

Din sökning på "*" gav 529194 sökträffar

Målsägandens (o)synliga intresse - En studie om brottmålsrättegången som intressekonflikt och målsägandens tillgång till en objektiv prövning

I framkant för problematiserandet av de svenska domstolarnas efterlevande av objektivitetsprincipen enligt 1 kap. 9 § RF inom ramen för brottmålsrätte-gången står särskilt Ulrika Andersson, Monica Burman och Moa Bladinis forskningsinsatser. Medan Andersson och Burman, kort sammanfattat, inom sina respektive avhandlingar visar på hur diskurserna vid prövningen av den tilltalades skuld i praktiken hAt the forefront of the problematization of the Swedish courts’ adherence to the objectivity requirement according to the 1 chapter 9 § RF within the framework of the criminal trial, the research efforts of Ulrika Andersson, Monica Burman and Moa Bladini stand out in particular. While Andersson and Burman in their respective dissertations, briefly summarized, show how the discourses within the exa

Prisavdrag vid fel i fastighet – En studie av prisavdraget och dess tillämpning i tingsrätterna

När det föreligger ett fel i en fastighet finns det flera påföljder som står köpa-ren till buds. Den vanligaste åtgärd som en köpare vidtar i dessa fall är att begära kompensation för felet genom ett prisavdrag. Prisavdrag är en påföljd vars syfte är att återställa den avtalsbalans mellan parternas prestationer som rubbats med anledning av felet. Hur man återställer denna avtalsbalans beror på vilWhen there is a defect in a property, there are several remedies available to the buyer. The most common action a buyer takes in these cases is to request compensation for the defect through a price reduction. Price reduction is a remedy aimed at restoring the contractual balance between the parties’ performances that has been disturbed due to the defect. Depending on the type of agreement the per

Mellan ord och folkmord – En analys av uppsåtskravet i folkmord i ljuset av målet mellan Sydafrika och Israel vid Internationella domstolen

Den 9 december 1948 antogs konventionen om förebyggande och bestraffning av brottet folkmord. Begreppet “folkmord”, myntat av den framlidne professorn Raphael Lemkin, definieras som den systematiska förintelsen av gruppers grundläggande livsvillkor med syftet att förinta gruppen i sig. I artikel II av folkmordskonventionen definieras folkmord istället som handlingar som “förövas i avsikt att förinOn the 9th of December 1948, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted. The term “genocide”, coined by the late American–Polish professor Raphael Lemkin, is defined as the systematic destruction of the essential foundations of life for groups – with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. Article II of the Convention instead states genocide is an a

Patent rights for standard essential patents and abuse of dominant position - From the interaction between the two to a comparison of existing and proposed solutions

The thesis explores the interaction between patent rights for Standard Essential Patents(SEP) and competition law, particularly Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union(TFEU), within the context of the European Union(EU) , and compares this interaction with the relevant provisions in the proposed EU SEP regulation COM(2023)232. Three research questions will be discussed:

Den missbrukande mannen & avvikande kvinnan. En kritisk diskursanalys om könsskillnader i domstolsbeslut om tvångsvård enligt LVM

The study aimed to investigate gender differences in court decisions about compulsory care according to LVM through a gender perspective. Normative notions about women and men exist and are reproduced throughout society. These normative notions can be found within the judiciary and social services, which affects the professional's assessment regarding addicted men and women in court orders con

Duktiga flickor och busiga pojkar. Förvaltningsrättens konstruktion av kön i LVU-domar.

This study aimed to investigate how gender is constructed by the court in court orders regarding the Care of Young Persons (Special Provisions) Act. We wanted to draw attention to how gender discourses were used to describe the norm-breaking behaviors of boys and girls. To do this we used the method of discourse psychology and the empirical material consisted of 32 court orders with an even distri

Self-Preferential Behaviour of Internet Platforms -Comparing European and Chinese Competition law

This thesis discusses how self-preferential behaviour of Internet platforms is regulated in the EU and China under the competition law framework. The purpose of the study is to compare the strategies and practices of these two jurisdictions in terms of legislation and enforcement in order to answer the following research questions: what are the limits on self- preferential behaviour of Internet pl

Socionomers attityd till att arbeta med myndighetsutövning - en kvantitativ studie

In Sweden, it is reported that a lot of Social Services are having difficulties recruiting staff, especially experienced staff. With a high turnover rate and a great need for social workers in these areas of work, this study aimed to investigate social work students’ attitudes towards work with the exercise of public authority and try to detect which factors could be affecting these attitudes. The

Labour standards and International trade system - Analysis of the CSRD, CSDDD and the EU-New Zealand FTA

The debate between advocates and critics about the link between trade and labour standards is still relevant. Looking at history, labour rights have been important in the international trade system since the 1890s, when the import of goods by prison labour was prohibited by international treaties and national laws. Nowadays, the need to strengthen sustainability rules is growing because more and m

The Role of ETS in Achieving Climate Neutrality - A Legal Comparative Study between the EU and China

This thesis explores the role of Emissions Trading Systems (ETS) in achieving climate neutrality, with a focus on a comparative study between the European Union (EU) and China. The background also emphasizes the global climate change issues in the past years and the use of ETS as an effective market-based carbon pricing tool for limiting the emission of greenhouse gases. The aim of this research i

The Ibasho of Foreign Residents in Japan – Navigating Belonging and Foreignness

The current Japanese population of 124 million is expected to decrease to 104 million by year 2050 (Takahashi et al., 2003) with a rapid aging population and, thus increasing immigration is one of the responses to this demographic concern. Hereon onwards, it will be relevant to understand the social patterns of foreign residents living in Japan and finding out more about their livelihoods as non-n

Meaningful Action: Recomposing Labor and Value with Practices and Imaginaries on the zad of Notre-Dame-des-Landes

This paper explores how the modern categories of labor and value are questioned by practices and ideas on the autonomous zad of Notre-Dame-Des-Landes, France. In a world where the global economy is defined by the division of time between labor and leisure, it is necessary to question these foundations by asking what this dichotomy implies. With data from eight weeks of ethnographic fieldwork obser

Written exposure vid PTSD - en litteraturöversikt

Written exposure therapy är en skriftlig terapiform avsedd att behandla posttraumatiskt stressyndrom. I denna litteraturöversikt granskades kvaliteten på RCT-studier som gjorts på WET, samt de kliniska implikationerna av det som framkommit i studierna. Litteratursökning resulterade i sex artiklar och en avhandling. Kvaliteten på studierna granskades genom skattning med hjälp av Cochrane Risk Written exposure therapy is a written form of therapy intended to treat post- traumatic stress disorder. In this literature review, the quality of RCT studies conducted on WET was examined, as well as the clinical implications of what emerged in the studies. Literature search resulted in six articles and one dissertation. The quality of the studies was reviewed by using the Cochrane Risk of Bias T

Enabling patient-physician continuity in Swedish primary care : the importance of a named GP

BACKGROUND: Continuity of care is important for patients with chronic conditions. Assigning patients to a named GP may increase continuity.AIM: To examine if patients who were registered with a named GP at the onset of their first chronic disease had higher continuity at subsequent visits than patients who were only registered at a practice.DESIGN & SETTING: Registry-based observational study

The Burden of Responsibility : Predicaments of Environmental Life in the Caraballo Mountains, Northern Philippines

Indigenous people are not obviously, or naturally, stewards of the environment. But when the idea that they are such custodians gains legal traction, and when indigenous land-use practices are codified to reflect environmental principles, they become a burden of responsibility that has significant consequences for the lives and the livelihoods of indigenous communities.This thesis is about Ikalaha

Examining Determinants of HIV/AIDS The role of Socioeconomic, Demographic, Political and Technological factors in sub Saharan Africa 1990-2007

Abstract Many infectious diseases interact with their immediate environments. Prevention strategies have to be executed on the individual level as well as within the risk environment. Risk factors refer to factors outside of the individual that influence the risk of transmission. However, this thesis focuses on macro level issues such as socioeconomic, political, demographic and technologic

Surface analysis of industrial materials by synchrotron X-ray absorption spectroscopy

This thesis presents an in-depth investigation into the behaviour of two distinct industrial material systems under specialized conditions: diamond tools machining titanium alloys and the annealing of alumina-forming steels. The observation of two sub-projects was finished by two state-of-the-art synchrotron facilities FlexPES and MAXPEEM respectively at the MAX IV laboratory. The study elucidates


Målet med kandidatprojektet var att förbättra arbetsmiljön i snickeriverkstäder, detta då de tenderar att bli skräpiga. Det i sig kräver ständig upprensning där avfallet behöver avlägsnas kontinuerligt. Den primära problemställningen handlar om hantering av spån och restavfall som uppstår vid bearbetning av olika slags material. Oftast lätta partiklar som sprider ut sig, vilket gör det svårare förThe goal of the candidate’s project was to improve the working environment in carpentry workshops, as they tend to get messy. This in itself requires constant cleaning where the waste needs to be removed continuously. The primary problem is the handling of shavings and residual waste that arise when processing different types of material. Mostly light particles that spread out, making it more diff

Från tyngre till lättare. Tysk journalistisk prosa från 1972 och 2018 i översättning till svenska

Denna uppsats grundar sig på översättningen av två tyska artiklar ur tidningen Der Spiegel. Båda artiklarna handlar om Sverige och det svenska samhället. Första delen av uppsatsen utgörs av en källtextanalys enligt Hellspong och Ledins analysmodell samt en undersökning av artiklarnas värdeladdade ord. Sedan följer en översättningsanalys där syftet är att undersöka och jämföra källtexternas och mål