

Din sökning på "*" gav 527253 sökträffar

Involuntary Commitment for Substance Abuse Included in or Excluded from Mental Health Commitment Legislation

The mission of the Swedish government’s National Commission on Substance Abuse was to analyze the access to substance abuse treatment and to clarify the division of responsibilities between health care and social services. As a part of this assignment a special analysis was performed on commitment to involuntary care. Involuntary commitment due to substance abuse has during many years been regulat

Loss of patellofemoral cartilage thickness over 5 years following ACL injury depends on the initial treatment strategy : Results from the KANON trial

Objectives: To evaluate changes in patellofemoral cartilage thickness over 5 years after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury and to determine the impact of treatment strategy. Methods: 121 adults (ages 18-35 years, 26% women) had an ACL injury and participated in the KANON randomised controlled trial. Of those, 117 had available MRIs at baseline (

Critical infrastructures and the tragedy of the commons dilemma : Implications from institutional restructuring on reliability and safety

Through the influence of neoliberal ideas, many critical infrastructures that used to be under public ownership have been opened up for market competition. Using the Swedish railway system as a case, this paper empirically explores whether such reforms have given rise to common-pool resource problems, and discusses possible implications. The results show that institutional restructuring has create

Det räcker inte att förbjuda sugrör och plastkassar

Användningen av plast kommer att fördubblas inom 20 år, enligt plastbranschen. Det handlar inte längre om att förbjuda sugrör eller plastkassar – det saknas en vision för hela plastanvändningen, skriver tre forskare i Lund

Hospital readmissions among older people with intellectual disability in comparison with the general population

Background: Older people with intellectual disability have high multimorbidity and poor physical and mental health compared with the general population. Consequently, they have a greater need for health care. Hospital readmissions may be an indicator of the quality of health care. However, so far, only a few studies have investigated this outcome in populations of people with intellectual disabili

Planering och utredning av kollektivtrafikinvesteringar : En fallstudie av Spårväg syd

Transportplanering är mycket komplext. Forskning och praktik är överens om attfärdmedelsandelen för kollektivtrafik och andra hållbara färdmedel behöver öka.Samtidigt är det inte självklart hur vägen dit ska gå och hur man bäst stödjerbeslutsfattarna så att besluten leder till avsedda mål.Denna rapport handlar om planering och analys av infrastrukturprojektet Spårväg syd iStockholms län. Syftet va

Ömsesidighet i framtidens praktiknära språkklassrumsforskning : ASLA-symposiets panelsamtal med forskare, lärare och elever

Under ASLA-symposiet hölls för första gången ett panelsamtal om forskningsbehov i språkämnena där lärare, språkforskare och gymnasieelever deltog. I detta kapitel situerar vi idén med panelsamtalet i studier av lärares roll i och för den praktiknära skolforskningen. Vi redogör för några modeller för samverkan mellan lärare och forskare och diskuterar identifierade framgångsfaktorer i praktiknära f

Beyond Democracy-Dictatorship Measures : A New Framework Capturing Executive Bases of Power, 1789-2016

We attempt to integrate the literatures on authoritarian regime types and democratic forms of government. We propose a theoretical framework of five dimensions of executive appointment and dismissal that can be applied in both more democratic and more authoritarian regimes: the hereditary, military, ruling party, direct election, and confidence dimensions, respectively. Relying on the Varieties of

Improved long-term survival with home hemodialysis compared with institutional hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis : A matched cohort study

Background: The survival rate for dialysis patients is poor. Previous studies have shown improved survival with home hemodialysis (HHD), but this could be due to patient selection, since HHD patients tend to be younger and healthier. The aim of the present study is to analyse the long-term effects of HHD on patient survival and on subsequent renal transplantation, compared with institutional hemod

Exocrine pancreatic function is preserved in systemic sclerosis

BACKGROUND: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) has been suggested to cause exocrine pancreatic dysfunction. However, a case-control-based autopsy study failed to associate systemic sclerosis with any pancreatic histopathology. The primary objective of this study was to examine the exocrine pancreatic function in consecutive SSc patients in relation to an age- and sex-matched control group. A secondary objec

Educational inequalities in mortality associated with rheumatoid arthritis and other musculoskeletal disorders in Sweden

BACKGROUND: Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders are less likely to be reported as an underlying cause of death (UCD) and since cause of death studies are generally limited to the UCD, little is known about socioeconomic inequalities in MSK disorders as cause of death in the general population. Using multiple-cause-of-death data, we aimed to quantify and compare educational inequalities in musculoskele

Proteinase-3 and myeloperoxidase serotype in relation to demographic factors and geographic distribution in anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated glomerulonephritis

Background: In anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated glomerulonephritis, antigen specificity varies between myeloperoxidase (MPO) and proteinase 3 (PR3). This has been reported to vary in relation to age, gender, geography and extrarenal manifestations. However, studies are difficult to compare as criteria for inclusion vary. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationsh

Decontamination after a nuclear fallout: A condensed review of case studies, methods and key references up to 2014

The objective of this work is to provide governmental agencies and the society a condensed overview of the current state of knowledge on the efficiency of applied restoration and remediation of areas affected by radioactive fallout. The most actual real-world case is the Fukushima accident in Japan in 2011: the accident and the following applied decontamination methods are in focus in this review

Microstructural white matter alterations associated to neurocognitive deficits in childhood leukemia survivors treated with cranial radiotherapy–a diffusional kurtosis study

Background: Cranial radiotherapy (CRT) is a known risk factor for neurocognitive impairment in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) are MRI techniques that quantify microstructural changes in brain white matter (WM) and DKI is regarded as the more sensitive of them. Our aim was to more thoroughly understand

An experimental investigation of the probability distribution of turbulent fragmenting stresses in a high-pressure homogenizer

The high-pressure homogenizer (HPH) is, together with the rotor–stator mixer (RSM), the standard equipment for emulsification in many fields of chemical processing. Both give rise to intense turbulence which, in turn, gives rise to drop breakup. Previous investigations focus on average turbulent disruptive stress. However, turbulence is a stochastic phenomenon and drop breakup will be characterize

On a Fire Fighter’s Problem

Suppose that a circular fire spreads in the plane at unit speed. A single fire fighter can build a barrier at speed v>1. How large must v be to ensure that the fire can be contained, and how should the fire fighter proceed? We contribute two results. First, we analyze the natural curve FFv that develops when the fighter keeps building, at speed v, a barrier along the boundary of the expanding fir

A novel semi-automatic hip morphology assessment tool is more accurate than manual radiographic evaluations

Radiological and pathological characteristics of hip osteoarthritis (OA) is joint-space loss due to degradation of articular cartilage. However, patients with early-stage OA do not yet show any radiological signs, which leaves them without diagnosis and treatment. This study evaluates the potential of a novel tool to identify pre-radiographic OA changes based on hip bone morphology. Two statistica