Din sökning på "*" gav 526348 sökträffar
Arbetslös igår, sjukskriven idag; morgondagens förtidspensionär?
In Sweden there is a covariance between long-term illness and unemployment - when the unemployment is high usually the absence due to long-term illness is low, and vice versa. In the paper this covariance is analyzed, as well as unemployed long-term ill often is ending up with an early retirement pension.
A study of the collective effects in relativistic heavy ion collisions
[abstract missing]
No title
Private international law aspects of the introduction of same-sex marriages in Sweden
Här är världen långt borta
Instagramupploppet visar att vi trots allt är på rätt väg
Tisdagens upplopp i Göteborg var en reaktion på en storskalig uthängning av oskyldiga ungdomar. Jag är ingen vän av pöbelvälde – men kan ändå se flera positiva spår i vad som hänt. Gårdagens händelser visar att det finns en allt större benägenhet att inte acceptera smutskastning på nätet. Utsatta ungdomar behöver stöd, inte moralkakor.
From community planning to partnership planning. Urban regeneration and shifting power relations on the South Bank, London
This paper seeks to explain the persistence of inner-city deprivation in spite of sustained regeneration efforts, through demonstrating how urban regeneration policies are embedded in peculiar political-institutional power dynamics that actually contribute to the further disempowerment of the already disempowered groups in inner cities. The reconstruction of the post-war planning history of one sp
Phase noise analysis and design of a 3-GHz bipolar differential colpitts VCO
This paper presents a low-phase-noise differential bipolar Colpitts VCO, implemented in a 0.35/spl mu/m BiCMOS process. A time-variant phase noise analysis yields closed- form symbolic expressions for the dominant noise sources in the 1/f/sup 2/ phase-noise region. Measurements show a phase noise of -123 dBc/Hz at 1MHz offset from a 2.8-3.1 GHz carrier, for a figure-of-merit of 183 dBc/Hz. A very
The Dynamics of Trust in Complex and Contradictory Contexts
Hypnotizability, alterations in consciousness, and other variables as predictors of performance in a ganzfeld psi task
Abstract in UndeterminedWe examined how hypnotizability, dissociation, alterations in consciousness, belief in success, and previous psi experiences related to performance in a ganzfeld psi task. High (n = 14) and low (n = 12) hypnotizables participated in 2 sessions. The first included measures of dissociation and alterations in consciousness during ganzfeld, whereas the second consisted of a tel