The influence of abdominal surgery on energy expenditure and working capacity
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sjukgymnaster har behandlat patienter i samband med kirurgisk behandling sedan början på 1900-talet och den dominerande uppgiften har varit att förebygga lungkomplikationer och blodproppar samt att bedöma behovet av vidare rehabilitering efter utskrivning. Den medicinska utvecklingen går emellertid snabbt framåt och sjukgymnasten har en utmanande uppgift i att utveckla The overall aim of this work was to study the influence of surgery on energy expenditure (EE) during working capacity measurements and during walking. In the first study the aim was to investigate whether two different devices were sensitive enough to reveal differences in energy expenditure during treadmill walking, and if the measurements were reproducible. It was shown that an airflow of 42.5