

Din sökning på "*" gav 528059 sökträffar

Murverkskonstruktion : Kompendium

Kompendiet är framtaget för att användas som lärobok i murverkskonstruktion på grundnivå på civil- och högskoleingenjörsutbildningar. Kompendiet behandlar dimensionering och konstruktiv utformning av murverkskonstruktioner i enlighet med Eurokod 6 samt den svenska nationella bilagan EKS 11 och kan därmed även användas av yrkesverksamma konstruktörer. För en mer uttömmande hantering av konstruktion

Energieffektiva murade väggar med slimmad tjocklek

Glasfibernät och stål som appliceras i putsen eller fästes mekaniskt direkt mot väggytan möjliggör en minskning av den bärande väggens tjocklek i murade ytterväggar. Det insparade utrymmet kan användas till mer isolering och därmed bygga mer energieffektiva murade ytterväggar utan att öka den totala väggtjockleken. Väggarnas klimatavtryck minskar.

Review: Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion

The edited volume Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion (2017) by Vít Šisler, Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, and Xenia Zeiler takes the study of religion and video games seriously and recognizes the widespread usage of religious themes in the world of games. The book can be read as an exposé of the state of research in the field of Game Studies with the specific focus on methods for researching The edited volume Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion (2017) by Vít Šisler, Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, and Xenia Zeiler takes the study of religion and video games seriously and recognizes the widespread usage of religious themes in the world of games. The book can be read as an exposé of the state of research in the field of Game Stud-ies with the specific focus on methods for researching

CNFgen : A generator of crafted benchmarks

We present CNFgen, a generator of combinatorial benchmarks in DIMACS and OPB format. The proof complexity literature is a rich source not only of hard instances but also of instances that are theoretically easy but “extremal” in different ways, and therefore of potential interest in the context of SAT solving. Since most of these formulas appear not to be very well known in the SAT community, howe

Svist4get : A simple visualization tool for genomic tracks from sequencing experiments

Background: High-throughput sequencing often provides a foundation for experimental analyses in the life sciences. For many such methods, an intermediate layer of bioinformatics data analysis is the genomic signal track constructed by short read mapping to a particular genome assembly. There are many software tools to visualize genomic tracks in a web browser or with a stand-alone graphical user i

Comprehensive Characterization of Arterial and Cardiac Function in Marfan Syndrome—Can Biomarkers Help Improve Outcome?

Background: Marfan Syndrome (MFS) has been associated with increased aortic stiffness and left ventricular dysfunction. The latter may be due to the underlying genotype and/or secondary to aortic stiffening (vascular-ventricular interaction). The aim of this study was to characterize arterial and cardiac function in MFS using a multimodal approach. Methods: Prospective observational study of MFS p

Distributed online extraction of a fluid model for microservice applications using local tracing data

Dynamic resource management is a difficult problem in modern microservice applications. Many proposed methods rely on the availability of an analytical performance model, often based on queueing theory. Such models can always be hand-crafted, but this takes time and requires expert knowledge. Various methods have been proposed that can automatically extract models from logs or tracing data. Howeve

Effect of ash application on the decomposer food web and N mineralization in a Norway spruce plantation

In the face of global climate change there is an increasing demand for biofuel, which exerts pressure on production and thus management of biofuel plantations. The intensification of whole-tree harvest from biofuel plantations increases export of nutrients. Returning ash from biofuel combustion to the forest plantations can amend the soil nutrient status and thus facilitate sustainable forest mana

No title

Det luriga, lilla ordet "lige" i danska.Der er et lillebitte (pyttelitet) ord i dansk, der giver mange af mine svenske studerende dybe panderynker, når de møder det på mine danskkurser ved Lunds universitet. Flere af dem har egentligt hørt ordet flere gange før, men har ikke helt kunnet knække koden.Ordet er ikke alene drilsk (lurigt), men til tider decideret farligt at have med at gøre, fordi det