

Din sökning på "*" gav 532863 sökträffar

Dimensionality reduction of independent influence factors in the objective evaluation of quality of experience

Big Data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have become the focus of recent research due to the large amount of data. Dimensionality reduction techniques are recognized as an important step in these analyses. The multidimensional nature of Quality of Experience (QoE) is based on a set of Influence Factors (IFs) whose dimensionality is preferable to be higher due to better QoE

Dynamical Modeling of Cloud Applications for Runtime Performance Management

Cloud computing has quickly grown to become an essential component in many modern-day software applications. It allows consumers, such as a provider of some web service, to quickly and on demand obtain the necessary computational resources to run their applications. It is desirable for these service providers to keep the running cost of their cloud application low while adhering to various perform

Islet Gene View-a tool to facilitate islet research

Characterization of gene expression in pancreatic islets and its alteration in type 2 diabetes (T2D) are vital in understanding islet function and T2D pathogenesis. We leveraged RNA sequencing and genome-wide genotyping in islets from 188 donors to create the Islet Gene View (IGW) platform to make this information easily accessible to the scientific community. Expression data were related to islet

A Recombinant Alpha-Like Protein Subunit Vaccine (GBS-NN) Provides Protection in Murine Models of Group B Streptococcus Infection

BACKGROUND: Group B Streptococcus (GBS) transmission during pregnancy causes preterm labor, stillbirths, fetal injury, or neonatal infections. Rates of adult infections are also rising. The GBS-NN vaccine, engineered by fusing N-terminal domains of GBS Alpha C and Rib proteins, is safe in healthy, nonpregnant women, but further assessment is needed for use during pregnancy. Here, we tested GBS-NN

Gender Differences in Tournament Choices: Risk Preferences, Overconfidence, or Competitiveness?

A long line of laboratory experiments has found that women are less likely to sort into competitive environments. Although part of this effect may be explained by gender differences in risk attitudes and self-confidence, previous studies have attributed the majority of the gender gap to gender differences in a competitiveness trait. I re-examine this result using a novel experiment that allows me

Affektmedvetenhet och stress : En sambandsstudie utifrån en integrerad stressmodell med affektsystemet som brygga mellan psyke och soma

A unified model of stress and affect consciousness was proposed. The connection between affect consciousness and perceived stress was studied. Teachers (n = 19) were interviewed using Monsens affect interview, followed one month later by a questionnaire containing Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S, STAI-T) and Twenty Item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). Stati

Hur synliggörs barnperspektivet i kontaktfamiljsprocessen? : en undersökning med fokus på avslutningen

The most common preventive and treatment service for children in child welfare services in Sweden is the contact family program. The number of children who are involved in the program has steadily increased. Usually it is a single mother who apply for or is offered this service. The aim with a contact family is that the parent should get respite and that the child should have its network enlarged

EU:s gemensamma utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik - En studie om dess uppkomst och institutionella utformning

This thesis aims to explain the emergence of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union, and its institutional shaping, by using elements of Neofunctionalism and Liberal Intergovernmentalism. Using Neofunctionalism, the Common Foreign and Security Policy can be explained both as a side-effect of Europe's economic integration, and as a way to maintain the former and the Europ

"Reciprocication in Democratization" - A Field Study on Mayan Political Participation in Guatemala

Over the centuries the Mayan indigenous population has been excluded from power politics in Guatemala. During the last decades much attention by scholars has been placed on the Mayan movement, as a new and unconventional political actor. In this study I examine why and how this actor has emerged, with specific consideration on the shift from class to culture. By drawing on theories of civil societ

På EU:s gränser Den nya nordliga dimensionen

In this paper I attempt to analyze the ways the European Union defines its external borders in cross-border co-operation with its neighbours. The analysis is based on case study examining the founding components of a updated version of the Northern Dimension policy of the European Union. The analytical framework of the study is composed of three different perceptions on the cross-border co-operat

Coaching i socialt arbete

Studien avser coaching inom socialt arbete med socialkonstruktionistisk utgångspunkt. Coachingen bedrevs inom projektet "Stärkt skydd för utsatta barn", Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län. Studien syftade till att utforska med vilken mening och betydelse som coachingen användes inom kontexten av socialt arbete. I studien berättas om hur coachingen inneburit utveckling av och lärande av metoder oc

ELULC‐10, a 10 m European Land Use and Land Cover Map Using Sentinel and Landsat Data in Google Earth Engine

Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) maps can be effectively produced by cost‐effective and frequent satellite observations. Powerful cloud computing platforms are emerging as a growing trend in the high utilization of freely accessible remotely sensed data for LULC mapping over largescale regions using big geodata. This study proposes a workflow to generate a 10 m LULC map of Europe with nine classes, ELUL

Altered prerequisites : A cross-sectional survey regarding cancer care in Sweden during COVID-19 from the viewpoint of contact nurses in cancer care

Contact nurses in cancer care were vital in sustaining cancer care in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this study was to investigate their experiences of providing care to people with cancer in these exceptional circumstances to identify emerging challenges and opportunities that must be addressed moving forward. A survey distributed to contact nurses was supplemented with questions

Att arbeta med en arbetslinje : Närbyråkratens syn

Malmö, like many other bigger cities in Europe, faces a double undertaking when facing the challenges the future. Not only must the municipal be able to provide its citizens with welfare and a high standard of living, it must also establish a level of economic growth that allows the city to act as catalyst for the surrounding area. In order to provide the population with welfare and the economy wi

Wind throw damages on forests : frequency and associated pressure patterns 1961-1990 and in a future climate scenario

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Flera olika klimatsimuleringar har visat på en sannolik förändring av jordens klimat, till största delen beroende på utsläpp orsakade av mänsklig aktivitet. Eftersom klimatet påverkar såväl ekosystem som livsmiljö är det av största intresse att kartlägga vilka konsekvenser en eventuell klimatförändring kan få. Även om människans vardag för det mesta påverkas av Many different simulations of the future climate have shown a probable change of the climate of the earth, mainly caused by anthropogenic emissions. A change in the climate influences many parameters. In this report the frequency of extreme wind situations in Southern Sweden and associated pressure patterns during the period 1961 to 1990 are compared to the conditions for the years 2070-2099. Diff

Modellering av kväveavskiljningen under fyra år i en anlagd våtmark på Lilla Böslid, Halland

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Kvävebelastningen på sjöar och hav har ökat markant de senaste tiotal åren. Jordbruket står för ca 50 % av de svenska kväveutsläppen som människan bidrar till. En ökad kvävebelastning på haven kan leda till övergödning, vilket får en stor negativ effekt på vattenekosystemen. Ett sätt att minska övergödningsproblematiken är att öka vattnets uppehållstid i landskaPolitical decisions have resulted in more focus on how to optimize wetlands natural ability to lower nitrogen fluxes in order to minimize the problem with eutrophication in costal areas. However there is no exact knowledge how to calculate the effectiveness of nitrogen removal in wetlands with natural water flow due to the many biochemical and hydrological processes that interact. In this study tw

Det avancerade klotterplanket: en studie av forum mot droger på Lunarstorm

This study is based on an observation of one of the biggest webcommunitys in Sweden today, called Lunarstorm. My main purpose was to research how young people use this media for talking about drug and alcohol-related subjects. The questions I posed were the following: - In which way do young people talk about drugs and alcohol on Lunarstorm? - What possibilities does Lunarstorm create for these

Översvämningskartering av Vombs ängar

Vomb meadows is an area well knows for its rich bird life. During the 19:th century until mid 20:th century, the meadows were flooded annually in order to increase the hay yield. The river Klingavälsån situated along the west side of the meadows, used to be a shallow river, meandering across the landscape. In the 1940’s the river was straightened and made deeper. This was done in purpose of draini

Investigating vegetation changes in the African Sahel 1982-2002 : a comparative analysis using Landsat, MODIS and AVHRR remote sensing data

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Det så kallade Sahelbältet, sträcker sig från Atlanten i väst till Röda Havet i öst och gränsar mellan Sahara i norr och de mer tropiska områdena i söder. Regionen är torr med oregelbunden nederbörd och anknyts ofta till begreppen ökenspridning och markförstörelse. I kontrast mot spekulationer kring dessa begrepp visar nyligen utförda studier på en signifikant pThere has been much debate concerning the concept of degradation and desertification in semi-arid lands, in particular semi-arid Sub-Saharan Africa, during the last two decades. However, recent findings suggest a consistent trend of increasing satellite-derived vegetation greenness in much of the African Sahel as interpreted from Pathfinder Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) Normaliz

Curlingföräldrar - Från Traditionella Föräldrastilar till ett Modernt Föräldraskap : Uppfostran i ett Förändrat Samhälle

A study was conducted to investigate the new and frequently discussed concept curling parents. There were no previous studies of curling parenting, and therefore traditional classifications of parenting (Baumrind, 1967, 1980; Maccoby & Martin, 1983) have been used for comparison. Parents (N=140) born between 1959 and 1981 participated. They completed questionnaires to establish their level of