

Din sökning på "*" gav 536996 sökträffar

Family Policies and Women in the Labour Market: Evidence from Southern Europe

Previous research has analysed the relationship between women’s labour market outcomes and family policies in the general context of the European Union or among OECD countries. The current dissertation investigates the effect of a set of family policy’s instruments on women’s labour market participation and maternal employment in the countries of Southern Europe – Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal

Mötet mellan socialarbetare och arbetsorganisationen - en undersökning om sambandet mellan arbetsorganisationens regler och upplevd arbetstillfredsställelse

The purpose of the present study is to investigate whether there is any relationship between job satisfaction and the view of the organization's rules for social workers in Sweden. By using Michel Oakeshott's theory of nomocracy and telocracy an online survey was conducted with 87 social workers working in adult social service. The study uses correlational analysis to measure the relations

Banning Plastic Straw by Straw: Why California needs a more harmonized approach to plastics management

Over 150 local communities in California have implemented plastic product bans as a way to decrease stress on landfills, reduce non-recyclable materials, and manage litter. Plastic product bans such as plastic bags, polystyrene, or single-use plastics, are used to address both local (e.g. litter reduction or community aesthetics), and global (e.g. microplastic pollution or wildlife entanglement) p

Patient and Planet: Developing a Tool to Facilitate Design of Medical Products for a Circular Economy

Transitioning to a circular economy requires designing products that are meant to remain within and cycle through economic systems. While circular product design principles have been applied across industries, the medical industry presents unique challenges with its complex regulatory requirements and the high-risk nature of innovating with medical products. This thesis aims to contribute to the i

Combating Money Laundering: AML technologies in money laundering detection, investigation and prevention

Money laundering is the act of concealing the origin of illegal proceeds and it occurs due to deregulated economies and insufficient legal security. The European Union has recognized the importance of combating this crime by developing Directive (EU) 2015/849 on antimoney laundering and counter-terrorist financing, which applies to financial and credit institutions. They are obligated to work prev

A Financial Market Segmented New-Keynesian Macro Model

This essay complements the monetary literature by estimation and simulation of a New-Keynesian macro model featuring financial market frictions and long bond portfolio policy. The model is an extended version of the canonical three-equation New-Keynesian model with segmented financial markets distinguishing the short-term money market from the long-term bond market. Our data is U.S. quarterly data

The use of AI in conducting scientific research

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been increasingly recognized as a key enabler in discovering scientific knowledge. Due to the current momentum, researchers from various fields try to incorporate AI to their research work. However, research to be truly identified as scientific research it requires to bring in new knowledge adhering to a scientific method. This study attempts to explore how AI affe

Optimerad industriavloppsrening - Polymerflockning och massbalans

Industriavloppsreningen på pappers- och dissolvingmassabruket Södra Cell Mörrum (SCM) har nyligen uppgraderats med ny utrustning för att minska utsläppen till vatten, och därmed möta rådande och framtida utsläppsvillkor samt krav på tillämpning av BAT (bästa tillgängliga teknik). Tillbyggnaden av reningsverket innefattar bland annat ett polymerflockningssteg, tre nya skivfilter, ett system för autThe industrial wastewater treatment at the Södra Cell Mörrum (SCM) paper and dissolving pulp mill was recently upgraded with new equipment to reduce emissions to water, aiming to meet current and future effluent requirements and comply with BAT (Best Available Techniques). The new extension of the water treatment facility mainly consists of a polymer flocculation step, three rotating disc filters,

Lokaler i bottenvåningar i flerbostadshus; detaljplaneregleringar och dess konsekvenser. En studie av Liljeholmskajen i Stockholm m.fl.

Studien syftade i första hand till att utföra en uppföljningsstudie av etableringen av lokaler i bottenvåningar i flerbostadshus på Liljeholmskajen i Stockholm. Inventeringen hade sitt ursprung i detaljplanebestämmelser och exploateringsavtal för fastigheterna och i huvudsak reglerades lokalerna i bottenvåningar i detaljplanerna med användningsbestämmelser som innehöll “Bottenvåningar ska utformasThe purpose of this study is mainly to do a follow-up investigation considering the establishment of non-housing premises on the ground floor in dwelling houses at Liljeholmskajen in Stockholm. In detailed development plans, the usage of the ground can be regulated with usage provisions and sometimes a developer must build something particular that the city’s planners decide, without other options

No good deed goes un-scripted: An Ethnographic Study on the Sustainable Smartphone Application Karma

Noting a need for a closer understanding of the discrepancy between the actions that sustainable smartphone applications encourage and the actions that the users perform, this thesis explores the implications for sustainable consumption practices. This thesis takes a sociological approach to markets, focusing on three key concepts (market devices, socio-technical scripts, qualification) to answer

LVU – med rätt att vårda? : Ett diskursanalytiskt fokus på vårdnadshavare, barnperspektiv och socialnämnd

Authors: Petter Englund and Oscar Stenström Title: LVU - with a licence to care? A discourse analytic focus on custodians, children's perspective and social authorities [Translated title] Supervisor: Eva Palmblad Assessor: Anders Östnäs The focus of this paper was to study how the parents/caretakers and best interest of the child were portrayed and constructed in LVU (The Care of Young Person

Part of You is in Your Bot

Purpose: With the increasing importance of unbiased conversational agents, this research investigates how debiasing strategies can be used to prevent cognitive biases from impacting conversation agents in the development process. A research gap was identified in the literature of prevention strategies for the management of cognitive biases. Therefore, existing literature on debiasing is explored a

The Strange Case of Climate Policy and Economic Development: An Analysis of the Porter Hypothesis in the Context of Emission Trading Pilots in China

Due to the climate crisis, more developing and emerging economies are considering to implement climate policies. However, since economic development remains high on their respective agendas, understanding economic consequences of such policies is crucial. The Porter hypothesis suggests in this respect that climate policy could benefit growth under certain circumstances by encouraging innovation, t

The Impact of Board Gender Diversity on the Profitability of Insider Trading

Title: The Impact of Board Gender Diversity on the Profitability of Insider Trading Seminar Date: June 3, 2020 Course: BUSN79 Business Administration: Degree Project in Accounting and Finance Authors: Jakob Muhr & Frida-Maria Wallgren Advisor: Reda M. Moursli Keywords: Insider Trading, Board Gender Diversity, Corporate Governance, Asymmetric Information, Abnormal Returns Purpose: This st

Citylogistiken och dess berörda aktörer

En trend i världen är att fler och fler av oss bosätter oss i städer eller i andra urbana områden. Detta leder till fler människor på mindre yta och att mer varor och gods konsumeras på andra ställen än där de produceras. Sammantaget leder detta till att fler transporter sker till och från urbana områden vilket har gjort att transporter som service fått en större betydelse i marknadsekonomin. Tran

Collective-house (v.)

In this proposal, we will study and criticize the contemporary housing dilemma and try to propose an almost forgotten way to provide people with proper housing. We will as well, present a housing project conducted based on this approach.

Miljövänliga motorvrål - en kritisk diskurspsykologisk analys av hållbarhetsdebatten inom Formel 1

Går vägen till hållbarhet via Formel 1-banan? Till ljudet av skrikande bromsar och vrålande motorer susar tjugo Formel 1-bilar runt racingbanan. Deras häpnadsväckande fart och precision är resultatet av 70 års teknisk utveckling inom sporten. Det senaste året har Formel 1 gjort ett krafttag för att utvärdera och förbättra miljöarbetet i sin verksamhet. Men hur ser egentligen ”the pinnacle of motoBy conducting a discourse analysis on the sustainability debate within For-mula 1 this study explores the construction of meaning for sustainability as well as the construction of identity for Formula 1 as a sport. The analysis used the concepts of interpretative repertoires, subject positions and ideologi-cal dilemmas from the field of critical discursive psychology. Furthermore, theories about e

Managing without managers: An interpretative case study of distributed leadership and employee motivation within a management consultancy firm

The purpose of this thesis was to explore how distributed leadership is practiced and perceived by the knowledge workers in a management consultancy firm. Furthermore, we investigated the possible connection between the distributed leadership approach and employee motivation. In doing so, we drew upon Alvesson and Kärreman (2012) ‘motivation triangle’ in order to incorporate the often undermined a

Ersättningsformens inverkan på entreprenörens arbetssätt - Fallstudie på två totalentreprenader

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken inverkan ersättningsformen har på entreprenörens arbetssätt samt att studera hur beställaren resonerar kring val av entreprenad- och ersättningsform. Vidare kommer även förbättringsmöjligheter med ersättningsformerna att undersökas. Frågeställningar: - Hur sker valet av entreprenad- och ersättningsform för ett projekt? - Hur påverkas entreprenöre

Kan antisocialt beteende predicera självkänsla och självförmåga hos unga vuxna?

Denna uppsats handlade om antisocialt beteende kopplat till (upplevd) självförmåga (selfefficacy) och självkänsla (self-esteem). Syftet var att undersöka ifall det finns en korrelation mellan grad av antisocialt beteende och grad av självförmåga och självkänsla. Hypotesen är att ju högre grad av antisocialt beteende desto högre grad av självförmåga och lägre grad av självkänsla. Metoden som användThe purpose was to examine if there is a correlation between the level of antisocial behaviour and level of self-esteem and self-efficacy. The thesis was that the higher level of antisocial behaviour correlates with a higher level of self-efficacy, but a lower level of self-esteem. The method used was online survey, with a total of 111 participants between the ages of 18 and 30. The survey consist