

Din sökning på "*" gav 535448 sökträffar

Adsorption of L-cysteine on rutile TiO2(110)

We have used X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to study the adsorption of L-cysteine on a rutile TiO2(110) surface at room temperature and -65 degrees C. For the molecules in direct contact with the surface our results suggest that the molecules bind dissociatively to the fivefold-coordinated Ti atoms of the surface through their deprotonated carboxylic groups. A second, dissociative interaction oc

Inhalable railroad particles at ground level and subterranean stations - Physical and chemical properties and relation to train traffic

The paper compares PM10 concentrations in railroad environments with EU air quality standards and characterizes particle concentrations and particle properties in relation to train traffic. The results show that PM10 concentrations in ground-level railroad environments do not exceed the EU directive 24-h limit value, while on the platforms of the two subterranean stations PM10 concentrations were

Frail Older Adults' Experiences of Receiving Health Care and Social Services

This study explored frail older adults' overall experience of receiving health care and/or social services. Frail older adults with unstable health are dependent on the health care system because of the frequency of their contacts with it. More knowledge is needed about how they experience the health care and social services they receive. Interviews with 14 older adults (mean age = 81) revealed on

Pronounced Fixation, Strong Population Differentiation and Complex Population History in the Canary Islands Blue Tit Subspecies Complex

Evolutionary molecular studies of island radiations may lead to insights in the role of vicariance, founder events, population size and drift in the processes of population differentiation. We evaluate the degree of population genetic differentiation and fixation of the Canary Islands blue tit subspecies complex using microsatellite markers and aim to get insights in the population history using c

Structure and Stability of the Spinach Aquaporin SoPIP2;1 in Detergent Micelles and Lipid Membranes

Background: SoPIP2;1 constitutes one of the major integral proteins in spinach leaf plasma membranes and belongs to the aquaporin family. SoPIP2;1 is a highly permeable and selective water channel that has been successfully overexpressed and purified with high yields. In order to optimize reconstitution of the purified protein into biomimetic systems, we have here for the first time characterized

Representation of the Impact of Smoke on Agent Walking Speeds in Evacuation Models

This paper addresses the problem of reproducing the effect of different visibility conditions on people’s walking speed when using evacuation models. In particular, different strategies regarding the use of default settings and embedded data-sets are investigated. Currently, the correlation between smoke and walking speed is typically based on two different sets of experimental data produced by (1

Neural grafting in Parkinson's disease: problems and possibilities

Neural transplantation has emerged as a possible therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). Clinical studies performed during the 1990s, where dopaminergic neurons derived from the human embryonic brain were transplanted into striatum of patients with PD, provided proof-of-principle that long-lasting therapeutic benefits can be achieved. Subsequent studies, in particular two that followed a double-blin

Validating a Swedish varve chronology using radiocarbon, palaeomagnetic secular variation, lead pollution history and statistical correlation

We use statistical correlation of palaeomagnetic secular variation (PSV) curves from a varved Holocene lake sediment sequence in west central Sweden (Lake Kälksjön) against those of a Fennoscandian master stack (FENNOSTACK) to correct for an apparent error in the varve chronology. Additional correlation between a lead pollution-derived chronology for the last 2000 years corroborates the PSV result

Labor Markets in Transformation: Case Studies of Latin America

This dissertation contains three independent studies that analyze labor markets in transformation. They focus on two central elements of labor markets in developing countries: non-agricultural employment in the rural economy and informal employment in the urban economy. Rural non-agricultural employment (RNAE) is being increasingly emphasized as a potential pathway out of rural poverty for people

Mechanisms of microbial-host interaction during asymptomatic bacteriuria

Popular Abstract in Swedish Mer än hälften av alla kvinnor har haft en urinvägsinfektion. Infektionen uppkommer när bakterier når urinblåsan och börjar växa. Immunförsvaret känner igen bakterierna, reagerar med en inflammation och symptom som sveda, trängningar och smärtor i nedre magtrakten uppstår. Om bakterierna klättrar upp till njurarna sprider sig inflammationen dit och orsakar ryggsmärtor oUrinary tract infections (UTIs) present an interesting and relevant model for studying microbial adaptation. After establishing significant numbers, the bacteria either cause severe disease, or an asymptomatic carrier state resembling the normal flora at other mucosal sites. Patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU) are protected from re-infection if the strain that they carry outcompetes more

Nuclear-modification factor for open-heavy-flavor production at forward rapidity in Cu plus Cu collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

Background: Heavy-flavor production in p + p collisions is a good test of perturbative-quantum-chromodynamics (pQCD) calculations. Modification of heavy-flavor production in heavy-ion collisions relative to binary-collision scaling from p + p results, quantified with the nuclear-modification factor (R-AA), provides information on both cold-and hot-nuclear-matter effects. Midrapidity heavy-flavor R

J/Psi production at RHIC-PHENIX

The J/ψ is considered to be among the most important probes for the deconfined quark–gluon plasma (QGP) created by relativistic heavy-ion collisions. While the J/ψ is thought to dissociate in the QGP by Debye color screening, there are competing effects from cold nuclear matter (CNM), feed-downs from excited charmonia (χc and ψ') and bottom quarks, and regeneration from uncorrelated charm quarks.

alpha-Synuclein propagates from mouse brain to grafted dopaminergic neurons and seeds aggregation in cultured human cells

Post-mortem analyses of brains from patients with Parkinson disease who received fetal mesencephalic transplants show that alpha-synuclein-containing (alpha-syn-containing) Lewy bodies gradually appear in grafted neurons. Here, we explored whether intercellular transfer of alpha-syn from host to graft, followed by seeding of alpha-syn aggregation in recipient neurons, can contribute to this phenom

Asymmetric InGaAs MOSFETs with InGaAs source and InP drain

Asymmetric In0.53Ga0.47As MOSFETs with different regrown contacts at source (In0.53Ga0.47As) and drain (InP) have been developed. By introducing a wider bandgap material, InP as drain electrode, higher self-gain g(m)/g(d) has been obtained with reduced output conductance g(d) and improved break-down voltage V-bd. For L-g=100nm, a high oscillation frequency f(max)= 270GHz has been obtained using an

Furniture Design beyond Usability. Changes for People in the Third Age when Moving to a New Home.

User-centred design approaches within the field of furniture design for old people involves an act of embracing and balancing various end-user needs and assessing their relative importance for the product experience. It is often assumed that older people’s physiological needs dominate their other needs. In the present study, three focus group interviews were carried out with the exploratory purpos

All-inclusive and all good: the hegemonic ambiguity of leadership

This paper examines the reasons behind the popularity of leadership and leadership studies. We claim that at least part of the answer to why leadership is so celebrated and ubiquitous – in academia as well in society at large – can be found in how the term typically is (not) defined and presented. Leadership discourses are almost always persuasive; constructed to appeal and seduce audiences of the