

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

The spread of HIV in Europe: Hidden epidemics and other barriers to universal access to prevention, treatment and care

Introduction An estimated 2.4 [1.8–3.2] million people in the WHO European Region now live with HIV, and none of the Region’s 53 countries have been spared. The epidemic is spreading most rapidly in western Europe among migrants and men who have sex with men, and in eastern Europe among male injecting drug users – and increasingly their sexual partners. This doctoral research investigates several

Isomer Spectroscopy of Cd-127

The spin and configurational structure of excited states of Cd-127, the two-proton and three-neutron hole neighbor of Sn-132, has been studied. An isomeric state with a half-life of 17.5(3) mu s was populated in the fragmentation of a Xe-136 beam on a Be-9 target at a beam energy of 750 MeV/u. Time distributions of the delayed gamma transitions and gamma gamma coincidence relations were exploited

Anger, depression and anxiety associated with endothelial function in childhood and adolescence

Objective Psychosocial adversity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in adults. The authors assessed associations of reactive hyperaemia peripheral arterial tonometry (RH-PAT), a measure of endothelial function predictive of CVD, with self-assessed psychological health among school children. Methods A total of 248 healthy school children (mean (SD) age 14.0 (1.0); 136 girls and 112 b

Surface chemistry of glycine on Pt{111} in different aqueous environments

Adsorption of glycine on Pt{111} under UHV conditions and in different aqueous environments was studied by XPS (UHV and ambient pressure) and NEXAFS. Under UHV conditions, glycine adsorbs in its neutral molecular state up to about 0.15 ML Further deposition leads to the formation of an additional zwitterionic species, which is in direct contact with the substrate surface, followed by the growth of

Human Papillomavirus vaccination: Immunological and epidemiological studies

This thesis has evaluated the immunological- and epidemiological aspects of human papillomavirus transmission dynamics and its effect on circumcision. Effective prophylactic vaccines are based on type-specific neutralizing antibodies. A major neutralizing epitope is defined by the monoclonal antibody H16.V5. To investigate the importance of this epitope for overall immunogenicity of HPV16, we en

Liposuction for Advanced Lymphedema: A Multidisciplinary Approach for Complete Reduction of Arm and Leg Swelling

Purpose. This research describes and evaluates a liposuction surgery and multidisciplinary rehabilitation approach for advanced lymphedema of the upper and lower extremties. Methods. A prospective clinical study was conducted at an Advanced Lymphedema Assessment Clinic (ALAC) comprised of specialists in plastic surgery, rehabilitation, imaging, oncology, and allied health, at Macquarie University,

Transglutaminase and peptidylarginine deiminase in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases

Coeliac disease (CD) is becoming a model for understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune disorders. In CD, antibodies against transglutaminase 2 (TG2) and specific glutamine residues of gliadins have been identified. A similar situation is seen in rheumatoid arthritis with both anticitrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) and auto-antibodies against the citrullinating enzyme, peptidylarginine deim

Study protocol of SWEPIS a Swedish multicentre register based randomised controlled trial to compare induction of labour at 41 completed gestational weeks versus expectant management and induction at 42 completed gestational weeks.

Observational data shows that postterm pregnancy (≥42 gestational weeks, GW) and late term pregnancy (≥41 GW), as compared to term pregnancy, is associated with an increased risk for adverse outcome for the mother and infant. Standard care in many countries is induction of labour at 42 GW. There is insufficient scientific support that induction of labour at 41 GW, as compared with expectant manage

Independent replication of a melanoma subtype gene signature and evaluation of its prognostic value and biological correlates in a population cohort.

Development and validation of robust molecular biomarkers has so far been limited in melanoma research. In this paper we used a large population-based cohort to replicate two published gene signatures for melanoma classification. We assessed the signatures prognostic value and explored their biological significance by correlating them with factors known to be associated with survival (vitamin D) o

A Winged Figure From Uppakra

During excavations at Uppakra in Scania, Sweden, an exceptional copper alloy mount in the shape of a winged human was found. The figure is unique not only in its exquisite craftsmanship, but also in its iconography. It is argued that the mount was made in the loth century AD and that it depicts Wayland the Smith.

Mapped Bodies : Notes on the Use of Biometrics in Geopolitical Contexts

“Mapped Bodies: Notes on the Use of Biometrics in Geopolitical Contexts” examines the role played by automated biometric technologies in migration control and in the so-called war on terror. Biometric methods such as automated fingerprint identification, iris scanning and facial recognition record microscopic bodily characteristics, computes patterns from them, and matches those patterns against a

Enhanced strength of the 2(1)(+) -> 0(g.s.)(+) transition in Sn-114 studied via Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics

The 2(1)(+) states of Sn-114,Sn-116 were excited in two consecutive experiments by means of Coulomb excitation in inverse kinematics on a Ni-58 target. A precise determination of the reduced transition probability B(E2; 0(g.s.)(+) -> 2(1)(+)) of Sn-114 relative to the well-known 2(1)(+) excitation strength in Sn-116 was achieved by comparing the relative projectile to target 2(1)(+) -> 0(g.s.)(+)

FKBPL: a marker of good prognosis in breast cancer.

FK506-binding protein-like (FKBPL) has established roles as an anti-tumor protein, with a therapeutic peptide based on this protein, ALM201, shortly entering phase I/II clinical trials. Here, we evaluated FKBPL's prognostic ability in primary breast cancer tissue, represented on tissue microarrays (TMA) from 3277 women recruited into five independent retrospective studies, using immunohistochemist

Costly Renegotiation in Repeated Bertrand Games

This paper extends the concept of weak renegotiation-proof equilibrium (WRP) to allow for costly renegotiation and shows that even small renegotiation costs can have dramatic effects on the set of equilibria. More specifically, the paper analyzes the infinitely repeated Bertrand game. It is shown that for every level of renegotiation cost, there exists a discount factor such that any collusive pro

Accessibility and self-archiving of conference articles: A study on a selection of Swedish institutional repositories

The main purpose of this project has been to examine the accessibility of refereed conference articles and the OAand publishing policies of conferences in order to in this way elucidate different aspects concerning self-archiving in Swedish institutional repositories. For this purpose, the project participants have examined a number of conferences and references to conference articles via their in

Measurement of charged particle spectra in deep-inelastic ep scattering at HERA

Charged particle production in deep-inelastic ep scattering is measured with the H1 detector at HERA. The kinematic range of the analysis covers low photon virtualities, 5 < Q(2) < 100 GeV2, and small values of Bjorken-x, 10(-4) < x < 10(-2). The analysis is performed in the hadronic centre-of-mass system. The charged particle densities are measured as a function of pseudorapidity (n(*)) and trans