

Din sökning på "*" gav 526408 sökträffar

Building semantic editors using JastAdd: tool demonstration

A semantic editor, providing services like completion and code browsing, can help users to quickly develop high-quality source code. However, a lot of languages still lack semantic editor support due to the difficulty and costs of development. Tool generation and reuse can greatly alleviate this development task. Specifically, tool generation from a formal specification, such as reference attribut

The Nom/Acc alternation in Germanic

This paper describes the distribution of accusative case and discusses the nature of the nominative / accusative distinction in the standard Germanic languages. In addition, it illustrates and discusses the well-known fact that inherent accusatives and certain other types of accusatives do not behave in accordance with Bruzio’s Generalization. In spite of these Non-Burzionian accusatives, there is

Cross-Germanic Promotion to Subject in Ditransitive Passives – a Feature-Driven Account

Languages differ with respect to which element they select as the subject in passive of ditransitive verbs: either the active indirect object (the goal argument) or the active direct object (the theme argument). In standard American English, e.g., only the goal argument may be promoted, as shown by the difference between (1b) and (1c). (1) a. John gave Mary a red bike yesterday. b. Mary was give

Cardiovascular Disease Prediction using Support Vector Machines

A method for rapidly assessing a patient's arterial stiffness and hence risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) without resorting to laborious blood tests is presented. Simple measurement of a patient's volume pulse measured at the finger-tip (digital volume pulse) using an infrared light absorption detector placed on the index finger is sufficient to predict their CVD risk. Suitable featu


25. Brorson H. Armlymfödem. In: Nationella riktlinjer för bröstcancersjukvård, Medicinskt och hälsoekonomiskat faktadokument. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen; 2006. p. 110-117 164-168. [National Guidelines for Breast Cancer Treatment, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare 2006]

Contextual analysis as support for successful innovation in complex environments

In order to survive and thrive, organizations need to adapt, re-invent themselves and therefore innovate. However many intentional efforts to bring about innovation do not succeed. In order to be successful, innovation requires the support of individuals throughout the environment in which it is emerging. However, in many cases such support is not forthcoming for a variety of reasons. In this pape

The development of electrical imaging techniques

The development of direct current resistivity imaging techniques has been rapid in the last years. This applies to data acquisition as well as inverse modelling techniques, and has lead to a greatly expanded practical applicability of the method. Resistivity imaging is now becoming widely used in environmental and engineering applications where increased knowledge about the subsurface is sought. T

Methods for the Optimization of a Tapered Free-Electron Laser

In a free-electron laser (FEL), the technique of wiggler tapering enables the sustained growth of radiation power beyond the initial saturation. With the goal to develop anX-ray FEL in the terawatt power regime, it is important to utilize this technique and optimize the taper profile,giving the wiggler parameter as a function of the distance along the wiggler line. This article examines two method

Decoding Ahmadinejad's rhetoric on Israel

The purpose of this chapter is to analyze three persistent charges that Israeli and Western officials persistently leveled against Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad since 2006: 1) that he has threaded to 'wipe Israel off the map the map'; 2) that he is a Holocaust denier; and 3) that he is developing nuclear weapons, presumedly to use against Israel. Although Iran repeatedly has denied all 3 ch