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Samverkan i Barnahus kring brottsutsatta barn. En komparativ idéspridningsstudie i nordiska kontexter.

Rättsväsendets oförmåga att tillgodose barns rättigheter och rättssäkerhet som brottsoffer har under senare år uppmärksammats och lett till en rad åtgärder, däribland etableringen av s.k. Barnahus. Barnahusidén har genomgått en nordisk spridningsprocess från Barnahusíd på Island som startade 1998 till starten av en försöksverksamhet på sex orter i Sverige år 2006, till ytterligare ett 20-tal orter

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Popular Abstract in German n/a[abstract missing]

The Auditor at Work – A study of auditor practice in Big 4 audit firms

By combining different aspects of auditing and by focusing on the individual auditor and observing auditors at work, this dissertation explores the auditing concept. It focuses on activities carried out by auditors in local settings and how the macro-level phenomenon of “auditing” is realised in micro-level, day-to-day audit work. In doing this, the following research question is addressed: What d

Voice imitation - different ways of saying mobilsvar

Voice imitation can be effective in different ways, both consciously and unconsciously, in situations such as language acquisition and for entertainment. The human voice is flexible, and it is possible to change the vocal tract in order to imitate other people’s speech behaviour. To succeed with the imitation, we have to figure out important and characteristic features of the target speaker. Such

The everyday life of law

The paper is an auto-ethnographical account of the practice of law in the mundane everyday life at Lund District Court, Sweden. It researches the practice of law, in the office part of the court, as a human practice in a constant call between de-contamination from personal identity and a re-call of a that lost subjective will.

Lowering Power Consumption in Clock by Using Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Design Style

Power consumption in clock of large high performance VLSIs can be reduced by adopting Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous design style (GALS). GALS has small overheads for the global asynchronous communication and local clock generation. We propose methods to a) evaluate the benefits of GALS and account for its overheads, which can be used as the basis for partitioning the system into optim

The transforming leader : The characterization of Jesus as leader in Matthew’s call narratives and its implications for pastoral leadership today

The first part of this paper discusses how Jesus is presented as a leader in the call narratives in the Gospel of Matthew (4.18–22). By making use of a biographical-narrative reading of Matthew, which takes the biographical genre seriously and pays attention to the narrative development of the story, and modern understanding of leadership, mainly by making use of transformational leadership theori