

Din sökning på "*" gav 536927 sökträffar

​F-skattsedelns rättsverkningar - En studie av rättsfall

Uppsatsen har som syfte att beskriva rättsutvecklingen i mål gällande F-skattsedeln genom en studie av rättsfall. Rättsfallsstudien ämnar svara på huruvida det förekommer avvikelser mellan de olika rättsinstansernas avgöranden. Uppsatsen är av beskrivande karaktär med analytiska inslag. En rättsanalytisk metod används för att besvara frågeställningen. Studien visar på viss diskrepans mellan instanThe thesis aims to describe the legal development in cases concerning the Swedish tax system “F-skatt” through a study of case law. The case law study intends to answer whether there are discrepancies between the decisions of the different courts in Sweden. The thesis is of a descriptive nature with analytical elements. A legal analysis method is used to answer the question of the thesis. The stud

Inkännande och neutral, brygga eller bara ett redskap? : En studie i socialt arbete om behandlares syn på tolkens roll och närvaro

The aim of this thesis was to examine how therapists’ perceive the role of the interpreter and it’s effect on the therapeutic alliance in treatment. We seek an understanding of the dilemmas that may occur in these meetings. The empirical data consisted of nine semi-structured telephone-interviews with therapists’ holding social work degrees. We applied the theory of the institutionalization proces

Oil Spill Response Capability Assessment: Describing Tasks and Effects

Oil spills require more or less significant response efforts to be controlled. While the frequency of severe oil spills has decreased, an increase in marine traffic is forecasted in the future. Research has found that capability to respond to adverse events is often understood and assessed based on resources, which in practice has shown to provide an insufficient understanding of the capability to

Byggprojektledarens kompetensbehov

Frågeställningar: - Vilka ledarskapsegenskaper och kompetenser bör byggprojektledaren utveckla för att leda ett framgångsrikt projekt? - Skiljer sig byggprojektledarens ledarskap och kompetens beroende på projektets storlek? - Vilka ledarskapsegenskaper kan användas för att underlätta och effektivisera utbildningen av nya projektledare? Syfte: Studien syftar att identifiera vilken kompetens och

”Jag skyddar mig själv men jag begränsar mig själv” En kvalitativ studie om hur hbtq-personer hanterar minoritetsstress i Sverige

Studiens syfte var att utforska hur homosexuella, bisexuella, transpersoner och queera (hbtq-personer) i Sverige hanterar minoritetsstress. Forskning tyder på att utsatthet för minoritetsstress är förena med försämrad psykisk och fysisk hälsa. Det är därmed viktigt att utforska hur minoritetsstress hanteras av hbtq-personer. I denna kvalitativa studie undersöktes detta genom semistrukturerade inteThe aim of the study was to explore how gender and sexual minorities in Sweden cope with minority stress. Research indicates that minority stress is associated with impaired physical and mental health. It is therefore important to explore how gender and sexual minorities cope with minority stress. In this qualitative study this was explored through semi-structured interviews with participants who

An exploration of the current state-of-the-art in automatic music transcription - with proposed improvements using machine learning

Forskning kring att utvinna information om musik direkt från en ljudinspelning har pågått sedan slutet av 1900-talet. Många nya upptäckter har gjorts de allra senaste åren, dels på grund av att forskningsområdet har varit relativt outforskat men också då den tekniska utvecklingen har gått framåt väldigt kraftigt. Denna avhandling utforskar en gren inom forskningsområdet, kallad multipel fundamentaThe research field of automatic music transcription has vastly grown during the 21st century, where the goal is to transcribe a polyphonic music signal into annotated sheet music. Within this field, the subproblem of fundamental frequency estimation in a piece of music is a difficult problem, e.g., due to dissimilar structures in signals from different instruments playing the same note. This becom

Skogsformande - om bilden av skogen som rum eller resurs, och en jakt på en tredje dröm

This work investigates, from an architect’s perspective, images of the forest as a space and as a resource. In a personal exploration, the author’s own relationship to forests, as well as cultural and scholarly conceptions of what the forest is and means are examined and questioned, connected and contrasted. Seemingly uncomplicated popular images that are shaping our view of the forest as well as

Automating synthetic trip data generation for an agent-based simulation of urban mobility

This paper explores the use of an automated pipeline to construct synthetic (artificially derived) trip data from aggregate socio-demographic sources to build a simulation of individual vehicles interacting with one another. The study shows that quality data sources are required in order to do this effectively and accurately. It is shown that aspects of typical patterns and behaviours may still n

Implications of a dynamic vertical root distribution for modelled water and carbon fluxes across selected ecosystems : incorporating a novel rooting scheme into LPJ-GUESS

Roots play a key role in terrestrial carbon and water cycles, and therefore for the global climate system. They mediate plant evapotranspiration, influence photosynthetic processes and are responsible for atmospheric carbon transport into the pedosphere. Fine roots, in particular, are chiefly regulating water and nutrient uptake. Recent research has suggested that the representation of fine roots

Factors behind Economic Shrinking: Single Case Study Insights from Nigeria

This thesis addresses the research problem of volatile growth and in particular economic shrinking in developing countries. A single case study of Nigeria drawing on qualitative as well as quantitative data assesses four potential factors behind the country’s frequent and high shrinking rates between 1960 and 2017. The study finds a lack of structural transformation, productivity and diversificati

Analysis of the situation of deforestation and road transport greenhouse emissions for the next decade in Colombia

Colombia committed to reduce 20% of its emissions by 2030 in the framework of Paris Agreement. The study provides a systemic approach that considers the two main drivers of the emissions in the country to know how realistic is the mentioned intended National Determined Contribution (iNDC). It analyzes deforestation and road transport with a methodology that combines analyses of their current situa

Production Process Development

The master thesis is a collaboration between Trelleborg AB and the division of Production and Materials Engineering at Lund University, Faculty of Engineering. The objective of the thesis has been to analyse the current production system from a lean perspective, identify an area in need of improvement and generate concrete solutions for how the studied area can be improved in terms of cost, perfor

The Periscope Above the Surface: A Study of Auteur Themes in John Ford Films Featuring Submarines

This thesis conducts an auteur analysis of John Ford films containing submarines with the method of textual analysis. The films that are being analyzed are The Blue Eagle (1926), Men Without Women (1930), Seas Beneath (1931), Submarine Patrol (1938) and The Growler Story (1958). The purpose is to find out which distinctive auteur themes that can be identified in each of these films. The results in

Threat or Possibility: Land Rights & Disaster-Vulnerability - A qualitative study on land rights, tenure security and disaster-vulnerability in light of the 2018 land law amendment in Myanmar

Secured land tenure is considered to play a crucial role in decreasing disaster-vulnerability. By signing the Sendai Framework, Myanmar Government agreed to focus its policies on reducing risks of natural disasters. However, in 2018 it issued an amendment to the Vacant, Fallow and Virgin Land Management Law, criminalizing tenure without land certificates, affecting particularly ethnic farmers. To

China Enters the Arctic : Icelandic Newspapers and Their Coverage on China’s Arctic Policy

This thesis draws attention to China’s information management of its Arctic policy, and the way in which China has left out information in official English-language publications that could be deemed sensitive by Western actors. This thesis examines how the news media of Iceland has reported on China’s Arctic policy over two different periods, dating from 2012 - 2013 and 2018 - 2019, in order to me

Japanese National Identity and the Takeshima/Dokdo Dispute: Constructing National Identity Discourse around South Korea

National identity is used as a representation of what a country wants to transmit as its own impression of ‘self’, and usually it is formed around the concept of an ‘other’. Nonetheless, if two national identities are contradictory; it can hinder the development of desirable bilateral relations, which is the case of Japan and South Korea. Taking the Takeshima/Dokdo territorial dispute as a referen

Perception of Tattoos in Contemporary Japanese Society

This thesis analyses five in-depth interviews on Japanese tattoo culture conducted by the author and ten short interviews with tattooed Japanese people published by Japanese online tattoo magazine. The study focuses on inclusion and exclusion of tattooed Japanese people in contemporary Japanese society, relying on labeling theory and collectivism. The findings suggest that significant tattoo stigm

Provocerad uppsägning – en uppsägning gjord av arbetstagaren eller arbetsgivaren

Abstract: This paper is a work about provoked redundancies, redundancies that has been made by the employee himself, but is comparable to a termination made by the employer. In order to investigate the concept of provoked dismissal, also called forced dismissal and be able to make conclusions about when a termination by the employee is considered forced by the employer, the author has studied the