Din sökning på "*" gav 476415 sökträffar
Explaining the Adoption of Complex Innovations by Reflexive Agents - A Critical Realist Perspective
The adoption of innovation is a multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon. It occurs as a result of the interplay between structural influences and agents' activities. Although existing studies on innovation have recognised the importance of theories that link the structure, the macro level, and agency, the micro level, in explaining changes over time, few theoretical accounts support the integrations o
Handledning som undervisningsform i sjuksköterskeprogrammets praktik : en beskrivning av variation i innebörd
Popular Abstract in Swedish Företeelserna handledning och lärande har en diffus innebörd i vardagliga sammanhang, såväl som i utbildningssammanhang. Individer uppfattar företeelser och ord på olika sätt. Man ger dem en mening utifrån sin erfarenhet eller brist på erfarenhet. Denna studie belyser den mening som en grupp sjuksköterskestuderande och deras handledande sjuksköterskor ger handledning, sSwedish nursing education has its roots within a tradition of vocational training in clinical practice. Supervision is commonly used in the practical parts of the education. The aim of the study was to explore, describe and understand the content and meaning of supervision expressed by student nurses and their supervisors. A complementary aim was to analyse and report on the research process as a
Implementation of education for sustainable development (ESD) : a study of the role of the principals in change work
cDNA Microarrays in Cancer Research.
Organ transplantation and views of life
Vid den nordiska konferensen ”Teaching bioethics” illustrerade transplantationskirurgen Nils H. Persson och jag hur en dialogpedagogisk metod kan belysa en frågeställning på ett sätt som är svårt för en ensam lärare. Nils H. Persson diskuterade bland annat den stora skillnaden i frekvens av organdonationer mellan de nordiska länderna, mindre än 15 PMP (per million population), och Spanien, mer än
In the Shadow of China – Integration and Internationalization in Lao PDR
Quantum physics of ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles in an external magnetic field
We use a microscopic Slater-Koster tight-binding model to study the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic metal nanoparticles containing up to 260 atoms. We compute the total energy as a function of the magnetization direction and the ensuing magnetic anisotropy. In an external magnetic field, the ground-state energy as a function of the magnetization orientation is characterized by minima separate
Structure and dynamics of Na adsorption on Al(100)
The adsorption of 0.2 monolayers (ML) of Na on Al(100) has been studied both experimentally, using low energy electron diffraction (LEED) and high resolution core level spectroscopy (HRCLS), and theoretically, using density functional theory (DFT). Two ordered phases are found: Islands of c (2×2) symmetry with Na atoms occupying four-fold hollow sites result from low temperature deposition and a (
Klimat- och energipolitik för ett hållbart Europa
Den svenska folkhögskolans yrkesinriktade utbildningar 1868-1940
Methods to Transfer Logistics Knowledge to People in Industry
Transfer of logistics knowledge to people can be carried out in a number of ways, in different directions and it can also take different forms from personal contacts in day-to-day work to longterm contracts between the parties. Cooperation is important in order to develop new knowledge. One of the innovations in the area is a "Virtual University" started by a consortium of universities in the Balt
En svensk historia från vikingatid till nutid
Kunglig teknik (Lars Samuelson)
Scholarship of Teaching i ett utvecklingsperspektiv
Past and Future Visions of Religious Freedom
Har det gått mus i kvinnofriden?
No title
Emissions from Fires Part II: Simulated Room Fires
Detailed quantitative characterization of the combustion gases from a series of room fires is reported in this article. Three simulated room fires were conducted with a test room containing a typical domestic fuel load of furniture including a TV-set. Two types of TV-sets were studied in the experiments, i.e. those containing fire retarded and non-fire retarded enclosure material. The measurement