

Din sökning på "*" gav 532414 sökträffar

The Power of People in an Organization - What role do employees play towards ensuring a balance between short-term and long-term performance?

Due to the tendency among managers to focus on operational performance at the cost of strategic long-term objectives, the purpose of this study has been to shed light on how a company can, by focusing on its people and taking a step forward from “customer first” focus to “people first” as a strategy, ensure sustainable performance. There are different theoretical viewpoints of how companies view t


inSIGHT began as an exploration of the future relationsip between virtual world and physical archiecture. It ended up being a proposal of an augmented reality platfrom for digital manipulation of physical transparency. Augmented reality (AR) is a fairly recent development in technology and not everyone is very well aquainted with it. Therefore research of the evolution of parralel realities as we

”The truth about Persephone”: Kvinnligt identitetsuttryck i mytisk poesi

Kvinnans förhållande till sitt eget mytiska arv är ett komplicerat sådant, som Beauvoir förklarar: ”representation of the world, like the world itself, is the work of men; they describe it from their point of view, which they confuse with absolute truth.” Alienation från sin egen historia har lett till en lång tradition av kvinnliga författare som tacklas med sitt mytiska arv för att försöka hitta

Knock on (Engineered) Wood: Pathways to Increased Deployment of Cross-Laminated Timber

Significant negative environmental impacts are attributed to the building sector. To complement operational building efficiency, mitigation strategies could further decrease these environmental impacts. One mitigation strategy is increased use of low-carbon and bio based building materials. The objective of this research is to support such sustainable transitions within the complex building sector

Upplevelse av värde av fysisk aktivitet i grupp

Att delta i fysisk aktivitet i grupp kan ge olika värdeupplevelser och vara en del av ett aktivitetsmönster. Syftet med studien var att undersöka värdet av fysisk aktivitet i grupp och om upplevelserna skiljer sig åt mellan yrkesverksamma/studerande och pensionärer samt mellan kvinnor och män. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats. Data samlades in från två träningsanläggningar via instrumentet OVal-9

Vilnius full of space

Today, one of the main economic engines is construction field. A few periods of history showed that in Lithuania, the main goal for the companies were to build fast, cheap dwellings on the empty lots. The capital of Lithuania, Vilnius city is not an exception. City is built ineffectively. Functions, neighbourhoods are far apart from each other and the transportation ineffectiveness leads to the lo

Scheduler Algorithms for MU-MIMO

In multi-user multiple input multiple output (MU-MIMO), the complexity of the base-station scheduler has increased further compared to single-user multiple input multiple output (SU-MIMO). The scheduler must understand if several users can be spatially multiplexed in the same time-frequency resource. One way to spatially separate users is through beamforming with sufficiently many antennas. In thi

Green energy defaults: Too effective or not effective enough?

Green energy defaults (where the uptake of renewable energy is promoted among households by opt-out tariffs) are gaining increasing interest with policy makers, due to the high enrolment rates shown in (experimental) studies. Such default choices are often justified on normative and behavioural grounds as although consumers express a desire and willingness to pay for green energy, they often fail

Anonyma vittnesmål enligt svensk och europeisk rätt

Att vittna är en lagstadgad skyldighet i Sverige. Om man vägrar att inställa sig som vittne trots att man är kallad riskerar man att tvångsmedel riktas mot en. Under senare tid har möjligheten till anonyma vittnesmål diskuterats på en rad olika håll i samhället, då man allt oftare ser en ovilja att vittna på grund av rädsla att drabbas av repressalier. Enligt en allmän uppfattning är det inte tillTo testify is a statutory duty in Sweden. If one refuses to testify, even though one are called by the court, one risks that compulsions will be directed towards one. Recently, the possibility of anonymous testimony has been discussed in the Swedish society, as the reluctance to testify has increased due to the fear of reprisals. But according to the general view in Sweden, it is not allowed to wi

Exklusivitets- och trohetsskapande rabatter - En åtskillnad utan skillnad

Sedan avgörandet i Hoffmann-La Roche, som meddelades 1979, har EU-domstolen framhållit att rabatter som är villkorade med exklusivitet utgör missbruk av dominerande ställning i den mening som avses i artikel 102 FEUF. I Hoffmann-La Roche tillämpades ett formbaserat angreppssätt genom vilket exklusivitetsrabatterna presumerades inneha konkurrensbegränsande ändamål till sin natur och var därför otilIn Hoffmann-La Roche, delivered in 1979, the CJEU held that rebates conditional upon exclusivity were abusive within the meaning of Article 102 TFEU. The CJEU applied a rule-based approach in which the exclusivity rebate was presumed to serve an anticompetitive purpose. Put differently, there was no plausible explanation other than the aim to eliminate competitors. Where a rebate was not deemed

Non-State Actors Escaping Justice - Obligations Regarding Child Soldiers Applicable to Non-State Actors

There are mainly three different international legal obligations regarding child soldiers in internal armed conflicts. The prohibition from child recruitment, to provide special protection for children and protection from taking part in hostilities. All are applicable to States but it is less clear which of them apply to non-state actors. In order to determine if these obligations are applicable t

Oskäliga avtalsvillkor i aktieägaravtal - En studie av hur 36 § avtalslagen tillämpas på överlåtelsebegränsningar i aktieägaravtal

A shareholder agreement is a contract between the owners of a company which regulates rights and obligations associated with being a shareholder. The contract differs from other contracts because it regulates corporate law issues. The purpose of the contract is often to avoid application of the freedom to transfer shares according to the Swedish Companies Act, by providing restrictions on the tran

Budgivning vid försäljning av privatbostad - En diskussion om falsk budgivning och dess civilrättsliga följder ur ett komparativt perspektiv

Köp av bostäder skiljer sig från många andra avtal som träffas av en privatperson under dennes liv och för många enskilda är köp och försäljning av privatbostad av stor ekonomisk betydelse. Uppsatsens syfte är att utröna några av de civilrättsliga konsekvenser som falsk budgivning kan få på ett köpeavtal om fast egendom. Köp av fast egendom regleras i jordabalkens fjärde kapitel och skiljer sig The purchase of housing differs from many other agreements which an individual is confronted by during her life, and for many individuals, the purchase and sale of private housing are of major economic significance. The purpose of this paper is to determine some of the civil law consequences false bidding may have on a real estate purchase agreement. Purchase of real estate is regulated in the 4t

Sanning och konsekvens - Om anonyma vittnen skulle tillåtas i Sverige

Frågan om man ska låta vittnen vara anonyma i en rättegång har varit föremål för debatt sedan länge och behandlas för närvarande i Justitieutskottet. I denna uppsats ämnar jag därför att redogöra för omständigheter och skäl till att låta vittnen vara anonyma. För att göra ämnet störst rättvisa ämnar jag att redogöra för det gällande rättsläget i frågan utifrån ett svenskt och EU-rättsligt perspekt

På egen risk? - Om ansvaret för personskador vid löpar- och hinderbanetävlingar

Skadestånd vid idrott är ett ganska outforskat område. Både i domstolspraxis och juridisk forskning är det främst situationerna då en idrottare riktar anspråk mot en annan idrottare eller då en åskådare eller utomstående riktar anspråk mot en idrottare eller arrangör av idrottsevenemang som behandlats. Den här uppsatsen handlar om en annan situation, nämligen då en idrottare riktar anspråk mot en Damage in sport is a quite unexplored area of law. It is primarily the situations when an athlete sues another athlete for damage or when a spectator or third party sues an athlete or organizer of sports events for damage that’s been treated in case law and legal research. This essay regards another situation, namely when an athlete raises a claim against an organizer of sports contest. The focus

Public Relations in the Creative Industries: Networks in the Limelight

Networking has been found to be ever more important in the economy of today’s globalised world. In recent years, public relations has started to pay attention to the process of networking and network theories. A branch which is understood to be based on networks and which is at the centre of current economic processes is that of creative industries. Creative industries consist of a diversity of sm

Modulation of Osteopontin Production and Chemokine-derived Fragments as Host Defense Peptides

Our bodies are defended by inborn protective strategies aimed against microorganisms, the so-called innate immune system. In this system, small peptide molecules characterized by positive charge serve as antibiotics. During allergic reactions, as exemplified hay fever and asthma, molecules named eotaxins are released. These attract a group of white blood cells named eosinophils to sites of inflamm

Re-identification with Recurrent Neural Networks

Today re-identification of persons in disjoint camera views demand large human effort and resources. There is a need of autonomous re-identification systems. This thesis has been focused on the development of autonomous re-identification systems based on recurrent neural networks able to analyze sequences of images of persons, enabling the possibility to filter out outliers within sequences and m

The role of galectin-3 in regulating microglia inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease

Brain Inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease Nowadays, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the main cause of dementia worldwide but still is not well understood how is the disease developed. However, there are few known factors that are important in the progression of the disease. In the last decade, the role of the inflammatory cells has been clearly link to the pathology. Hence, the aim of our project is

Postprandial Effects of Mixed Spices on Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC’s) Gene Expressions associated with Lipid Metabolism and Inflammatory Responses in Humans: A Randomized Crossover Study

Cooking with culinary spices shows health benefits Every time we eat a meal, our body will turn into a post-meal state and face a lot of challenges induced by the food intake. These challenges include blood glucose spikes, triggered inflammation and increased total cholesterol concentrations. If these challenges happen too many times a day and reach an abnormal level, then there is a risk of deve