

Din sökning på "*" gav 528234 sökträffar

Förslag på hur EU kan reglera överskottet på marknaden för utsläppsrätter, EU ETS

This essay describes different solutions for how to better regulate the market short- and long term, more cost efficiently and environmentally sustainable for emissions trading in the European Union´s trading system EU ETS. We analyse six different approaches to intervene the market. These six are; cancellation of allowances, revision of the reduction rate, backloading, extending demand, price flo

The Creation of a Sustainable Urban Foodscape in San Francisco City and County

Food policies have become increasingly relevant for the federal and municipal planning in the recent decades. Poor quality diets are associated with a number of diseases, such as obesity, heart diseases, diabetes, and some cancers. I have done a case study of food policy in San Francisco. I focus on the three dimensions of the city food planning, such as access to healthy food, sustainable and loc

När det interna varumärket får motsatt effekt: medarbetarberättelser om motstånd

Denna studie har en socialkonstruktionistisk utgångspunkt och syftar till att undersöka upplevelser av intern varumärkeskommunikation som styrningsverktyg från ett mottagarperspektiv. Syftet grundas i en problematik där den strategiska idén med interna varumärken går förlorad när hänsyn inte tas till medarbetares subjektiva upplevelser av varumärket. För att uppnå syftet har en fallstudie genomförFrom a social constructionist view, the purpose is to examine experiences of internal brand communication as a management tool from a recipient perspective. The problem is based on the fact that the strategic intention of internal brands is lost when co-workers’ subjective experiences are not taken into account. To reach the purpose, a case study has been conducted where co-workers on operative le

How is the Performance of a Neural Network Ensemble influenced by Over-fitting and Ensemble Size - A Numerical Investigation

The goal of this investigation is to study the performance of two different aspects of neural network ensembles: one ensemble contains over-trained networks and the other very many members. The over-training of the networks within the first ensemble is achieved with a larger number of hidden neurons than the approximation task in question would require. The result of the investigation is that over

Acceptans av vegetarisk mat hos barn - Hur kan Lunds kommun öka acceptansen av vegetarisk mat hos elever i de kommunala skolorna?

In recent years, decreased meat consumption has been emphasized as important for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. The municipality of Lund is working to reduce its meat consumption by serving vegetarian food once a week in the municipal schools. The results differ between schools, where students in some schools have accepted the vegetarian food while students in other schools have not. The purpo

Using HTML5 for the GUI in AXIS video devices

The general purpose of this thesis is to investigate how HTML5 and related technologies can be utilised to improve the usability and user experience of the web GUI of Axis network cameras. HTML5 is often used as a label for a family of new web technologies, including CSS3 and JavaScript APIs. Of special interest is the new video element which can potentially change the way video is displayed in th

Intern kommunikation – Intranätets betydelse för organisationer

Intern kommunikation och informationshantering blir allt viktigare för företag. I takt med att mängden information ökar, ställs också högre krav på verksamheterna.Information måste kunna hanteras, förmedlas och bearbetas. Till sin hjälp har företagsledningar flertalet informationskanaler till sitt förfogande. Ett intranät är en sådan. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka huruvida intranätet fung

Arbetsrelaterad motivation: Sambandet mellan employee engagement och empowerment

Undersökningen studerar sambandet mellan employee engagement och empowerment, samt hur styrkan i detta samband kan bero på ålder. Studien innefattar en internetbaserad surveyundersökning där urvalet begränsas till tjänstemän inom den offentliga sektorn. Enkäten innehåller frågor rörande individens upplevda arbetssituation. Analysen visar en positiv korrelation mellan de två variablerna, r = .705, The research examines the relation between employee engagement and empowerment, and how the strength of this relationship is affected by age. The research includes an internet-based survey to a sample of civil servants in the public sector. The survey consists of questions related to the individual's perceived work-situation. The analysis shows a positive correlation between the two variables,

A Multisequence Monte Carlo Method in a Simple Protein Model

In this thesis an algorithm for simulating the equilibrium behavior of a large number of protein sequences at fixed temperature in a single run is investigated. The method, which works by allowing Monte Carlo updates of the protein sequence, is implemented and tested for a simple reduced-representation continuous protein model with three different types of amino acids. The effectiveness of the m

Determinants of IPO underpricing - A comparison between the UK and Germany

The purpose of this study is to investigate the influencing factors on underpricing in the UK and Germany. The focus hereby lies on the different institutional framework (common and civil law) and implied ownership structure of both countries. A quantitative analysis is conducted using multiple linear regression model and descriptive statistics. The dependent variable underpricing is regressed on

Förändringen från arbetskraftsemigration till investeringsemigration : en studie om den kinesiska emigrations utveckling från mitten av 1800-talet fram tills idag

Kinas emigration idag utgörs framför allt av förmögna kineser som investeringsemigrerar. Detta är ett emigrationsfenomen som är väldigt annorlunda i förhållande till de kineserna som emigrerade som arbetskraft förr. Den här uppsatsen studerar hur den kinesiska emigrationen utvecklades från arbetskraftsemigration, som påbörjades under mitten av 1800-talet, fram tills dagens investeringsemigration.

Felprojektering i planeringsprocessen

When constructing roads, it often happens that the contractor have trouble following the documentation intended for the project. When the contractor is unable to follow the documents and instead need new instructions, there is always changed, added or outgoing work. Sometimes this could mean that it is impossible to stay within the road area, for example, to accommodate the slopes, or more land ne

Lunds Domkyrkas takkonstruktion

Lund Cathedral was built in Romanesque style when Lund became an archbishopric in the early 1100s. The roof structure of the church then had a flat wooden roof on the inside with room for tension rods so that the roof structure only affected the masonry walls with vertical loads. After a major fire in the 1200s, where the church was almost completely destroyed, cross vaults were built. This meant

Syndiga kvinnor och dygdiga män : Medeltida sexualetik i Europa

This thesis examines the medieval notions of gender and sexuality through the eyes of contemporary scholarly work in this field of research. The dominant medieval notion of women/femininity and men/masculinity has been the focus in my reading and understanding of those texts. I have been presented to medieval texts of different genres. The research deal with the questions of what was considered to

Ingen förstår varandra : Om poetiska framställningar av djur i Aase Bergs Liknöjd fauna

The problem of representing animals in literature and poetry is a topic that lately has started to receive more attention from theorists and literary scholars. In her poetry book Liknöjd fauna, the swedish poet Aase Berg creates a space for negotiating and deconstructing the borders between human, animal and nature. At the same time, the poems seem to lead a discussion on the very act of represent

Problemet med ojämställdhet: en feministisk diskursanalys av problemrepresentationen av ojämställdhet i svenskt bistånd

This essay analyzes central directional documents of Swedish international development with the aim to analyze the problem representation of gender inequality, using Carol Bacchi's “What's the problem represented to be?”-approach to discourse analysis. Central for this essay's framework is postcolonial feminism pursuantly the understanding of Chandra Talpade Mohanty, as well as a criti

I demokratins tjänst: Makt- och rollförändring mellan yrkespolitiker och högre tjänstemän i svenska kommuner

De senaste åren har det skett en stor omsättning av högre kommunala chefer. En del kan förklaras med pensionsavgångar, men en del har med något annat att göra. Tidigare undersökningar och forskning pekar på att vi har en kommunal tjänstemannaorganisation och politik i förändring, där trycket har ökat på både politiker och tjänstemän. En av riktningarna går mot en ökad politisk professionalisering