

Din sökning på "*" gav 126126 sökträffar

Composition alum from Malmö Academy of Music selected for The Next Festival of Emerging Artists 2023

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 24 januari 2023 Emil Ernström. Photo: Emily Yue. The Next Festival of Emerging Artists is a music festival which takes place in New York City this June. It showcases young musicians, string players and composers. This year, three composers were selected to take part and write a work for string orchestra. Emil Ernstr

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/composition-alum-malmo-academy-music-selected-next-festival-emerging-artists-2023 - 2025-02-23

Pop/rock-utbildningen fyller 30 år

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 15 februari 2023 I år är det 30 år sedan Musikhögskolan i Malmös Pop/rock-utbildning såg dagens ljus. En milstolpe som givetvis måste firas och om några veckor är det dags. Den femte mars bjuder studenter och kursansvariga in till en hejdundrande konsert på Malmö Live. Bakom initiativet står Johan Hallström och Matt

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/poprock-utbildningen-fyller-30-ar - 2025-02-23

Musikhögskolan deltar i PRIhME

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 17 februari 2023 I veckan deltog studenter och medarbetare från Musikhögskolan i Malmö i det avslutande PRIhME Assembly, som ägde rum på Saint Louis College of Music i Rom. PRIhME är ett strategiskt partnerskap mellan nio europeiska musikinstitutioner som sedan 2020 har undersökt frågan om maktrelationer inom högre

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/musikhogskolan-deltar-i-prihme - 2025-02-23

Ida Ränzlöv om livet efter studierna

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 14 mars 2023 Vad händer efter examen? Dagen då du lämnar Musikhögskolan i Malmö bakom dig och tar klivet in på arbetsmarknaden. Hur applicerar du dina kunskaper från studietiden i ditt yrkesliv? Alumnen Ida Ränzlöv berättar mer. Varför valde du att studera just vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö? Jag började ta sånglektione

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/ida-ranzlov-om-livet-efter-studierna - 2025-02-23

Bine Katrine Bryndorf – master of the organ

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 11 april 2023 Since last year Malmö Academy of Music’s organ students have had the pleasure of attending lessons with Bine Katrine Bryndorf.  Apart from being a sought-after teacher, Bryndorf is also the domorganist of Roskilde Cathedral where she oversees the world-famous baroque organ by Hermann Raphaëlis (1654).

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/bine-katrine-bryndorf-master-organ - 2025-02-23

Alumner vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö driver Klubb Krinolin vidare 

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 8 maj 2023 Moa Nissfolk och Thea Lundbäck. Foto: Miriam Hjalmarsson. Malmöfavoriten Klubb Krinolin har fått en ny producentduo bestående av Thea Lundbäck och Moa Nissfolk, båda alumner vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö.  Klubb Krinolin är välkänd bland Malmös kammarmusikentusiaster; i över tio år har den serverat klassisk

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/alumner-vid-musikhogskolan-i-malmo-driver-klubb-krinolin-vidare - 2025-02-23

Lyssna på morgondagens tonsättare idag

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 15 maj 2023 Det är maj månad och flera av studenterna vid Musikhögskolan i Malmös kompositionsutbildningar går in i slutfasen av sin utbildning; ett utmärkt tillfälle att njuta av deras examenskonserter. En av de viktigaste delarna inom kompositionsutbildningarna, både på kandidat- och masternivå, är de eftertraktad

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/lyssna-pa-morgondagens-tonsattare-idag - 2025-02-23

Årets JAA-stipendiater utsedda

Av amelie [dot] malmgren [at] mhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Amelie Malmgren) - publicerad 22 maj 2023 Som ett av Sveriges absolut största stipendier inom klassisk musik behöver JAA-stipendiet ingen närmare presentation. Däremot presenterar vi med glädje årets vinnare. JAA-stipendiet delas ut av familjen John Anderssons i Anderslöv stiftelse och riktar sig till studerande med klassisk inriktning inom områ

https://www.mhm.lu.se/artikel/arets-jaa-stipendiater-utsedda - 2025-02-23

First WISE PhD and Postdoc projects approved

Published 30 November 2022 Photo by Fauxels at pexels.com. 193 applications were submitted in the first PhD and postdoc project call from which 90 projects have been granted funding. The projects are awarded in total 260 million Swedish Crowns by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW) for a period of up to four years. Awarded projects are distributed broadly across seven universities. “The

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/first-wise-phd-and-postdoc-projects-approved - 2025-02-23

Researchers take first step towards controlling photosynthesis using mirrors

Published 28 November 2022 The researchers used ultrafast laser spectroscopy (Photo: Pavel Chabera) With the help of mirrors, placed only a few hundred nanometers apart, a research team led by NanoLundian Tönu Pullerits has managed to use light more efficiently. The finding could eventually be useful for controlling solar energy conversion during photosynthesis, or other reactions driven by light.

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/researchers-take-first-step-towards-controlling-photosynthesis-using-mirrors - 2025-02-23

How to develop your career – first event facing the mentor program was held

By evelina [dot] linden [at] luhm [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 6 December 2022 Tina Persson, a Global ICF Coach who trains high-performing leaders to unlock and maximize their potential for guaranteed business success, was the first speaker to guest the NanoLund Mentoring program that kicks off in January. As a gateway into the NanoLund Mentoring program, a career development wor

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/how-develop-your-career-first-event-facing-mentor-program-was-held - 2025-02-23

NanoLund Distinction Prize to Yen-Po Liu, Lukas Hrachowina, and Sven Dorsch

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 8 December 2022 The first three NanoLund Distinction Prize awardees are (clockwise) Yen-Po Liu, Lukas Hrachowina, and Sven Dorsch. The NanoLund Distinction is awarded to PhD students within the NanoLund environment who have shown particular dedication to research, education and outreach activities, have acquired broad knowledge

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/nanolund-distinction-prize-yen-po-liu-lukas-hrachowina-and-sven-dorsch - 2025-02-23

A national agenda for semiconductors is now proposed

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Jessika Sellergren) - published 20 December 2022 In order to strengthen Swedish competitiveness, Lund University is taking the initiative to launch a national effort to mobilize expertise in the semiconductor field – and a proposal for a strategy for semiconductor technology in Sweden has now been proposed during a discussion meeting hosted by Lund Univers

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/national-agenda-semiconductors-now-proposed - 2025-02-23

Kimberly Dick Thelander inducted into the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 21 December 2022 Kimberly Dick Thelander. Photo: Magnus Bergström, provided by the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation Together with other prominent researchers and experts in the private and public sectors, Professor Kimberly Dick Thelander has been inducted as a new Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/kimberly-dick-thelander-inducted-royal-academy-engineering-sciences - 2025-02-23

Neuronano AB approaching the clinical phase

Published 16 January 2023 Jens Schouenborg is the founder of Neuronano AB, and a professor of neurophysiology at Lund University and leads the research at LU’s Neuronano Research Center. Photo: Tove Smeds Neuronano AB – a med tech company spun out of NanoLund and the Neuronano Research Center (NRC) – recently issued new shares, according to the news service Rapidus. 20 MSEK are taking the company

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/neuronano-ab-approaching-clinical-phase - 2025-02-23

Stepping out of the comfort zone – kick-off with the new NanoLund Mentoring program

By webmaster [at] nano [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Lindén) - published 24 January 2023 The NanoLund Mentoring program kicked off with 12 PhD-students meeting Tina Persson, a Global ICF Coach. Photo: Mirja Carlsson Möller Last week, NanoLund arranged a kick-off with a pilot round of 12 PhD students who are about to meet their mentors. The PhD students are all well over halfway through their PhD stud

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/stepping-out-comfort-zone-kick-new-nanolund-mentoring-program - 2025-02-23

New type of solar cell is being tested in space

Published 31 January 2023 Nanowire solar cells are being tested in space. Photo: Mostphotos With nanowires working as small solar radiation-collecting antennas, a new type of solar cell was sent into space a few days ago. By using three different materials they are a better match for the solar spectrum compared with today’s silicon solar cells. As the nanowires are light and require little materia

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/new-type-solar-cell-being-tested-space - 2025-02-23

Measurement of microwave photons could reveal mysteries of the universe

Published 2 February 2023 Ville Maisi leads a project focusing on the detection of microwaves and X-ray microscopy. The picture shows a circuit board with a microwave photodiode to be used to make detectors that can identify microwave photons. Photo: Waqar Khan Ville Maisi, senior lecturer at the Department of Physics at Lund University’s Faculty of Engineering (LTH) and researcher at NanoLund, ha

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/measurement-microwave-photons-could-reveal-mysteries-universe - 2025-02-23

Kind methods mean happy cells

Published 17 February 2023 Nanotubes act like a Velcro strip to which the blood stem cell sticks. Photo: Martin Hjort. Stem cells from umbilical cords in Skåne are improved with nanotubes. By cross-pollinating nanotechnology with stem cell biology, researchers are creating gentle methods to ensure that more cells perform better. Blood stem cells are altered without showing that they have been modi

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/kind-methods-mean-happy-cells - 2025-02-23

Kimberly Dick Thelander is awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize in chemistry

Published 7 March 2023 Kimberly Dick Thelander is awarded the Göran Gustafsson Prize in chemistry “for the study of the atomic structure of nanomaterials and its characterization by in-situ electron microscopy”. With the help of the microscope, nanocrystals can become new semiconductors – and “for the study of the atomic structure of nanomaterials and its characterization by in-situ electron micro

https://www.nano.lu.se/article/kimberly-dick-thelander-awarded-goran-gustafsson-prize-chemistry - 2025-02-23