

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Sverige har fackligt världsrekord

I artikeln framhålls att den internationellt mycket höga fackliga organisationsgraden i Sverige beror på flera faktorer: förekomsten av fackliga a-kassor och fackliga konfliktfonder, att den svenska fackföreningsrörelsen på en och samma gång är mer centraliserad och decentraliserad än i många andra länder samt frånvaron av splittring längs politiska eller religiösa skiljelinjer. Därtill kommer att

Gastrin and the neuropeptide PACAP evoke secretion from rat stomach histamine-containing (ECL) cells by stimulating influx of Ca2+ through different Ca2+ channels

Gastrin and PACAP stimulate secretion of histamine and pancreastatin from isolated rat stomach ECL cells. We have examined whether or not secretion depends on the free cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+i) and the pathways by which gastrin and PACAP elevate [Ca2+i. Secretion was monitored by radioimmunoassay of pancreastatin and changes in [Ca2+i by video imaging. The patch clamp technique was use

Serotonin neuron transplants exacerbate L-DOPA-induced dyskinesias in a rat model of Parkinson's disease

Clinical trials in patients with Parkinson's disease have shown that transplants of fetal mesencephalic dopamine neurons can form a new functional innervation of the host striatum, but the clinical benefits have been highly variable: some patients have shown substantial recovery in motor function, whereas others have shown no improvement and even a worsening in the 3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-L-alanine (L

Biological monitoring of carbon disulphide and phthalate exposure in the contemporary rubber industry

Objectives: We studied the range in urinary levels of 2-thiothiazolidine-4-carboxyl acid (TTCA), a metabolite of CS, and phthalic acid (PA), a common metabolite of phthalates, across factories and departments in the contemporary rubber manufacturing industry. Methods: Spot urine samples from 101 rubber workers employed in nine different factories were collected on Sunday and during the workweek on

The REAL process - a process for recycling sludge from water works

In order to produce drinking water, coagulants - such as aluminium salts - are widely used for precipitation and separation of impurities from raw water. The residual from the process is sludge, which presents a disposal problem. The REAL process is a method for recycling the aluminium from the sludge. In a first step, the aluminium hydroxide is dissolved in sulphuric acid. In a second step, an ul

Once-daily dosing with budesonide/formoterol compared with twice-daily budesonide/formoterol and once-daily budesonide in adults with mild to moderate asthma

Adherence to maintenance therapy is often poor in patients with asthma. Simplifying dosing regimens has the potential to improve both adherence and asthma-retated morbidity. In this 12-week, randomized, double-blind, double-dummy, parattel-group study, 617 patients with mild to moderate persistent asthma (mean forced expiratory volume in 1 s [FEV,] 78.5% predicted) who were not optimally controlle

Ultrastructual study and description of Paramyxoides nephtys gen. n., sp n. a parasite of Nephtys caeca (Fabricius, 1780) (Polychaeta : Nephtyidae)

The new paramyxean Paramyxoides nephtys gen. n., sp. n. is described based on cytological characters. The organism reproduces by endogenous budding, and sporogony is the only sequence of reproduction observed. A primary cell with narrow haplosporosomes gives rise to two or four secondary cells (sporonts), each yielding four tetracellular spores in which the cells are situated one within the other.

Pronounced Shape Change Induced by Quasiparticle Alignment

Mean lifetimes of high-spin states of Kr-74 have been determined using the Doppler-shift attenuation method. The high-spin states were studied using the Ca-40(Ca-40, alpha 2p) reaction at a beam energy of 160 MeV with the GASP gamma-ray spectrometer. The ground-state band and negative parity side band show the presence of three different configurations in terms of transitional quadrupole deformati

Relations between coping strategies and health-related quality of life in patients with spinal cord lesion

Objective: Although the use of appropriate coping strategies has been suggested to be a key factor in determining successful adjustment to severe physical illness/disability, little systematic support for this link has been found. We investigated relationships between spinal cord lesion-related coping strategies and health-related quality of life when studying for sociodemographic, disability-rela

Widow inheritance and HIV/AIDS in rural Uganda

Despite current efforts to combat HlV/AlDS through behavioural change, ingrained socio-cultural practices such as widow inheritance in south-western Uganda has not changed. Low education, unemployment, dowry, widows' socioeconomic demands and the inheritor's greed for the deceased's wealth, influence widow inheritance. Voluntary counselling and testing is needed for the widows and their inheritors

Pulsatile wall motion and blood pressure in aneurysms with open and thrombosed endoleaks--comparison of a wall track system and M-mode ultrasound scanning: an in vitro and animal study

OBJECTIVE: Pulsatile wall motion has been suggested as a means by which to evaluate abdominal aortic aneurysms after exclusion from the circulation to determine whether the treatment has been effective. The objective of this study was to investigate the relations between pulsatile wall motion and both the mean and pulse pressures within the aneurysmal sac for both patent and thrombosed endoleaks.

Quantitative study of 10 Hz operation of a soft x-ray laser-energy stability and target considerations

A soft x- ray laser from Ni- like Mo, pumped in grazing incidence ( GRIP), is analyzed with regard to high repetition rate operation. Reliable lasing is obtained, but with significant energy fluctuations attributed mainly to beam pointing jitter from the pump laser. Two modes of operation are compared: continuously moving target and stationary target. With a moving target the soft X- ray output is

Innovation in an urban context

Popular AbstractDenna sammanläggningsavhandling tar upp olika aspekter vid det regionala innovationssystemet i en urban kontext. Det övergripande syftet är att identifiera faktorer som kan förklara hur regionala innovationssystem faktisk fungerar i en urban agglomeration. Detta är gjort genom att se på innovationsdynamiken och innovationsaktiviteten i Oslo regionen, och genom att se hur två olika The dissertation is based on a collection of papers addressing different aspects of regional innovation systems in an urban context. The overall aim is to find explanatory factors behind the workings of regional innovation systems in urban agglomerations by looking at the innovation dynamics and innovation outcomes of the Oslo region, and secondly, by analysing how two diverse subsets of economic

Large variation in lipid content, ΣPCB and δ13C within individual Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Abstract Many studies that investigate pollutant levels, or use stable isotope ratios to define trophic level or animal origin, use different standard ways of sampling (dorsal, whole filet or whole body samples). This study shows that lipid content, ΣPCB and δ13C display large differences within muscle samples taken from a single Atlantic salmon. Lipid- and PCB-content was lowest in tail muscles,

Human alpha-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (HAMLET) kills human glioblastoma cells in brain xenografts by an apoptosis-like mechanism and prolongs survival.

Malignant brain tumors present a major therapeutic challenge because no selective or efficient treatment is available. Here, we demonstrate that intratumoral administration of human α-lactalbumin made lethal to tumor cells (HAMLET) prolongs survival in a human glioblastoma (GBM) xenograft model, by selective induction of tumor cell apoptosis. HAMLET is a protein-lipid complex that is formed from α