

Din sökning på "*" gav 533093 sökträffar

Tumor extension in high-grade gliomas assessed with diffusion magnetic resonance imaging: values and lesion-to-brain ratios of apparent diffusion coefficient and fractional anisotropy.

Purpose: To determine whether the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) can distinguish tumor-infiltrated edema in gliomas from pure edema in meningiomas and metastases. Material and Methods: Thirty patients were studied: 18 WHO grade III or IV gliomas, 7 meningiomas, and 5 metastatic lesions. ADC and FA were determined from ROIs placed in peritumoral areas with T2-s

Stomatal closure by ultraviolet-radiation

The effect of ultraviolet radiation (UV) (255-325 nm) on stomatal closure was investigated on tef (Eragrostis tef (Zucc) Trotter) in the presence of white light (ca 50 .mu.mol m-2 s-1). The action spectrum showed that UV (ca 2 .mu.mol m-2 s-1, half band width about 10 nm) of 285 nm or shorter wavelengths was very efficient in causing stomatal closure. The effectiveness decreased sharply towards lo

Extraanatomic vascular reconstruction in patients with aorto-iliac arteriosclerosis

During an 11-year period 117 extraanatomic reconstructions were made for aorto-iliac arteriosclerosis; 36 axillofemoral and 81 femorofemoral crossover bypasses. The patients were old and had several factors making them poor risks for surgery. Axillofemoral grafts were more often used in patients with malignant disease. Postoperative mortality was 10% without difference between the two types of rec

Multiple environmental and genetic factors influence skeletal muscle PGC-1alpha and PGC-1beta gene expression in twins.

Genetic and environmental factors contribute to age-dependent susceptibility to type 2 diabetes. Recent studies have reported reduced expression of PPAR{gamma} coactivator 1{alpha} (PGC-1{alpha}) and PGC-1ß genes in skeletal muscle from type 2 diabetic patients, but it is not known whether this is an inherited or acquired defect. To address this question we studied expression of these genes in mus

Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Investigations in Ribbed Ducts and Impinging Jets Using Liquid Crystal Thermography and PIV

This thesis presents experimental investigations of local heat transfer and detailed flow measurements in ribbed rectangular ducts and impinging jets. The advanced measurement methods, Liquid Crystal Thermography (LCT) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) are adopted to provide full field characteristics. The work consists of two parts, regarding rib-roughened rectangular ducts and impinging slot

Excited States of the Proton Emitter 105Sb

Excited states in the proton emitter Sb-105 have been investigated for the first time. The nucleus was populated in the reaction Cr-50(Ni-58,1p2n). The GAMMASPHERE Ge-detector array was used together with Microball and the Neutron Shell for selection of the reaction channel. The experimental level scheme agrees well with results of a shell model calculation that uses realistic effective interactio

On the Determination of Reactive Compounds in Aerosols

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling inom forskarutbildningsämnet arbetsmiljöteknik beskriver nyutvecklade provtagnings- och analysmetoder för att undersöka hur reaktionsbenägna luftföroreningar uppkommer och sprids i arbetsmiljön. Antalet människor som drabbas av allergier har ökat de senaste årtiondena. Många av de mekanismer som ger upphov till allergier och överkänslighetsreaktioner kMany sources of airborne contaminants have always been present in various work environments. With the development of thermosetting plastic systems, the use of reactive chemical compounds was greatly increased and thus also the risk of exposure to reactive and potentially hazardous compounds. Exposure can occur in many situations, not only at the workplace where the raw materials are handled. The f

High rate of mutation reporter gene inactivation during human T cell proliferation.

Caspase activation and degradation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage response factors occur during in vitro T-cell proliferation, and an increased frequency of hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT)-negative variants have been reported in conditions associated with in vivo T-cell proliferation. We have applied two human somatic cell mutation reporter assays, for the HPRT and pho

Angular Momentum Population in the Projectile Fragmentation of 238U at 750 MeV/nucleon

A systematic study of the population probabilities of nanosecond and microsecond isomers produced following the projectile fragmentation of U-238 at 750 MeV/nucleon has been undertaken at the SIS/FRS facility at GSI. Approximately 15 isomeric states in neutron-deficient nuclei around A similar to 190 were identified and the corresponding. isomeric ratios determined. The results are compared with a

Polarization deficiency and excess free energy of ion hydration in electric fields

Polarization deficiency and excess ion hydration free energy at an electric field E (ion hydration free energy at the field E subtracted by the ion hydration free energy at zero field) of hydrated calcium, sodium, and chlori e ions have been determined by Monte Carlo simulations. A spherical cell containing either one ion and molecular water or only molecular water subjected to an external electri

On some almost quadratic algebras coming from twisted derivations

This paper explores the quasi-deformation scheme devised in [1, 3] as applied to the simple Lie algebra sl(2)(F) for specific choices of the involved parameters and underlying algebras. One of the main points of this method is that the quasi-deformed algebra comes endowed with a canonical twisted Jacobi identity. We show in the present article that when the quasi-deformation method is applied to s

Photorealistic 3D reconstruction from handheld cameras

One of the major challenges in the fields of computer vision and computer graphics is the construction and representation of life-like virtual 3D scenarios within a computer. The VISIRE project attempts to reconstruct photo-realistic 3D models of large scenarios using as input multiple freehand video sequences, while rendering the technology accessible to the non-expert. VISIRE is application orie

Theoretical evaluation of the Be-7,9(-) 2s2p(2) P-4(1/2,3/2,5/2) hyperfine structure parameters and Be 2s2p P-3(o) electron affinity

The hyperfine structures of Be-7,9(-) 2s2p(2) P-4(1/2,3/2,5/2) are investigated theoretically using the multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock and configuration interaction methods. The effects of the hyperfine mixing between the fine-structure J-levels are discussed. The feasibility of some atomic spectroscopy experiments, allowing determination of the Be-7 quadrupole moment from the observed hyperfine

Hemithyroidectomy: Long-term effects on parathyroid function-preliminary report

Early hypocalcemia after thyroid surgery has frequently been reported, whereas data regarding long-term effects on calcium homeostasis are scarce. We have previously studied patients after hemithyroidectomy with an oral calcium load test and found normal parathyroid hormone (PTH) suppression. However, the 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D concentration was decreased and the phosphate concentration increased