Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar
Pandemics, Policing and Protest
Physical activity and associated factors from a cross-sectional survey among adults in northern Tanzania
Background: Insufficient physical activity (PA) is a major contributing factor in the growing problem of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in urban and rural Sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to determine PA and associated factors among adults in Northern Tanzania. Methods: We analyzed secondary data from a cross-sectional serological survey nested within the Magu health and demographic sentinel
Dendrokronologisk analys av Grönvik, Forsvik, Västergötland
Dendrokronologisk analys av timmerstommen på mangårdsbyggnaden på Bilby säteri, Eskilstuna kommun
Vedanatomisk analys av fynd vid arkeologisk undersökning i Kverrestad, sydöstra Skåne
Dendrokronologisk analys av kavelbro och brunn på Bangårdgatan (RAÄ 88:1) i Uppsala
Dendrokronologisk analys av en stockstege funnen i en brunn vid undersökningen vid ESS, nordöst Lund
Editorial: A large potential for combined intervention of co-existing unhealthy lifestyles aiming for risk reduction at surgery – but the evidence is sparse
Dendrokronologisk analys av Mölltorps kyrka, Karlsborgs pastorat, Västergötland
Editorial: Will it be easier to diagnose alcohol dependency in the future?
Dendrokronologisk analys av Heda 1:6, gamla komministerbostad, Östergötland
Risk factors for inappropriate blood requisition among hospitals in Tanzania
Background Blood is a critical aspect of treatment in life saving situations, increasing demand. Blood requisition practices greatly effect sufficient supply in blood banks. This study aimed to determine the risk factors for inappropriate blood requisition in Tanzania. Methods This was a cross sectional study using secondary data of 14,460 patients’ blood requests from 42 transfusion hospitals. Pr
Dendrokronologisk analys av Röda kvarn, Forsvik, Västergötland
Dendrokronologisk analys av fartygslämning mm i samband med sanering vid Beckholmen, Stockholm
Dendrokronologisk analys av norra flygeln på Halmstads slott, Halmstad
Enhancement of 2DEG effective mass in AlN/Al0.78Ga0.22N high electron mobility transistor structure determined by THz optical Hall effect
We report on the free charge carrier properties of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in an AlN/AlxGa1-xN high electron mobility transistor structure with a high aluminum content (x = 0.78). The 2DEG sheet density N s = (7.3 ± 0.7) × 10 12 cm-2, sheet mobility μ s = (270 ± 40) cm2/(Vs), sheet resistance R s = (3200 ± 500) ω / □, and effective mass m eff = (0.63 ± 0.04) m 0 at low temperatures (
Survival and risk of vascular complications in myelofibrosis—A population-based study from the Swedish MPN group
Objective: To gain knowledge of underlying risk factors for vascular complications and their impact on life expectancy in myelofibrosis. Methods: From a cohort of 392 myelofibrosis patients registered in the Swedish MPN registry 58 patients with vascular complications during follow-up were identified. Patients with vascular complications were compared with both 1:1 matched controls and the entire
Dendrokronologisk analys av "Berghs trähus" på Borgmästaren 8, Kvarnholmen, Kalmar
Of Swedes & Facebook 2022
2022 has not been a good year for Facebook (Meta) so far. The stock price is plunging, the company is still under fire for the extent of misinformation on the platform, and the number of users are decreasing for the first time in the US. Marketing and technology analysts are speculating whether Facebook reached its peak and began losing the competition against other rising platforms like TikTok.Ye