

A novel cationic hydrophobically associating comb polymer, containing poly(oxyethylene) chains in the back-bone, is described and investigated with respect to the aqueous solubility by cloud point measurements. Cloud points were investigated as a function of polymer charge, poly(oxyethylene) chain length and concentrations of added NaCl and could be interpreted in terms of the aqueous behavior of

The lowermost Silurian of Jamtland, central Sweden: conodont biostratigraphy, correlation and biofacies

The Late Ordovician-Early Silurian succession in Jamtland includes the marine Kogsta Siltstone, which is unconformably overlain by the shallow-water Ede Quartzite that grades into the open-marine Berge Limestone. A Hirnantia shelly fauna dates the uppermost Kogsta Siltstone as Hirnantian, and shelly fossils indicate an Aeronian age for the Berge Limestone. Biostratigraphically highly diagnostic co

Doppler blood flow changes and placental morphology in pregnancies with third trimester hemorrhage

Combined real-time ultrasound and pulsed Doppler ultrasound examinations were performed in 67 patients with third trimester hemorrhage and other symptoms related to placental abruption, starting from the onset of symptoms to delivery. In 52 of the cases, placental morphology was investigated by light microscopy. Thirteen patients were ultimately given the diagnosis abruptio placentae. None of the

Hepatitis C virus transmission, 1988-1991, via blood components from donors subsequently found to be anti-HCV-positive

The recipients of blood components, from the first 12 anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) positive donors identified by blood donor screening, 1985-1991, were traced retrospectively and tested to assess the HCV transmission rate, HCV genotypes and disease severity. Three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) positive but RIBA-indeterminate and HCV RNA-negative donors did not transmit HCV to their 9 t

Wavelet Galerkin methods for elastic multibody systems with unilateral contact constraints

In this thesis we investigate the applicability of wavelets to simulate the time behavior of elastic multibody systems (MBS) with contact constraints. For this end, a wavelet element method (WEM) was implemented, exploiting the special structure of the coupled ODE/PDE equations that govern elastic MBS. Special care has to be taken to adapt the method to the particular geometry of the elastic bodi

Influence on crack development in concrete structures from imposed strains and varying boundary conditions

Crack development due to imposed strains in different types of concrete structures and with varying boundary conditions is studied in order to improve control of cracking. A previously developed two-dimensional FE-method is used, with closing forces in cracks concentrated to spring elements. Temperature changes are used as load, and the calculations are performed stepwise with opening of nodes and

Design and Implementation of Embedded Video Surveillance Hardware

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hårdvara och algoritmer för ett inbyggt videoövervakningssystem presenteras i denna avhandling. För att verifiera systemet så har en prototyp byggts.The demands on video surveillance systems are rapidly increasing regarding parameters such as frame rate and resolution. Furthermore, with an ever increasing number of video streams, an automated process for extracting relevant information is required. Due to the large amount of input data and the computational complexity of the algorithms, software implementations are not sufficient to sustain re

Modelling catalytic combustion of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons over catalytically active wire meshes

A new way of preparing catalytically active wire meshes through a thermal-spray technique is described. A metal substrate (e.g. Kanthal AF) was plasma-sprayed with a composite ceramic/polymer-powder. The polymer content of the sprayed layer was burnt off whereupon a well-defined macro-porosity was created. By treating the so obtained material with an alumina-sol the specific surface area could be

Vehicle Dynamics Control for Rollover Prevention

Vehicle rollover accidents are a particularly dangerous form of road accident. Existing vehicle dynamics controllers primarily deal with yaw stability, and are of limited use for dealing with problems of roll instability. This thesis deals with the development of a new type of vehicle dynamics control system, capable of preventing rollover accidents caused by extreme maneuvering. A control strateg

Prognostic potential of flow cytometric S-phase and ploidy prospectively determined in primary breast carcinomas

In a prospective study of a consecutive breast cancer series accumulated in the period 1978-82, the S-phase fraction (SPF) and ploidy status were determined by flow cytometry performed on cell nuclei derived from samples of 580 primary tumors. Sixty percent of the tumors were non-diploid. After correction for debris the median SPF values were 7.3% overall, 12% for non-diploid tumors, and 2.9% for