

Din sökning på "*" gav 536923 sökträffar

"Det är inte så himla ovanligt" : En studie i socialt arbete om ofrivillig barnlöshet

Infertility is a medical condition where a person either cannot become pregnant or make someone else pregnant. Infertility can be challenging and stressful to process for the individual or couple experiencing it. This study aimed to investigate infertility caused by medical circumstances through qualitative interviews with affected individuals as well as healthcare counsellors who has knowledge an

A virtual reality experiment on driving speed in smoke during a wildfire evacuation

This thesis investigates how individual driving behaviour during an evacuation is affected by the presence of smoke on the evacuation route. The thesis aims are to determine a correlation between the choice of speed and the density of the smoke, determine if there is a difference in choice of speed in relation to the previously driven road segment (in thicker or thinner smoke), and determine if th

Integrating the African market without trade facilitation - Tariffying?

A new trade agreement, the African Continental Free Trade Area, was signed in 2018 and will unite the African nations into one trade union. The agreement seeks to integrate the African markets in several ways, with two objectives being to reduce tariffs with 90 percent and improve the level of trade facilitation within the continent. This paper investigates whether tariffs or trade procedures repr

Digitalisering, motivation, lärande och dyslexi

Varje elev med diagnosen dyslexi har ett unikt och indivi-duellt sätt att lära sig. Däremot har flertal elever med dyslexi förlorat motivationen att utbilda sig eftersom de inte får den hjälp de behöver när de behöver den. Där kommer digitaliseringen in. I detta arbete har jag valt att utföra en innehållsanalys, där jag analyserar forskning från olika kul-turer för att besvara följande forskningsf

Fångad i nätet. Om balansen mellan uppkoppling och avkoppling i en digitaliserad värld.

Studien syftade till att undersöka olika aspekter av IKT-användning (informations- och kommunikationsteknologi) i relation till stress och utmattning. Datainsamlingen gjordes via en webbaserad enkät. Deltagarna var 348 anställda på sex olika medieföretag i Sverige. 52 % var kvinnor och 48 % män. 67 % av deltagarna var mellan 40-59 år och 98 % hade en avtalad arbetstid på ≥30 timmar i veckan. Två bThe aim of this study was to examine different aspects of ICT-use (information- and communication technology) in relation to stress and exhaustion. The data was collected through an online survey. The participants were 348 employees from six different media companies in Sweden. 52 % were women and 48 % were men. 67 % of the participants were between 40-59 years old and 98 % had an agreement of ≥30

”Småsyskon följer sina äldre syskons väg”: en rättssociologisk studie ur två myndighetsperspektiv.

Previous studies show that when one of the siblings is already involved in criminal activities, there is a likelihood that the other sibling also draws into criminality. This essay aims to evaluate what perspective the police and social workers in Malmö have about the phenomena, and what a new regulation would look like. We are focusing on why there are not any preventive measures taken in action,

Oerfaren i chefsrollen. En problematisering av att varje formell ledargestalt någon gång varit ny i chefsrollen.

Det brukar heta att vi alla är nya någon gång. Ändå bortser majoriteten av ledarskapsforskningen från något som vi menar är av oerhörd betydelse för att ledarskapet ska fungera väl eller inte, erfarenhet. I dagens forskning finns brister kring korrelationen mellan ledarskap och graden av erfarenhet. Vår studie ämnar skapa förståelse för fördelar och nackdelar med oerfaret ledarskap samt visa på hu

Is Private Education Worth it? Evidence from the Free Primary Education Reform in Kenya

In 2003, Kenya introduced a nationwide Free Primary Education (FPE) reform, abolishing school fees in all public primary schools. As a result, enrolment rates in public primary schools rose by 15 percent, putting significant pressure on the educational system. Overcrowding and lack of school material caused many parents to turn to private school alternatives. Using a nationally representative cros

After the blue rush : assessment of the sustainability of recreational fisheries in Peenemünde, Germany as part of a social-ecological system

In the shadow of commercial fishing fleets, recreational fishers are a lesser known but still substantial group exerting pressure on the world’s aquatic ecosystems and its fish stocks. Enthusiastic angler participation, high catch rates, catch selectivity and harmful fishing techniques characteristic of recreational fishers can have detrimental impacts on the aquatic environment. Furthermore, recr

Food Glorious Food : an investigation into the processes of learning, network building and articulation of expectations at The Food Assembly in London, UK

Society has become locked into an unsustainable agri-food system based on resource intensive industrial agriculture and a globalized supply chain producing food that is damaging to the environment and society. In London, United Kingdom a network of alternative food initiatives exists challenging this agri-food system and bring about a transition to one that is more sustainable. However so far the

The Influence of Interest Rates and Stock Prices on Investments

Investments are essential to any economy. Therefore, governments aim to increase the level of total investments done within a country. Investments improve the economy and the productivity of the country. For this reason, it is important to understand which factors can influence investments on a national scale. The primary aim of this study is to investigate factors that could reasonably be exp

Ventilation strategies for road tunnels in different countries and consequences using Fixed Fire Fighting System (FFFS)

A study is carried out on the ventilation strategies for road tunnels in different countries and consequences using fixed fire fighting systems (FFFS). The type of ventilation strategy for road tunnels can ensure the safety of people during the evacuation stages and protection of the rescue services during their intervention of the fire. Ventilation strategies vary from country to country and ther

Gräsrotsfinansiering på fastighetsmarknaden - en introduktion

Småföretagen upplever svårigheter vid finansiering med banklån. Anledningen till det är att bankerna ställer högre krav på säkerheter och historik till följd av finanskrisen 2008. Samtidigt söker investerarna alternativa placeringar utanför börsen. I denna miljö föds en ny finansieringslösning- gräsrotsfinansiering. Ämnet är nytt och i detta arbete ges en introduktion och en kartläggning av ämnet Small businesses encounter difficulties receiving bank loans due to the 2008 recession. Banks have harder requirements on collaterals and satisfactory records of accomplishment than before the crisis. At the same time, investors are looking for investments beside common stocks. In this environment, a new financing solution is being born – the crowdfunding. The aim of this thesis is to research on

Humanitär kris eller en humanitär insats?

The battle for Aleppo culminated in the year 2016 when Syrian regime forces captured northern parts of Aleppo making a siege a reality for many people. A question of who was to blame isn’t always clear when looking at complex conflicts. People often look towards media to make meaning of such complexities. This paper examines two different news organizations, RT and CNN, role in depicting perpetrat

Scarcity, disparity and the forceful reclamation of what is rightfully yours

Research shows that the ecologically most vulnerable regions of the world are also at risk of volatile conflict as a result of decreased economical productivity, migration and ethnic tensions. In societies that lack the ingenuity to adapt to resource scarcity, these processes might fuel or cause resentment and escalate to full-scale intrastate conflict. The Philippines has for centuries experience

Markåtkomst för gång- och cykelvägar

Gång- och cykelvägar (gc-vägar) har blivit en allt hetare fråga i dagens moderna och mer miljö- och hälsomedvetna samhälle. Det planeras för fler gc-vägar mellan orter, men det råder osäkerhet kring hur rätten till dem ska säkras och flera alternativa lösningar har tillämpats. Vidare finns det oklarheter gällande vem som ska vara ansvarig för anläggande och drift av gc-vägarna. Det här examensarbeCombined walkways and bicycle paths has become an intriguing topic in today’s modern society with more focus on both health and the environment. There are plans for more combined walkways and bicycle paths between villages, but there is an uncertainty regarding how to secure the right to them. In addition legal custom regarding land access is scarce. When land is requisitioned for combined walkw

En sötare skatt - kan en sockerskatt bli verklighet i Sverige?

De senaste åren har den svenska sockerkonsumtionen debatterats flitigt i media. Att Sverige skulle införa en sockerskatt för att minska den höga konsumtionen har föreslagits av såväl akademiker som politiker. Trots att ett införande av en svensk sockerskatt har föreslagits i en rad riksdagsmotioner, har dessa avslagits gång på gång. Debatten har trots detta fortsatt, och att den till slut kommer uIn the past few years the high sugar consumption has been a concern in Sweden as well as world wide because of the health problems it may lead to. As a result of the increased sugar consumption, some countries have introduced a tax on sugar to reduce the consumption. In Sweden there is an ongoing debate concerning a possible introduction of this kind of tax, but the Swedish tax committee has rejec

Bygga städer efter väder - en studie av klimatanpassad dagvattenhantering i Malmös befintliga stadsstruktur

This paper looks into the practices of climate change adaptation and stormwater management in Malmö. The study investigates current work with climate change adaptation in Malmö and looks into the project Ekostaden Augustenborg (Eco-City Augustenborg), a project in one Malmö’s urban districts carried out in the late 1990s. The project included the construction of an extensive new stormwater managem

Sustainability-centered business model innovation:Learning from and insights into how sustainability has affected the business models of Nespresso and Starbucks.

ABSTRACT Title: Sustainability-centred business model innovation: Learnings from and insights into how sustainability has affected the business models of Nespresso and Starbucks. Seminar Date: 31st May 2017. Course: BUSN09: Degree Project in Strategic Management. Authors: Marcovecchio Hernán & Nambalirwa Kawuma Pamela Supervisor: Blom Martin Keywords: Sustainability, Business Model Innovation,

Expect the Unexpected

The notion of the bioeconomy is a growing topic in both politics as well as in academic papers. Related to sustainable transitions, this paper analyses to what extent differences in visions and expectations exist in the developing bioeconomy. In particular, the aim of this thesis is to increase the knowledge regarding differences in expectations and visions for industries collaborating in the deve