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Young people’s attitudes towards Muslims in Sweden
Parameterisation invariant statistical shape models
In this paper novel theory to automate shape modelling is described. The main idea is to develop a theory that is intrinsically defined for curves, as opposed to a finite sample of points along the curves. The major problem here is to define shape variation in a way that is invariant to curve parametrisations. Instead of representing continuous curves using landmarks, the problem is treated analyt
Varför flyttar svenska barnfamiljer?
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Abstract in UndeterminedIn the debate on education, there has been relatively little discussion on same-sex classes. It is as though the introduction of comprehensive school had killed the theme once and for all. However, there are a couple of circumstances that ought to make us reconsider same-sex education.a.) Declining learning achievements experienced by manywestern countries after the combine
Introduktion till komparativ och internationell avtalsrätt, Del II
Arbetslokaler för diagnostiskt ultraljud
Physics and Performance
Pedagogisk utbildning i ett utvecklingsperspektiv
Behörighetsgivande högskolepedagogisk utbildning har nu blivit verklighet runt om i landet. Det finns från flera håll en stark förhoppning om att sådan utbildning ska bidra till att undervisningen utvecklas. Samtidigt kostar dessa kurser både pengar och tid, något som kanske går ut över andra utvecklingsinitiativ. Det är därför extra viktigt att ha ett utvecklingsperspektiv vid planering och genom
Den bärgande färjan. Anteckningar till en fabel av Anna Maria Lenngren
Abstract not available
Abstract is not available
The birth, death, and resurrection of an SPI project
The evolution of semantics: Sharing conceptual domains
Landsbygdens egnahem : Egnahemsrörelsen, småbruket och landskapet i sydsvenskt perspektiv
The Swedish state-funded "own-home activity" lasted between 1904 and 1948. In this study the main focus is on the background and the early development og this activity on the Swedish countryside, i.e. on the creation of small-holdings. The dissertation gives the social and political background to the movement; shows the spread of state-funded small-holding in the Swedish countyside during the peri
Theissen’s Integration of Psychology and New Testament Studies: Learning Theory, Psychodynamics and Cognitive Psychology.
In this article Gerd Theissen's approach to psychological interpreation of biblical texts is presented and analysed.
RHEED and RD studies of III-V semiconductors
The published papers and introductory part of this thesis concentrate on the in-situ characterization of (001) surfaces of GaAs, InAs, InP and GaP. The experimental tools used in these studies were a chemical beam epitaxy (CBE) machine equipped with a reflection high energy electron (RHEED) system and a reflectance difference (RD) optical set-up. In some studies also a reflectance difference spect