

Din sökning på "*" gav 526466 sökträffar

Queueing with neighbours

In this paper we study asymptotic behaviour of a growth process generated by a semi-deterministic variant of the cooperative sequential adsorption model (CSA). This model can also be viewed as a particular example from queueing theory, to which John Kingman has contributed so much. We show that the quite limited randomness of our model still generates a rich collection of possible limiting behavio

Demokrati och lagprövning : om rättfärdigandet av en positiv respektive negativ inställning till lagprövning

This article focuses on the justification of a positive and a negative attitude respectively towards judicial review. The analysis is performed by textual analysis of the texts of four authors with different opinions on the subject matter: Robert Dahl and Jeremy Waldron who have a negative attitude towards judicial review, and Erwin Chemerinsky and Ronald Dworkin who have a positive attitude. A th

Valuation of Supply Chain Flow Risks by Indexing

The paper is based on a general conceptual supply chain flow risk model developed in an earlier paper, a literature review and case studies. The paper has the title "Developing a supply chain risk model" and is reported as a final paper at the NOFOMA 2005 conference. The literature review has been focusing articles and reports/books on supply chain management. Some of its findings have earlier bee

Governing Fulltofta: (Dis)Ordering Nature as a Tourist Attraction

Nature is a key component in many kinds of tourism experiences and is commonly perceived as an explicit goal of doing tourism. This is a long-standing feature in the histories of tourism, and presently in many contemporary, service-based economies it coincides with a cultural emphasis on nature in many other commercial representations and manifestations. This can be seen e.g. in how permutations o

Leg ulcer management in primary care with special reference to pinch grafting

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroniska bensår utgör en av våra folksjukdomar, där 1% av befolkningen någon gång drabbas. Uppkomsten av sår kan ha en mängd olika orsaker. Den största gruppen är venösa sår, dvs sådana som orsakats av vensjukdom. Behandling av sår har i långa tider betraktats som komplicerad, då såren ofta varit svårläkta och återkommit efter läkning. För den enskilde patienten innebärWound management in primary and community care was investigated throughout a period of 12 years within a well-defined population in one county in Southern Sweden. The estimated prevalence of chronic leg and foot ulcers was 0.19% in 1998 and the mean prevalence was 0.20% during the years 1994-1998. Venous ulcers were the most common (38%) and 7% of the nurses’ workload was devoted to ulcer care. Du

Livets Algoritm

Från titeln att bedöma -Livets Algoritm - kan man tänka sig att Fernando Flores' bok är en strikt vetenskaplig sådan. Detta första intryck förstärkes ytterligare när man läser underrubriken: "Moderna teorier om biologins metod och väsen." Men trots att boken faktiskt bygger på vetenskapliga grunder, är det huvudsakligen fråga om ett filo-sofiskt verk. Och när vi säger "huvudsakligen", tänker vi på

Labor Taxes and FDI Decisions in the European Union

This paper uses panel data on bilateral FDI flows in the European Union to empirically analyze the impact of labor and corporate taxations on FDI decisions. While the effect of corporate taxes on FDI is well documented, the impact of labor taxes on FDI has been neglected. This is surprising since labor taxation may influence FDI as well. The reason for this is that taxation of labor affects the pr

Light polarization in single molecule spectroscopy: From visualization of structural anisotropy and energy transfer to super-resolution imaging with orientational contrast

Popular Abstract in Swedish Pi-konjugerade polymerer är ett viktigt slag av material. För det första så har det många eftertraktade fysikaliska egenskaper som förmågan att leda elektrisk ström, omvandla elektriska laddningar till ljus, eller omvänt, omvandla ljus till elektricitet. Dessa material tillämpas redan i stor utsträckning i dag som i exempelvis plattskärms-TV (OLED) och i mobiltelefoner.Π-conjugated polymers are an important class of materials which can be used in e.g. photoelectric (solar cells) or electroluminescent (displays) devices. These materials are implemented in a number of applications these days since a lot is already known about them. There is, however, still a lot to learn in order to increase the efficiency and reduce the power consumption of devices. There are man

Non-visual drawing with the HIPP application

An audio-haptic drawing application prototype has been developed in a project and iteratively been tested by five pupils who are 8-13 years. The application has been used by pupils, assistants and teachers to access graphics and create graphics that are accessible for pupils with severe visual impairment or blindness. We have observed a spread in the actual use of the system that seems to depend o