

Din sökning på "*" gav 531206 sökträffar

Towards a critical understanding of Doughnut Economics - The case of Tomelilla, Sweden

In recent years, Kate Raworth’s new alternative macroeconomic model, “doughnut economics” (DE) has become increasingly popular within policies on different scales around the world. The doughnut-shaped framework addresses the urgent crises of our time by advocating for a balanced development that considers the planet’s well-being while securing our social needs. Since the introduction of the framew

Betalda samarbeten utan visuella element

Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur betalda samarbeten på ljudbaserade nätverk, såsom podcasts, är kommunicerade ur ett retoriskt perspektiv. Då det idag är ett stort fokus på visuellt och skriftligt material publicerat på sociala medier i bild- eller videoformat, är målet med denna studie att skapa en bredare förståelse för enbart ljudbaserad kommunikation. För att kunna besvara studiens fThe purpose of this study has been to investigate how paid collaborations in an audio-based social network, such as podcasts, are communicated from a rhetorical perspective. As there is today a great focus on visual and written material published on social media, the goal of this study is to create a broader understanding of audio-based communication. In order to answer the research question, a rh

An analysis of International Community Fire Protection Programs and their possible implementation in Sweden

The community fire protection programs, FireWise from the United States and FireSmart of Canada, aim to help protect individuals and communities from wildfires crossing into urban areas and destroying structures. As wildfires increase in severity and intensity in Sweden, and are predicted to continue doing so, it is important to investigate the possibility of implementing a similar program in Swed

Emotionsarbetet i terapirummet - En kvalitativ studie om terapeuters hantering av emotioner i arbetet

ABSTRAKT Författare: Hanna Fernegård Titel: Emotionsarbetet i terapirummet - En kvalitativ studie om terapeuters hantering av emotioner i arbetet. Kandidatuppsats: SOCK08, 15 hp Handledare: Anton Törnberg Sociologiska institutionen, höstterminen 2021 Tidigare studier visar att en stor del av Sveriges befolkning har besvär av oro, ångest eller lättare psykiska besvär. Den här studien är intressera

Återbruk av brandklassade dörrar

The question at issue in the report is to investigate what challenges and potential solutions there are regarding the reuse of fire-rated doors. In 2018, the construction and real estate sector accounted for one-fifth of Sweden's total climate emissions. From 1 January 2022, the new law will be introduced where developers must declare all products and materials in new buildings. The purpose o

Henri Lefebvre & production of (Cyber) - space

Most people are somehow dependent on digital devices to make their everyday life work. Ever since the advent of the Internet, the digital world has become larger and more complex with each passing decade. This study examines whether it is possible to apply Henri Lefebvre's theory "Production of Space" to a Metaverse under construction. All the people who have been interviewed in the

Implementing spatial variance in the rate of photolytic breakdown of NO2 in urban street canyons

In this study a module for calculating the solar exposure of individual fluid cells was developed to more accurately represent the effect of photolysis on the pollutant dispersion in an urban street canyon. The module was tested and validated on 12 different cases, each with a different geographical location, time of year and/or time of day. It was used for four parallel simulations performed on a

The Development of a Model for Determining the Spatial Resolution of Pulsed-Neutron Sources

This project entails the development of a model for determining the spatial resolution in scanning applications of pulsed-neutron sources, such as at the European Spallation Source (ESS). The development of this model involves the simplification of the problem of representing a pulse neutron scanning across a sample by approximating the pulsed neutron beam as a continuous laser beam scanning acros

Microgeographic differences in ecology, phenotypic and genomic population divergence in the common bluetail damselfly (Ischnura elegans)

Kan microgeografiska anpassningar förklara fenotypiska skillnader hos den större kustflicksländan När sommaren äntligen anländer börjar det också myllra av liv, inte minst vid dammar där en massa små flygande insekter håller till. En av dessa insekter är den större kustflicksländan (Ischnura elegans), vilken är en av de vanligare arterna av flicksländor i Sverige. Idag hotas tyvärr många arter avRapidly changing environments across the globe pose challenges for organisms to either adapt or risk extinction. High rates of gene flow are expected to prevent populations from adapting to their local ecological environments, but an increasing number of studies show that even at small geographical scales, natural or sexual selection can counteract the homogenizing effect of gene flow. Here I show

The Factory of the Future: An analysis on buildings, HVAC, and heat recovery systems in order to reduce energy consumption

The industrial sector in Sweden accounted for 38 percent of the country’s total energy consumption in 2019. As the world’s focus has shifted drastically on energy consumption, the industry sector’s has as well due to energy initiatives and government-driven regulations. The energy issue is currently of great relevance for energy-intensive industries where enormous potential remains due to factors

Night-time lights as a proxy for socioeconomic indicators in Uganda

A large amount of economic research is reliant upon census, survey, or national accounts as a source of data. For many developing nations, the quality of this data is widely recognised to be unreliable and is rarely available at the sub-national level. By using a new and improved source of night-time satellite imagery data, this study investigates to what extent this data can serve as a proxy to t

Nudging Innovation Through the Physical Working Environment

This bachelor's thesis seeks to investigate how the physical working environments of Born Global firms affect innovation, and more specifically analyze which physical attributes in the working environment nudge towards innovation. Born Globals are characterized as young firms with the ambition to gain global presence near founding. Since Born Global firms are at the beginning of their developm

The Owl Effect

I takt med sociala mediers framfart har nya förutsättningar för varumärkning uppkommit. Sociala medier erbjuder möjligheter för varumärken att nå ut till en bredare massa, observera kundbeteenden i realtid och interagera med sina kunder. Hur ett varumärke kan optimera sin varumärkesstrategi på sociala medier blir således av värde för strategiska kommunikatörer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka As social media continues to develop, new conditions for branding have arisen. Social media offers opportunities for brands to reach out to more people at once, observe customer behavior and interact with their customers. Therefore, how a brand can optimize its branding strategy on social media is of value for strategic communicators. The purpose of the study is to examine how the organization Duo

Foreign startups creation: The effect of business incubators in Sweden

With the increasing trend of having foreign entrepreneurship within most established economies, Sweden has been a dominating player on entrepreneurship and innovation. Various studies and research have been conducted to investigate the successful criteria and infrastructure required to cultivate such a promoting and welcoming culture of foreign entrepreneurship. This study focuses on the most imme

Folding HP Proteins on a Quantum Annealer

Kvantdatorer har fått mycket fokus i media de senaste åren på grund av sin potentiella förmåga att lösa problem som är för tidskrävande för att låta sig lösas på klassiska datorer. Kvantdatorer skiljer sig i grunden från dagens datorer, genom att bygga på gåtfulla kvantmekaniska egenskaper. En sådan är kvantsuperposition, som innebär att en partikel kan vara i flera kvanttillstånd samtidigt. AntagQuantum annealing provides a promising avenue for obtaining good approximate solutions to difficult optimization problems. Protein folding represents one such problem. For testing novel algorithms and technologies, simplified lattice models are well suited, as they represent considerable computational challenges despite their simplicity. One such model is the HP model, where the protein is represe

Endotrakealtub eller supraglottisk luftväg vid hjärtstopp

Bakgrund. Varje år drabbas ca 5900 personer av hjärtstopp i Sverige. Under pågående HLR behöver luftvägen säkras. Valet kan stå mellan endotrakelintubering och suppgraglottisk luftväg. Enligt SSAI är det anestesisjuksköterskan på plats som avgör vilken metod som ska användas. Syfte. Sammanfatta litteratur inom aktuellt forskningsområde angående om supraglottisk luftväg eller endotrakealtub bör an

Rättvist samhälle? - En litteraturöversik med fokus på aktivitetsorättvisa ur ett barnperspektiv

Bakgrund: Barn som växer upp i utsatta område kämpar med socioekonomisk utsatthet, trångboddhet och brist på tillgång av resurser i samhället. Dessa barn utsätts dagligen för olika former av aktivitetsorättvisa som påverkar deras vardag, uppväxt och identitet. De olika dimesionerna av aktivitetorättvisa är: occupational alienation, occupational deprivation, occupational marginalisation, occupation